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synced 2024-11-10 00:45:36 +00:00
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117 lines
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#include <LatCore/OptParser.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/CompiledModel.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/Io.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/MatSample.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/Math.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/MinuitMinimizer.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/NloptMinimizer.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/Plot.hpp>
#include <LatAnalyze/XYSampleData.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace Latan;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// parse arguments /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
OptParser opt;
bool parsed, doPlot;
string corrFileName, corr0FileName, outFileName;
Index shift;
opt.addOption("o", "output", OptParser::OptType::value , true,
"output file", "");
opt.addOption("s", "shift" , OptParser::OptType::value , true,
"time variable shift", "0");
opt.addOption("p", "plot" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true,
"show the fit plot");
opt.addOption("", "help" , OptParser::OptType::trigger, true,
"show this help message and exit");
parsed = opt.parse(argc, argv);
if (!parsed or (opt.getArgs().size() < 2) or opt.gotOption("help"))
cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <options> < QED correlator file> < QCD correlator file 2>" << endl;
cerr << endl << "Possible options:" << endl << opt << endl;
corrFileName = opt.getArgs()[0];
corr0FileName = opt.getArgs()[1];
outFileName = opt.optionValue<string>("o");
shift = opt.optionValue<Index>("s");
doPlot = opt.gotOption("p");
// load correlator /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DMatSample tmp, c0, dc, effmass;
Index nSample, nt;
float tp,tm;
tmp = Io::load<DMatSample>(corr0FileName);
nSample = tmp.size();
nt = tmp[central].rows();
tmp = tmp.block(0, 0, nt, 1);
c0 = tmp;
dc = tmp;
effmass = tmp; // initialise effmass like this
FOR_STAT_ARRAY(c0, s) // loads the QCD correlator, bootstrap sample by sample
for (Index t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
c0[s]((t - shift + nt)%nt) = tmp[s](t);
tmp = Io::load<DMatSample>(corrFileName);
tmp = tmp.block(0, 0, nt, 1);
FOR_STAT_ARRAY(dc, s) // computes the leading order perturbation in corr
for (Index t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
dc[s](t) = tmp[s](t);
FOR_STAT_ARRAY(effmass, s) //generate effective mass here
for (Index t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
tp = (t+1)%nt;
tm = (t-1)%nt;
if( tm == -1)
tm = nt-1;
effmass[s](t) = ( 1./sqrt( (( c0[s](tp) + c0[s](tm) )/(2*c0[s](t)))*(( c0[s](tp) + c0[s](tm) )/(2*c0[s](t))) - 1 ) )*( (dc[s](tp) + dc[s](tm) )/(2*c0[s](t)) - ( dc[s](t)/c0[s](t) )*( ( c0[s](tp) + c0[s](tm) )/(2*c0[s](t)) ) );
// cout << "\n***********\n***********\n***********\nCheckpoint.\n***********\n***********\n***********\n" << endl;
// plots ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Plot p;
DVec tAxis;
p << PlotRange(Axis::x, 1, nt);
p << PlotRange(Axis::y, -0.1,0.1);
p << Color("rgb 'red'") << PlotData(tAxis, effmass);
// output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (!outFileName.empty())
Io::save(effmass, outFileName);
cout << "File saved as: " << outFileName << endl;