/* * CorrelatorFitter.cpp, part of LatAnalyze 3 * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020 Antonin Portelli * * LatAnalyze 3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LatAnalyze 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LatAnalyze 3. If not, see . */ #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Latan; /****************************************************************************** * Correlator models * ******************************************************************************/ DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeExpModel(const Index nState) { DoubleModel mod; mod.setFunction([nState](const double *x, const double *p) { double res = 0.; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { res += p[2*i + 1]*exp(-p[2*i]*x[0]); } return res; }, 1, 2*nState); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { mod.parName().setName(2*i, "E_" + strFrom(i)); mod.parName().setName(2*i + 1, "Z_" + strFrom(i)); } return mod; } DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeCoshModel(const Index nState, const Index nt) { DoubleModel mod; mod.setFunction([nState, nt](const double *x, const double *p) { double res = 0.; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { res += p[2*i + 1]*(exp(-p[2*i]*x[0]) + exp(-p[2*i]*(nt - x[0]))); } return res; }, 1, 2*nState); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { mod.parName().setName(2*i, "E_" + strFrom(i)); mod.parName().setName(2*i + 1, "Z_" + strFrom(i)); } return mod; } DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeSinhModel(const Index nState, const Index nt) { DoubleModel mod; mod.setFunction([nState, nt](const double *x, const double *p) { double res = 0.; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { res += p[2*i + 1]*(exp(-p[2*i]*x[0]) - exp(-p[2*i]*(nt - x[0]))); } return res; }, 1, 2*nState); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nState; ++i) { mod.parName().setName(2*i, "E_" + strFrom(i)); mod.parName().setName(2*i + 1, "Z_" + strFrom(i)); } return mod; } DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeConstModel(void) { DoubleModel mod; mod.setFunction([](const double *x, const double *p __dumb) { return p[0]; }, 1, 1); mod.parName().setName(0, "cst"); return mod; } DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeLinearModel(void) { DoubleModel mod; mod.setFunction([](const double *x, const double *p) { return p[1] + p[0]*x[0]; }, 1, 2); return mod; } CorrelatorModels::ModelPar CorrelatorModels::parseModel(const string s) { smatch sm; ModelPar par; if (regex_match(s, sm, regex("exp([0-9]+)"))) { par.type = CorrelatorType::exp; par.nState = strTo(sm[1].str()); } else if (regex_match(s, sm, regex("cosh([0-9]+)"))) { par.type = CorrelatorType::cosh; par.nState = strTo(sm[1].str()); } else if (regex_match(s, sm, regex("sinh([0-9]+)"))) { par.type = CorrelatorType::sinh; par.nState = strTo(sm[1].str()); } else if (s == "linear") { par.type = CorrelatorType::linear; par.nState = 1; } else if (s == "cst") { par.type = CorrelatorType::cst; par.nState = 1; } else { par.type = CorrelatorType::undefined; par.nState = 0; } return par; } DoubleModel CorrelatorModels::makeModel(const CorrelatorModels::ModelPar par, const Index nt) { switch (par.type) { case CorrelatorType::undefined: LATAN_ERROR(Argument, "correlator type is undefined"); break; case CorrelatorType::exp: return makeExpModel(par.nState); break; case CorrelatorType::cosh: return makeCoshModel(par.nState, nt); break; case CorrelatorType::sinh: return makeSinhModel(par.nState, nt); break; case CorrelatorType::linear: return makeLinearModel(); break; case CorrelatorType::cst: return makeConstModel(); break; } } DVec CorrelatorModels::parameterGuess(const DMatSample &corr, const ModelPar par) { DVec init; Index nt = corr[central].size(); switch (par.type) { case CorrelatorType::undefined: LATAN_ERROR(Argument, "correlator type is undefined"); break; case CorrelatorType::exp: case CorrelatorType::cosh: case CorrelatorType::sinh: init.resize(2*par.nState); init(0) = log(corr[central](nt/4)/corr[central](nt/4 + 1)); init(1) = corr[central](nt/4)/(exp(-init(0)*nt/4)); for (Index p = 2; p < init.size(); p += 2) { init(p) = 2*init(p - 2); init(p + 1) = init(p - 1)/2.; } break; case CorrelatorType::linear: init.resize(2); init(0) = corr[central](nt/4) - corr[central](nt/4 + 1, 0); init(1) = corr[central](nt/4, 0) + nt/4*init(0); break; case CorrelatorType::cst: init.resize(1); init(0) = corr[central](nt/4); break; default: break; } return init; } /****************************************************************************** * Correlator utilities * ******************************************************************************/ DMatSample CorrelatorUtils::shift(const DMatSample &c, const Index ts) { if (ts != 0) { const Index nt = c[central].rows(); DMatSample buf = c; FOR_STAT_ARRAY(buf, s) { for (Index t = 0; t < nt; ++t) { buf[s]((t - ts + nt)%nt) = c[s](t); } } return buf; } else { return c; } } DMatSample CorrelatorUtils::fold(const DMatSample &c) { const Index nt = c[central].rows(); DMatSample buf = c; FOR_STAT_ARRAY(buf, s) { for (Index t = 0; t < nt; ++t) { buf[s](t) = 0.5*(c[s](t) + c[s]((nt - t) % nt)); } } return buf; } DMatSample CorrelatorUtils::fourierTransform(const DMatSample &c, FFT &fft, const unsigned int dir) { const Index nSample = c.size(); const Index nt = c[central].rows(); bool isComplex = (c[central].cols() > 1); CMatSample buf(nSample, nt, 1); DMatSample out(nSample, nt, 2); fft.resize(nt); FOR_STAT_ARRAY(buf, s) { buf[s].real() = c[s].col(0); if (isComplex) { buf[s].imag() = c[s].col(1); } else { buf[s].imag() = DVec::Constant(nt, 0.); } fft(buf[s], dir); out[s].col(0) = buf[s].real(); out[s].col(1) = buf[s].imag(); } return out; } /****************************************************************************** * CorrelatorFitter implementation * ******************************************************************************/ // constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CorrelatorFitter::CorrelatorFitter(const DMatSample &corr) { setCorrelator(corr); } CorrelatorFitter::CorrelatorFitter(const std::vector &corr) { setCorrelators(corr); } // access ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XYSampleData & CorrelatorFitter::data(void) { return *data_; } void CorrelatorFitter::setCorrelator(const DMatSample &corr) { std::vector vec; vec.push_back(corr); setCorrelators(vec); } void CorrelatorFitter::setCorrelators(const std::vector &corr) { Index nSample = corr[0].size(); DMatSample tVec(nSample); std::vector ptVec; nt_ = corr[0][central].rows(); tVec.fill(DVec::LinSpaced(nt_, 0, nt_ - 1)); for (auto &c: corr) { ptVec.push_back(&c); } data_.reset(new XYSampleData(corr[0].size())); data_->addXDim(nt_, "t/a", true); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < corr.size(); ++i) { data_->addYDim("C_" + strFrom(i) + "(t)"); } data_->setUnidimData(tVec, ptVec); model_.resize(corr.size()); range_.resize(corr.size(), make_pair(0, nt_ - 1)); thinning_.resize(corr.size(), 1); } void CorrelatorFitter::setModel(const DoubleModel &model, const Index i) { model_[i] = model; } const DoubleModel & CorrelatorFitter::getModel(const Index i) const { return model_.at(i); } void CorrelatorFitter::setFitRange(const Index tMin, const Index tMax, const Index i) { range_[i] = make_pair(tMin, tMax); refreshRanges(); } void CorrelatorFitter::setCorrelation(const bool isCorrelated, const Index i, const Index j) { data_->assumeYYCorrelated(isCorrelated, i, j); } DMat CorrelatorFitter::getVarianceMatrix(void) const { return data_->getFitVarMat(); } void CorrelatorFitter::setThinning(const Index thinning, const Index i) { thinning_[i] = thinning; refreshRanges(); } // fit functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SampleFitResult CorrelatorFitter::fit(Minimizer &minimizer, const DVec &init) { vector vecPt = {&minimizer}; return fit(vecPt, init); } SampleFitResult CorrelatorFitter::fit(vector &minimizer, const DVec &init) { vector vecPt(model_.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model_.size(); ++i) { vecPt[i] = &(model_[i]); } return data_->fit(minimizer, init, vecPt); } // internal function to refresh fit ranges ///////////////////////////////////// void CorrelatorFitter::refreshRanges(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < range_.size(); ++i) for (Index t = 0; t < nt_; ++t) { data_->fitPoint((t >= range_[i].first) and (t <= range_[i].second) and ((t - range_[i].first) % thinning_[i] == 0), t); } }