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* Plot.cpp, part of LatAnalyze 3
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Antonin Portelli
* LatAnalyze 3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LatAnalyze 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LatAnalyze 3. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <LatAnalyze/Plot.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/includes.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/Mat.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace Latan;
* Plot objects *
// PlotObject access ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const string & PlotObject::getCommand(void) const
return command_;
void PlotObject::setCommand(const string &command)
command_ = command;
string PlotObject::popTmpFile(void)
string res = tmpFileName_.top();
return res;
void PlotObject::pushTmpFile(const std::string &fileName)
// PlotObject dump a matrix to a temporary file ////////////////////////////////
string PlotObject::dumpToTmpFile(const DMat &m)
char tmpFileName[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
int fd;
FILE *tmpFile;
for (Index j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j)
strcpy(tmpFileName, "./latan_plot_tmp.XXXXXX.dat");
fd = mkstemps(tmpFileName, 4);
if (fd == -1)
LATAN_ERROR(System, "impossible to create a temporary file from template "
+ strFrom(tmpFileName));
tmpFile = fdopen(fd, "w");
for (Index i = 0; i < m.rows(); ++i)
for (Index j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j)
fprintf(tmpFile, "%e ", m(i, j));
fprintf(tmpFile, "\n");
return string(tmpFileName);
// PlotObject test /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool PlotObject::gotTmpFile(void) const
return !tmpFileName_.empty();
// PlotCommand constructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PlotCommand::PlotCommand(const string &command)
// PlotData constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PlotData::PlotData(const XYStatData &data, const Index i, const Index j)
DMat d(data.getNData(), 4);
string usingCmd, tmpFileName;
d.col(0) = data.x(i);
d.col(2) = data.y(j);
d.col(1) = data.xxVar(i, i).diagonal().array().sqrt();
d.col(3) = data.yyVar(j, j).diagonal().array().sqrt();
usingCmd = (data.isXExact(i)) ? "u 1:3:4 w yerr" : "u 1:3:2:4 w xyerr";
tmpFileName = dumpToTmpFile(d);
setCommand("'" + tmpFileName + "' " + usingCmd);
// PlotFunction constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PlotFunction::PlotFunction(const DoubleFunction &function, const double xMin,
const double xMax, const unsigned int nSample)
DMat d(nSample, 2);
string tmpFileName;
double dx = (xMax - xMin)/static_cast<double>(nSample - 1);
for (Index i = 0; i < nSample; ++i)
d(i, 0) = xMin + i*dx;
d(i, 1) = function(d(i, 0));
tmpFileName = dumpToTmpFile(d);
setCommand("'" + tmpFileName + "' u 1:2 w lines");
* Plot modifiers *
// Color constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Color::Color(const string &color)
: color_(color)
// Color modifier //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void Color::operator()(PlotOptions &option) const
option.lineColor = color_;
// LogScale constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LogScale::LogScale(const Axis axis)
: axis_(axis)
// Logscale modifier ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void LogScale::operator()(PlotOptions &option) const
option.scaleMode[static_cast<int>(axis_)] |= Plot::Scale::log;
// PlotRange constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PlotRange::PlotRange(const Axis axis, const double min, const double max)
: axis_(axis)
, min_(min)
, max_(max)
// PlotRange modifier ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void PlotRange::operator()(PlotOptions &option) const
int a = static_cast<int>(axis_);
option.scaleMode[a] |= Plot::Scale::manual;
option.scale[a].min = min_;
option.scale[a].max = max_;
// Title constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Title::Title(const string &title)
: title_(title)
// Title modifier //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void Title::operator()(PlotOptions &option) const
