/* * Hdf5File.cpp, part of LatAnalyze 3 * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016 Antonin Portelli, Matt Spraggs * * LatAnalyze 3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LatAnalyze 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LatAnalyze 3. If not, see . */ #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Latan; #ifndef H5_NO_NAMESPACE using namespace H5NS; #endif constexpr unsigned int maxGroupNameSize = 1024u; const short dMatType = static_cast(IoObject::IoType::dMat); const short dSampleType = static_cast(IoObject::IoType::dSample); const short dMatSampleType = static_cast(IoObject::IoType::dMatSample); /****************************************************************************** * Hdf5File implementation * ******************************************************************************/ // constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hdf5File::Hdf5File(void) {} Hdf5File::Hdf5File(const std::string &name, const unsigned int mode) { open(name, mode); } // destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hdf5File::~Hdf5File(void) { close(); } // access ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Hdf5File::save(const DMat &m, const string &name) { if (name.empty()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "trying to save data with an empty name"); } Group group; Attribute attr; DataSet dataset; hsize_t dim[2] = {static_cast(m.rows()), static_cast(m.cols())}; hsize_t attrDim = 1; DataSpace dataSpace(2, dim), attrSpace(1, &attrDim); group = h5File_->createGroup(name.c_str() + nameOffset(name)); attr = group.createAttribute("type", PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, attrSpace); attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, &dMatType); dataset = group.createDataSet("data", PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataSpace); dataset.write(m.data(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); } void Hdf5File::save(const DSample &ds, const string &name) { if (name.empty()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "trying to save data with an empty name"); } Group group; Attribute attr; DataSet dataset; hsize_t dim = static_cast(ds.size() + 1); hsize_t attrDim = 1; DataSpace dataSpace(1, &dim), attrSpace(1, &attrDim); const long int nSample = ds.size(); group = h5File_->createGroup(name.c_str() + nameOffset(name)); attr = group.createAttribute("type", PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, attrSpace); attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, &dSampleType); attr = group.createAttribute("nSample", PredType::NATIVE_LONG, attrSpace); attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_LONG, &nSample); dataset = group.createDataSet("data", PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataSpace); dataset.write(ds.data(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); } void Hdf5File::save(const DMatSample &ms, const string &name) { if (name.empty()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "trying to save data with an empty name"); } Group group; Attribute attr; DataSet dataset; hsize_t dim[2] = {static_cast(ms[central].rows()), static_cast(ms[central].cols())}; hsize_t attrDim = 1; DataSpace dataSpace(2, dim), attrSpace(1, &attrDim); const long int nSample = ms.size(); string datasetName; group = h5File_->createGroup(name.c_str() + nameOffset(name)); attr = group.createAttribute("type", PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, attrSpace); attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, &dMatSampleType); attr = group.createAttribute("nSample", PredType::NATIVE_LONG, attrSpace); attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_LONG, &nSample); FOR_STAT_ARRAY(ms, s) { datasetName = (s == central) ? "data_C" : ("data_S_" + strFrom(s)); dataset = group.createDataSet(datasetName.c_str(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataSpace); dataset.write(ms[s].data(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); } } // read first name //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string Hdf5File::getFirstName(void) { return getFirstGroupName(); } // tests /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Hdf5File::isOpen(void) const { return (h5File_ != nullptr); } // check names for forbidden characters //////////////////////////////////////// size_t Hdf5File::nameOffset(const string &name) { size_t ret = 0; string badChars = "/"; for (auto c : badChars) { size_t pos = name.rfind(c); if (pos != string::npos and pos > ret) { ret = pos; } } return ret; } // IO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Hdf5File::close(void) { if (isOpen()) { h5File_->close(); } h5File_.reset(nullptr); name_ = ""; mode_ = Mode::null; deleteData(); } void Hdf5File::open(const string &name, const unsigned int mode) { if (isOpen()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file already opened with name '" + name_ + "'"); } else { unsigned int h5Mode = 0; name_ = name; mode_ = mode; if (mode & Mode::write) { h5Mode |= H5F_ACC_TRUNC; } if (mode & Mode::read) { h5Mode |= H5F_ACC_RDONLY; } if (mode & Mode::append) { h5Mode |= H5F_ACC_RDWR|H5F_ACC_CREAT; } h5File_.reset(new H5File(name_.c_str(), h5Mode)); } } string Hdf5File::getFirstGroupName(void) { string res; if ((mode_ & Mode::read) and (isOpen())) { auto firstGroupName = [](hid_t loc_id, const char *name, void *fname) { H5G_stat_t statbuf; H5Gget_objinfo(loc_id, name, 0, &statbuf); if ((statbuf.type == H5G_GROUP) and (strlen((char *)fname) == 0)) { strncpy((char *)fname, name, maxGroupNameSize); } return 0; }; char groupName[maxGroupNameSize] = ""; h5File_->iterateElems("/", nullptr, firstGroupName, groupName); res = groupName; } else { if (isOpen()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file '" + name_ + "' is not opened in read mode"); } else { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file '" + name_ + "' is not opened"); } return ""; } return res; } void Hdf5File::load(DMat &m, const DataSet &d) { DataSpace dataspace; hsize_t dim[2]; dataspace = d.getSpace(); dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dim); m.resize(dim[0], dim[1]); d.read(m.data(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); } void Hdf5File::load(DSample &ds, const DataSet &d) { DataSpace dataspace; hsize_t dim[1]; dataspace = d.getSpace(); dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dim); ds.resize(dim[0] - 1); d.read(ds.data(), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); } string Hdf5File::load(const string &name) { if ((mode_ & Mode::read) and (isOpen())) { string groupName; Group group; Attribute attribute; DataSet dataset; IoObject::IoType type; groupName = (name.empty()) ? getFirstGroupName() : name; if (groupName.empty()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file '" + name_ + "' is empty"); } group = h5File_->openGroup(groupName.c_str()); attribute = group.openAttribute("type"); attribute.read(PredType::NATIVE_SHORT, &type); switch (type) { case IoObject::IoType::dMat: { DMat *pt = new DMat; data_[groupName].reset(pt); dataset = group.openDataSet("data"); load(*pt, dataset); break; } case IoObject::IoType::dSample: { DSample *pt = new DSample; data_[groupName].reset(pt); dataset = group.openDataSet("data"); load(*pt, dataset); break; } case IoObject::IoType::dMatSample: { DMatSample *pt = new DMatSample; long int nSample; data_[groupName].reset(pt); attribute = group.openAttribute("nSample"); attribute.read(PredType::NATIVE_LONG, &nSample); pt->resize(nSample); FOR_STAT_ARRAY(*pt, s) { if (s == central) { dataset = group.openDataSet("data_C"); } else { dataset = group.openDataSet(("data_S_" + strFrom(s)).c_str()); } load((*pt)[s], dataset); } break; } default: { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "unknown data type (" + strFrom(static_cast(type)) + ") " " (" + name_ + ":" + groupName + ")"); break; } } return groupName; } else { if (isOpen()) { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file '" + name_ + "' is not opened in read mode"); } else { LATAN_ERROR(Io, "file '" + name_ + "' is not opened"); } return ""; } }