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2023-01-13 19:00:20 +00:00
Copyright © 2022 Antonin Portelli <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "Benchmark_IO.hpp"
#define BENCH_IO_LMIN 8
#define BENCH_IO_LMAX 32
#define BENCH_IO_NPASS 10
#ifdef HAVE_LIME
using namespace Grid;
std::string filestem(const int l)
return "iobench_l" + std::to_string(l);
int vol(const int i)
return BENCH_IO_LMIN + 2 * i;
int volInd(const int l)
return (l - BENCH_IO_LMIN) / 2;
template <typename Mat>
void stats(Mat &mean, Mat &stdDev, const std::vector<Mat> &data)
auto nr = data[0].rows(), nc = data[0].cols();
Eigen::MatrixXd sqSum(nr, nc);
double n = static_cast<double>(data.size());
assert(n > 1.);
mean = Mat::Zero(nr, nc);
sqSum = Mat::Zero(nr, nc);
for (auto &d : data)
mean += d;
sqSum += d.cwiseProduct(d);
stdDev = ((sqSum - mean.cwiseProduct(mean) / n) / (n - 1.)).cwiseSqrt();
mean /= n;
#define grid_printf(...) \
{ \
char _buf[1024]; \
sprintf(_buf, __VA_ARGS__); \
MSG << _buf; \
sRead = 0,
sWrite = 1,
gRead = 2,
gWrite = 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
int64_t threads = GridThread::GetThreads();
auto mpi = GridDefaultMpi();
unsigned int nVol = (BENCH_IO_LMAX - BENCH_IO_LMIN) / 2 + 1;
unsigned int nRelVol = (BENCH_IO_LMAX - 24) / 2 + 1;
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> perf(BENCH_IO_NPASS, Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nVol, 4));
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> avPerf(BENCH_IO_NPASS, Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(4));
std::vector<int> latt;
MSG << "Grid is setup to use " << threads << " threads" << std::endl;
MSG << "MPI partition " << mpi << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BENCH_IO_NPASS; ++i)
MSG << BIGSEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Pass " << i + 1 << "/" << BENCH_IO_NPASS << std::endl;
MSG << BIGSEP << std::endl;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Benchmark std write" << std::endl;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
latt = {l * mpi[0], l * mpi[1], l * mpi[2], l * mpi[3]};
MSG << "-- Local volume " << l << "^4" << std::endl;
writeBenchmark<LatticeFermion>(latt, filestem(l), stdWrite<LatticeFermion>);
perf[i](volInd(l), sWrite) = BinaryIO::lastPerf.mbytesPerSecond;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Benchmark std read" << std::endl;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
latt = {l * mpi[0], l * mpi[1], l * mpi[2], l * mpi[3]};
MSG << "-- Local volume " << l << "^4" << std::endl;
readBenchmark<LatticeFermion>(latt, filestem(l), stdRead<LatticeFermion>);
perf[i](volInd(l), sRead) = BinaryIO::lastPerf.mbytesPerSecond;
#ifdef HAVE_LIME
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Benchmark Grid C-Lime write" << std::endl;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
latt = {l * mpi[0], l * mpi[1], l * mpi[2], l * mpi[3]};
MSG << "-- Local volume " << l << "^4" << std::endl;
writeBenchmark<LatticeFermion>(latt, filestem(l), limeWrite<LatticeFermion>);
perf[i](volInd(l), gWrite) = BinaryIO::lastPerf.mbytesPerSecond;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Benchmark Grid C-Lime read" << std::endl;
MSG << SEP << std::endl;
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
latt = {l * mpi[0], l * mpi[1], l * mpi[2], l * mpi[3]};
MSG << "-- Local volume " << l << "^4" << std::endl;
readBenchmark<LatticeFermion>(latt, filestem(l), limeRead<LatticeFermion>);
perf[i](volInd(l), gRead) = BinaryIO::lastPerf.mbytesPerSecond;
for (int f = 0; f < 4; ++f)
for (int l = 24; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
avPerf[i](f) += perf[i](volInd(l), f);
avPerf[i] /= nRelVol;
Eigen::MatrixXd mean(nVol, 4), stdDev(nVol, 4), rob(nVol, 4);
Eigen::VectorXd avMean(4), avStdDev(4), avRob(4);
// double n = BENCH_IO_NPASS;
stats(mean, stdDev, perf);
stats(avMean, avStdDev, avPerf);
rob -= 100. * stdDev.cwiseQuotient(mean.cwiseAbs());
avRob -= 100. * avStdDev.cwiseQuotient(avMean.cwiseAbs());
MSG << BIGSEP << std::endl;
MSG << "SUMMARY" << std::endl;
MSG << BIGSEP << std::endl;
MSG << "Summary of individual results (all results in MB/s)." << std::endl;
MSG << "Every second colum gives the standard deviation of the previous column." << std::endl;
MSG << std::endl;
grid_printf("%4s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n",
"L", "std read", "std dev", "std write", "std dev",
"Grid read", "std dev", "Grid write", "std dev");
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
grid_printf("%4d %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f\n",
l, mean(volInd(l), sRead), stdDev(volInd(l), sRead),
mean(volInd(l), sWrite), stdDev(volInd(l), sWrite),
mean(volInd(l), gRead), stdDev(volInd(l), gRead),
mean(volInd(l), gWrite), stdDev(volInd(l), gWrite));
MSG << std::endl;
MSG << "Robustness of individual results, in %. (rob = 100% - std dev / mean)" << std::endl;
MSG << std::endl;
grid_printf("%4s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n",
"L", "std read", "std write", "Grid read", "Grid write");
for (int l = BENCH_IO_LMIN; l <= BENCH_IO_LMAX; l += 2)
grid_printf("%4d %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f\n",
l, rob(volInd(l), sRead), rob(volInd(l), sWrite),
rob(volInd(l), gRead), rob(volInd(l), gWrite));
MSG << std::endl;
MSG << "Summary of results averaged over local volumes 24^4-" << BENCH_IO_LMAX << "^4 (all results in MB/s)." << std::endl;
MSG << "Every second colum gives the standard deviation of the previous column." << std::endl;
MSG << std::endl;
grid_printf("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n",
"std read", "std dev", "std write", "std dev",
"Grid read", "std dev", "Grid write", "std dev");
grid_printf("%12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f\n",
avMean(sRead), avStdDev(sRead), avMean(sWrite), avStdDev(sWrite),
avMean(gRead), avStdDev(gRead), avMean(gWrite), avStdDev(gWrite));
MSG << std::endl;
MSG << "Robustness of volume-averaged results, in %. (rob = 100% - std dev / mean)" << std::endl;
MSG << std::endl;
grid_printf("%12s %12s %12s %12s\n",
"std read", "std write", "Grid read", "Grid write");
grid_printf("%12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f\n",
avRob(sRead), avRob(sWrite), avRob(gRead), avRob(gWrite));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {}