/* Copyright © 2015 Peter Boyle Copyright © 2022 Antonin Portelli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include using namespace std; using namespace Grid; struct time_statistics { double mean; double err; double min; double max; void statistics(std::vector v) { double sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0.0); mean = sum / v.size(); std::vector diff(v.size()); std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), diff.begin(), [=](double x) { return x - mean; }); double sq_sum = std::inner_product(diff.begin(), diff.end(), diff.begin(), 0.0); err = std::sqrt(sq_sum / (v.size() * (v.size() - 1))); auto result = std::minmax_element(v.begin(), v.end()); min = *result.first; max = *result.second; } }; void header() { std::cout << GridLogMessage << " L " << "\t" << " Ls " << "\t" << std::setw(11) << "bytes\t\t" << "MB/s uni" << "\t" << "MB/s bidi" << std::endl; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Grid_init(&argc, &argv); Coordinate simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplexD::Nsimd()); Coordinate mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi(); int threads = GridThread::GetThreads(); std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use " << threads << " threads" << std::endl; int Nloop = 250; int nmu = 0; int maxlat = 32; for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) if (mpi_layout[mu] > 1) nmu++; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Number of iterations to average: " << Nloop << std::endl; std::vector t_time(Nloop); // time_statistics timestat; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Benchmarking sequential halo exchange from host memory " << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; header(); for (int lat = 8; lat <= maxlat; lat += 4) { for (int Ls = 8; Ls <= 8; Ls *= 2) { Coordinate latt_size({lat * mpi_layout[0], lat * mpi_layout[1], lat * mpi_layout[2], lat * mpi_layout[3]}); GridCartesian Grid(latt_size, simd_layout, mpi_layout); RealD Nrank = Grid._Nprocessors; RealD Nnode = Grid.NodeCount(); RealD ppn = Nrank / Nnode; std::vector> xbuf(8); std::vector> rbuf(8); for (int mu = 0; mu < 8; mu++) { xbuf[mu].resize(lat * lat * lat * Ls); rbuf[mu].resize(lat * lat * lat * Ls); } uint64_t bytes = lat * lat * lat * Ls * sizeof(HalfSpinColourVectorD); int ncomm; for (int mu = 0; mu < 4; mu++) { if (mpi_layout[mu] > 1) { double start = usecond(); for (int i = 0; i < Nloop; i++) { ncomm = 0; ncomm++; int comm_proc = 1; int xmit_to_rank; int recv_from_rank; { std::vector requests; Grid.ShiftedRanks(mu, comm_proc, xmit_to_rank, recv_from_rank); Grid.SendToRecvFrom((void *)&xbuf[mu][0], xmit_to_rank, (void *)&rbuf[mu][0], recv_from_rank, bytes); } comm_proc = mpi_layout[mu] - 1; { std::vector requests; Grid.ShiftedRanks(mu, comm_proc, xmit_to_rank, recv_from_rank); Grid.SendToRecvFrom((void *)&xbuf[mu + 4][0], xmit_to_rank, (void *)&rbuf[mu + 4][0], recv_from_rank, bytes); } } Grid.Barrier(); double stop = usecond(); double mean = (stop - start) / Nloop; double dbytes = bytes * ppn; double xbytes = dbytes * 2.0 * ncomm; double rbytes = xbytes; double bidibytes = xbytes + rbytes; std::cout << GridLogMessage << std::setw(4) << lat << "\t" << Ls << "\t" << std::setw(11) << bytes << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(7) << " " << std::right << xbytes / mean << " " << "\t\t" << std::setw(7) << bidibytes / mean << std::endl; } } } } std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Benchmarking sequential halo exchange from GPU memory " << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; header(); for (int lat = 8; lat <= maxlat; lat += 4) { for (int Ls = 8; Ls <= 8; Ls *= 2) { Coordinate latt_size({lat * mpi_layout[0], lat * mpi_layout[1], lat * mpi_layout[2], lat * mpi_layout[3]}); GridCartesian Grid(latt_size, simd_layout, mpi_layout); RealD Nrank = Grid._Nprocessors; RealD Nnode = Grid.NodeCount(); RealD ppn = Nrank / Nnode; std::vector xbuf(8); std::vector rbuf(8); uint64_t bytes = lat * lat * lat * Ls * sizeof(HalfSpinColourVectorD); for (int d = 0; d < 8; d++) { xbuf[d] = (HalfSpinColourVectorD *)acceleratorAllocDevice(bytes); rbuf[d] = (HalfSpinColourVectorD *)acceleratorAllocDevice(bytes); } int ncomm; for (int mu = 0; mu < 4; mu++) { if (mpi_layout[mu] > 1) { double start = usecond(); for (int i = 0; i < Nloop; i++) { ncomm = 0; ncomm++; int comm_proc = 1; int xmit_to_rank; int recv_from_rank; { std::vector requests; Grid.ShiftedRanks(mu, comm_proc, xmit_to_rank, recv_from_rank); Grid.SendToRecvFrom((void *)&xbuf[mu][0], xmit_to_rank, (void *)&rbuf[mu][0], recv_from_rank, bytes); } comm_proc = mpi_layout[mu] - 1; { std::vector requests; Grid.ShiftedRanks(mu, comm_proc, xmit_to_rank, recv_from_rank); Grid.SendToRecvFrom((void *)&xbuf[mu + 4][0], xmit_to_rank, (void *)&rbuf[mu + 4][0], recv_from_rank, bytes); } } Grid.Barrier(); double stop = usecond(); double mean = (stop - start) / Nloop; double dbytes = bytes * ppn; double xbytes = dbytes * 2.0 * ncomm; double rbytes = xbytes; double bidibytes = xbytes + rbytes; std::cout << GridLogMessage << std::setw(4) << lat << "\t" << Ls << "\t" << std::setw(11) << bytes << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(7) << " " << std::right << xbytes / mean << " " << "\t\t" << std::setw(7) << bidibytes / mean << std::endl; } } for (int d = 0; d < 8; d++) { acceleratorFreeDevice(xbuf[d]); acceleratorFreeDevice(rbuf[d]); } } } std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= All done; Bye Bye" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=========================================================================" "===========================" << std::endl; Grid_finalize(); }