option.title = title_;
* Plot implementation *
// destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while (!tmpFileName_.empty())
if (remove(tmpFileName_.top().c_str()))
LATAN_ERROR(System, "impossible to remove temporary file '" +
tmpFileName_.top() + "'");
// plot objects ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Plot & Plot::operator<<(PlotObject &&command)
string commandStr;
while (command.gotTmpFile())
commandStr = command.getCommand();
if (!options_.lineColor.empty())
commandStr += " lc " + options_.lineColor;
options_.lineColor = "";
if (options_.title.empty())
commandStr += " notitle";
commandStr += " t '" + options_.title + "'";
options_.title = "";
return *this;
Plot & Plot::operator<<(PlotModifier &&modifier)
return *this;
// find gnuplot ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void Plot::getProgramPath(void)
int i, j, lg;
char *path;
static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
/* Trivial case: try in CWD */
sprintf(buf,"./%s", gnuplotBin_.c_str()) ;
if (access(buf, X_OK) == 0)
gnuplotPath_ = buf;
/* Try out in all paths given in the PATH variable */
buf[0] = 0;
path = getenv("PATH") ;
if (path)
for (i=0;path[i];)
for (j=i;(path[j])&&(path[j]!=':');j++);
lg = j - i;
strncpy(buf,path + i,(size_t)(lg));
if (lg == 0)
buf[lg++] = '.';
buf[lg++] = '/';
strcpy(buf + lg, gnuplotBin_.c_str());
if (access(buf, X_OK) == 0)
/* Found it! */
break ;
buf[0] = 0;
i = j;
if (path[i] == ':') i++ ;
LATAN_ERROR(System, "PATH variable not set");
/* If the buffer is still empty, the command was not found */
if (buf[0] == 0)
LATAN_ERROR(System, "cannot find gnuplot in $PATH");
/* Otherwise truncate the command name to yield path only */
lg = (int)(strlen(buf) - 1);
while (buf[lg]!='/')
buf[lg] = 0;
buf[lg] = 0;
gnuplotPath_ = buf;
// plot parsing and output /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void Plot::display(void)
std::string command;
FILE *gnuplotPipe;
if (!getenv("DISPLAY"))
LATAN_ERROR(System, "cannot find DISPLAY variable: is it set ?");
command = gnuplotPath_ + "/" + gnuplotBin_ + " " + gnuplotArgs_;
gnuplotPipe = popen(command.c_str(), "w");
if (!gnuplotPipe)
LATAN_ERROR(System, "error starting gnuplot (command was '" + command
+ "')");
commandBuffer_ << *this;
fprintf(gnuplotPipe, "%s", commandBuffer_.str().c_str());
if (pclose(gnuplotPipe) == -1)
LATAN_ERROR(System, "problem closing communication to gnuplot");
ostream & Latan::operator<<(ostream &out, const Plot &plot)
std::string begin, end;
int x = static_cast<int>(Axis::x), y = static_cast<int>(Axis::y);
if (!plot.options_.terminal.empty())
out << "set term " << plot.options_.terminal << endl;
if (!plot.options_.output.empty())
out << "set output '" << plot.options_.terminal << "'" << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[x] & Plot::Scale::manual)
out << "xMin = " << plot.options_.scale[x].min << endl;
out << "xMax = " << plot.options_.scale[x].max << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[y] & Plot::Scale::manual)
out << "yMin = " << plot.options_.scale[y].min << endl;
out << "yMax = " << plot.options_.scale[y].max << endl;
if (!plot.options_.title.empty())
out << "set title '" << plot.options_.title << "'" << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[x] & Plot::Scale::manual)
out << "set xrange [xMin:xMax]" << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[y] & Plot::Scale::manual)
out << "set yrange [yMin:yMax]" << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[x] & Plot::Scale::log)
out << "set log x" << endl;
if (plot.options_.scaleMode[y] & Plot::Scale::log)
out << "set log y" << endl;
if (!plot.options_.label[x].empty())
out << "set xlabel '" << plot.options_.label[x] << "'" << endl;
if (!plot.options_.label[y].empty())
out << "set ylabel '" << plot.options_.label[y] << "'" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plot.headCommand_.size(); ++i)
out << plot.headCommand_[i] << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plot.plotCommand_.size(); ++i)
begin = (i == 0) ? "plot " : " ";
end = (i == plot.plotCommand_.size() - 1) ? "" : ",\\";
out << begin << plot.plotCommand_[i] << end << endl;
return out;