#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Latan; struct TwoPtFit { SampleFitResult result; Index tMin, tMax; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // parse arguments ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OptParser opt; bool parsed, doPlot, doHeatmap, doCorr, fold, doScan; string corrFileName, model, outFileName, outFmt, savePlot; Index ti, tf, shift, nPar, thinning; double svdTol; Minimizer::Verbosity verbosity; opt.addOption("" , "ti" , OptParser::OptType::value , false, "initial fit time"); opt.addOption("" , "tf" , OptParser::OptType::value , false, "final fit time"); opt.addOption("t" , "thinning", OptParser::OptType::value , true, "thinning of the time interval", "1"); opt.addOption("s", "shift" , OptParser::OptType::value , true, "time variable shift", "0"); opt.addOption("m", "model" , OptParser::OptType::value , true, "fit model (exp|sinh|cosh|linear|cst|)", "exp1"); opt.addOption("" , "nPar" , OptParser::OptType::value , true, "number of model parameters for custom models " "(-1 if irrelevant)", "-1"); opt.addOption("" , "svd" , OptParser::OptType::value , true, "singular value elimination threshold", "0."); opt.addOption("v", "verbosity", OptParser::OptType::value , true, "minimizer verbosity level (0|1|2)", "0"); opt.addOption("o", "output", OptParser::OptType::value , true, "output file", ""); opt.addOption("" , "uncorr" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "only do the uncorrelated fit"); opt.addOption("" , "fold" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "fold the correlator"); opt.addOption("p", "plot" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "show the fit plot"); opt.addOption("h", "heatmap" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "show the fit correlation heatmap"); opt.addOption("", "save-plot", OptParser::OptType::value, true, "saves the source and .pdf", ""); opt.addOption("", "scan", OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "scan all possible fit ranges within [ti,tf]"); opt.addOption("", "help" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true, "show this help message and exit"); parsed = opt.parse(argc, argv); if (!parsed or (opt.getArgs().size() != 1) or opt.gotOption("help")) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " " << endl; cerr << endl << "Possible options:" << endl << opt << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } corrFileName = opt.getArgs().front(); ti = opt.optionValue("ti"); tf = opt.optionValue("tf"); thinning = opt.optionValue("t"); shift = opt.optionValue("s"); model = opt.optionValue("m"); nPar = opt.optionValue("nPar"); svdTol = opt.optionValue("svd"); outFileName = opt.optionValue("o"); doCorr = !opt.gotOption("uncorr"); fold = opt.gotOption("fold"); doPlot = opt.gotOption("p"); doHeatmap = opt.gotOption("h"); savePlot = opt.optionValue("save-plot"); doScan = opt.gotOption("scan"); switch (opt.optionValue("v")) { case 0: verbosity = Minimizer::Verbosity::Silent; break; case 1: verbosity = Minimizer::Verbosity::Normal; break; case 2: verbosity = Minimizer::Verbosity::Debug; break; default: cerr << "error: wrong verbosity level" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // load correlator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DMatSample tmp, corr; Index nSample, nt; corr = Io::load(corrFileName); nSample = corr.size(); nt = corr[central].rows(); corr = corr.block(0, 0, nt, 1); corr = CorrelatorUtils::shift(corr, shift); if (fold) { corr = CorrelatorUtils::fold(corr); } // make model ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CorrelatorFitter fitter(corr); DoubleModel mod; auto modelPar = CorrelatorModels::parseModel(model); if (modelPar.type != CorrelatorType::undefined) { mod = CorrelatorModels::makeModel(modelPar, nt); nPar = mod.getNPar(); } else { if (nPar > 0) { mod = compile(model, 1, nPar); } else { cerr << "error: please specify the number of model parameter" " using the --nPar function" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // fit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DVec init(nPar); NloptMinimizer globMin(NloptMinimizer::Algorithm::GN_CRS2_LM); MinuitMinimizer locMin; vector unCorrMin{&globMin, &locMin}; // set fitter ************************************************************** fitter.setModel(mod); fitter.data().setSvdTolerance(svdTol); fitter.setThinning(thinning); // set initial values ****************************************************** if (modelPar.type != CorrelatorType::undefined) { init = CorrelatorModels::parameterGuess(corr, modelPar); } else { init.fill(0.1); } // set limits for minimisers *********************************************** for (Index p = 0; p < nPar; p += 2) { if ((modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::exp) or (modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::cosh) or (modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::sinh)) { globMin.setLowLimit(p, 0.); locMin.setLowLimit(p, 0.); globMin.setHighLimit(p, 10.*init(p)); globMin.setLowLimit(p + 1, -10.*fabs(init(p + 1))); globMin.setHighLimit(p + 1, 10.*fabs(init(p + 1))); } else if(modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::linear) { globMin.setLowLimit(p, -10.*fabs(init(p))); locMin.setLowLimit(p, -10.*fabs(init(p))); globMin.setHighLimit(p, 10.*init(p)); globMin.setLowLimit(p + 1, -10.*fabs(init(p + 1))); globMin.setHighLimit(p + 1, 10.*fabs(init(p + 1))); } else { globMin.setLowLimit(p, -10*fabs(init(p))); globMin.setHighLimit(p, 10*fabs(init(p))); } } globMin.setPrecision(0.001); globMin.setMaxIteration(100000); globMin.setVerbosity(verbosity); locMin.setMaxIteration(1000000); locMin.setVerbosity(verbosity); // standard fit //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!doScan) { // fit ***************************************************************** SampleFitResult fit; fitter.setFitRange(ti, tf); if (doCorr) { cout << "-- uncorrelated fit..." << endl; } cout << "using model '" << model << "'" << endl; fitter.setCorrelation(false); fit = fitter.fit(unCorrMin, init); fit.print(); if (doCorr) { cout << "-- correlated fit..." << endl; cout << "using model '" << model << "'" << endl; init = fit[central]; fitter.setCorrelation(true); fit = fitter.fit(locMin, init); fit.print(); } if (!outFileName.empty()) { Io::save(fit, outFileName); } // plots *************************************************************** if (doPlot) { DMatSample tvec(nSample); tvec.fill(DVec::LinSpaced(nt, 0, nt - 1)); if (modelPar.type != CorrelatorType::cst) { Plot p; p << PlotRange(Axis::x, 0, nt - 1); if ((modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::exp) or (modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::cosh) or (modelPar.type == CorrelatorType::sinh)) { p << LogScale(Axis::y); } p << Color("rgb 'blue'") << PlotPredBand(fit.getModel(_), 0, nt - 1); p << Color("rgb 'blue'") << PlotFunction(fit.getModel(), 0, nt - 1); p << Color("rgb 'red'") << PlotData(fitter.data().getData()); p << Label("t/a", Axis::x) << Caption("Correlator"); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_corr"); } } if (modelPar.type != CorrelatorType::undefined) { Plot p; EffectiveMass effMass(modelPar.type); DMatSample em; DVec fitErr, emtvec; double e0, e0Err; emtvec = effMass.getTime(nt); em = effMass(corr); fitErr = fit.variance().cwiseSqrt(); e0 = fit[central](0); e0Err = fitErr(0); p.reset(); p << PlotRange(Axis::x, 0, nt - 1); p << PlotRange(Axis::y, e0 - 30.*e0Err, e0 + 30.*e0Err); p << Color("rgb 'blue'") << PlotBand(0, nt - 1, e0 - e0Err, e0 + e0Err); p << Color("rgb 'blue'") << PlotHLine(e0); p << Color("rgb 'red'") << PlotData(emtvec, em); p << Label("t/a", Axis::x) << Caption("Effective Mass"); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_effMass"); } } if (doHeatmap) { Plot p; Index n = fitter.data().getFitVarMat().rows(); DMat id = DMat::Identity(n, n), var = fitter.data().getFitVarMat(); p << PlotMatrix(Math::varToCorr(var)); p << Caption("correlation matrix"); p.display(); if (svdTol > 0.) { DMat proj = id - var*fitter.data().getFitVarMatPInv(); p.reset(); p << PlotMatrix(proj); p << Caption("singular space projector"); p.display(); } } } } // scan fits /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else { // fits **************************************************************** Index nFit = 0, f = 0, ti0 = ti + (tf - ti)/4, tf0 = tf - (tf - ti)/4, matSize = tf - ti + 1; DMat err, pVal(matSize, matSize), relErr(matSize, matSize), ccdf(matSize, matSize), val(matSize, matSize); map fit; SampleFitResult tmpFit; cout << "-- initial uncorrelated fit on [" << ti0 << ", " << tf0 << "]..." << endl; if (thinning != 1) { cerr << "warning: thinning different from 1 ignored in scan mode" << endl; thinning = 1; } fitter.setFitRange(ti0, tf0); fitter.setCorrelation(false); tmpFit = fitter.fit(unCorrMin, init); tmpFit.print(); cout << "-- scanning all possible fit ranges..." << endl; init = tmpFit[central]; fitter.setCorrelation(doCorr); pVal.fill(Math::nan); relErr.fill(Math::nan); val.fill(Math::nan); ccdf.fill(Math::nan); for (Index ta = ti; ta < tf; ++ta) for (Index tb = ta + nPar; tb < tf; ++tb) { nFit++; } for (Index ta = ti; ta < tf; ++ta) for (Index tb = ta + nPar; tb < tf; ++tb) { Index i = ta - ti, j = tb - ti; fitter.setFitRange(ta, tb); tmpFit = fitter.fit(locMin, init); err = tmpFit.variance().cwiseSqrt(); pVal(i, j) = tmpFit.getPValue(); ccdf(i, j) = tmpFit.getCcdf(); val(i, j) = tmpFit[central](0); relErr(i, j) = err(0)/fabs(val(i, j)); fit[pVal(i, j)].result = tmpFit; fit[pVal(i, j)].tMin = ta; fit[pVal(i, j)].tMax = tb; f++; cout << "\r[" << ta << ", " << tb << "] "<< ProgressBar(f, nFit); } cout << endl << endl; cout << "TOP 10 fits" << endl; cout << "-----------" << endl; auto it = fit.rbegin(); unsigned int k = 0; while (k < 10) { auto &f = it->second; cout << "#" << k + 1 << " -- [" << f.tMin << ", " << f.tMax << "] -- "; f.result.print(); cout << endl; k++; it++; } // plots *************************************************************** if (doPlot) { Plot p; p << PlotMatrix(pVal); p << Caption("p-value matrix"); p << Label("tMax - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::x); p << Label("tMin - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::y); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_pValMatrix"); } p.reset(); p << PlotMatrix(relErr); p << Caption("Relative error matrix"); p << Label("tMax - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::x); p << Label("tMin - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::y); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_relErrMatrix"); } p.reset(); p << PlotMatrix(val); p << Caption("Fit result matrix"); p << Label("tMax - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::x); p << Label("tMin - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::y); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_valMatrix"); } p.reset(); p << PlotMatrix(ccdf); p << Caption("chi^2 CCDF matrix"); p << Label("tMax - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::x); p << Label("tMin - " + strFrom(ti), Axis::y); p.display(); if(savePlot != "") { p.save(savePlot + "_ccdfMatrix"); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }