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* Eigen.hpp, part of LatAnalyze 3
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020 Antonin Portelli
* LatAnalyze 3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LatAnalyze 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LatAnalyze 3. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Eigen inclusion
#define EIGEN_MATRIXBASE_PLUGIN <LatAnalyze/Core/EigenPlugin.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/Eigen/Dense>
// copy/assignement from Eigen expression
#define EIGEN_EXPR_CTOR(ctorName, Class, Base, ExprType) \
template <typename Derived>\
ctorName(const ExprType<Derived> &m): Base(m) {}\
template<typename Derived>\
Class & operator=(const ExprType<Derived> &m)\
return *this;\
#define FOR_MAT(mat, i, j) \
for (Latan::Index j = 0; j < mat.cols(); ++j)\
for (Latan::Index i = 0; i < mat.rows(); ++i)
const int dynamic = Eigen::Dynamic;
// array types
template <typename Derived>
using ArrayExpr = Eigen::ArrayBase<Derived>;
template <typename T, int nRow = dynamic, int nCol = dynamic>
using Array = Eigen::Array<T, nRow, nCol>;
// matrix types
template <typename Derived>
using MatExpr = Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>;
template <typename T, int nRow = dynamic, int nCol = dynamic>
using MatBase = Eigen::Matrix<T, nRow, nCol>;
template <int nRow, int nCol>
using SFMat = Eigen::Matrix<float, nRow, nCol>;
template <int nRow, int nCol>
using SDMat = Eigen::Matrix<double, nRow, nCol>;
template <int nRow, int nCol>
using SCMat = Eigen::Matrix<std::complex<double>, nRow, nCol>;
// vector types
template <typename T, int size = dynamic>
using Vec = MatBase<T, size, 1>;
template <int size>
using SIVec = Vec<int, size>;
template <int size>
using SUVec = Vec<unsigned int, size>;
template <int size>
using SFVec = Vec<float, size>;
template <int size>
using SDVec = Vec<double, size>;
template <int size>
using SCVec = Vec<std::complex<double>, size>;
typedef SIVec<dynamic> IVec;
typedef SUVec<dynamic> UVec;
typedef SDVec<dynamic> DVec;
typedef SCVec<dynamic> CVec;
// block types
template <typename Derived>
using Block = Eigen::Block<Derived>;
template <typename Derived>
using ConstBlock = const Eigen::Block<const Derived>;
template <typename Derived>
using Row = typename Derived::RowXpr;
template <typename Derived>
using ConstRow = typename Derived::ConstRowXpr;
template <typename Derived>
using Col = typename Derived::ColXpr;
template <typename Derived>
using ConstCol = typename Derived::ConstColXpr;
// map type
template <int stride>
using InnerStride = Eigen::InnerStride<stride>;
template <int rowStride, int colStride>
using Stride = Eigen::Stride<rowStride, colStride>;
template <typename Derived, typename StrideType = Stride<0, 0>>
using Map = Eigen::Map<Derived, Eigen::Unaligned, StrideType>;
template <typename Derived, typename StrideType = Stride<0, 0>>
using ConstMap = Eigen::Map<const Derived, Eigen::Unaligned, StrideType>;
// Index type //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef MatBase<int>::Index Index;
#define FOR_VEC(vec, i) for (Latan::Index i = 0; i < (vec).size(); ++i)
#define FOR_ARRAY(ar, i) FOR_VEC(ar, i)