
290 lines
9.3 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <blas_quda.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <color_spinor_field.h>
#include <dirac_quda.h>
#include <gauge_tools.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace quda;
// This is the MPI grid, i.e. the layout of ranks
int nranks = -1;
std::array<int, 4> mpi_grid = {1, 1, 1, 1};
void initComms(int argc, char **argv)
// init MPI communication
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nranks);
assert(1 <= nranks && nranks <= 100000);
mpi_grid[3] = nranks;
// this maps coordinates to rank number
auto lex_rank_from_coords = [](int const *coords, void *)
int rank = coords[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
rank = mpi_grid[i] * rank + coords[i];
return rank;
initCommsGridQuda(4,, lex_rank_from_coords, nullptr);
for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
if (mpi_grid[d] > 1)
// creates a random gauge field. L = local(!) size
cudaGaugeField make_gauge_field(int L)
GaugeFieldParam param;
// dimension and type of the lattice object
param.nDim = 4;
param.x[0] = L;
param.x[1] = L;
param.x[2] = L;
param.x[3] = L;
// number of colors. potentially confusingly, QUDA sometimes uses the word "color" to
// things unrelated with physical color. things like "nColor=32" do pop up in deflation
// solvers where it (to my understanding) refers to the number of (parallely processed)
// deflation vectors.
param.nColor = 3;
// boundary conditions (dont really care for benchmark)
param.t_boundary = QUDA_PERIODIC_T;
// for this benchmark we only need "SINGLE" and/or "DOUBLE" precision. But smaller
// precisions are available in QUDA too
// no even/odd subset, we want a full lattice
param.siteSubset = QUDA_FULL_SITE_SUBSET;
// what kind of 3x3 matrices the field contains. A proper gauge field has SU(3)
// matrices, but (for example) smeared/thick links could have non-unitary links.
param.link_type = QUDA_SU3_LINKS;
// "NULL" does not initialize the field upon creation, "ZERO" would set everything to 0
param.create = QUDA_NULL_FIELD_CREATE;
// field should be allocated directly on the accelerator/GPU
param.location = QUDA_CUDA_FIELD_LOCATION;
// "reconstruct" here means reconstructing a SU(3) matrix from fewer than 18 real
// numbers (=3x3 complex numbers). Great feature in production (saving
// memory/cache/network bandwidth), not used for this benchmark.
param.reconstruct = QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_NO;
// "ghostExchange" would often be called "halo exchange" outside of Quda. This has
// nothing to do with ghost fields from continuum/perturbative qcd.
param.ghostExchange = QUDA_GHOST_EXCHANGE_NO;
// This controls the physical order of elements. "float2" is the the default
param.order = QUDA_FLOAT2_GAUGE_ORDER;
// this means the field is a LORENTZ vector (which a gauge field must be). Has nothing
// to do with spin.
param.geometry = QUDA_VECTOR_GEOMETRY;
// create the field and fill with random SU(3) matrices
// std::cout << param << std::endl; // double-check parameters
auto U = cudaGaugeField(param);
gaugeGauss(U, /*seed=*/1234, 1.0);
return U;
// create a random source vector (L = local size)
ColorSpinorField make_source(int L)
ColorSpinorParam param;
param.nColor = 3;
param.nSpin = 4;
param.nVec = 1; // only a single vector
param.pad = 0;
param.siteSubset = QUDA_FULL_SITE_SUBSET;
param.nDim = 4;
param.x[0] = L;
param.x[1] = L;
param.x[2] = L;
param.x[3] = L;
param.x[4] = 1; // no fifth dimension
param.pc_type = QUDA_4D_PC;
param.siteOrder = QUDA_EVEN_ODD_SITE_ORDER;
param.create = QUDA_NULL_FIELD_CREATE; // do not (zero-) initilize the field
param.location = QUDA_CUDA_FIELD_LOCATION;
// create the field and fill it with random values
auto src = ColorSpinorField(param);
quda::RNG rng(src, 1234);
spinorNoise(src, rng, QUDA_NOISE_GAUSS);
"created src with norm = %f (sanity check: should be close to %f) and %f bytes\n",
blas::norm2(src), 2.0 * 12 * geom[0] * geom[1] * geom[2] * geom[3],
src.Bytes() * 1.0);*/
// src.PrintDims();
return src;
void benchmark_wilson()
int niter = 20;
int niter_warmup = 10;
printfQuda("==================== wilson dirac operator ====================\n");
printfQuda("IMPORTANT: QUDAs own flop counting. Probably not the same as in Grid.\n");
printfQuda("%5s %15s %15s\n", "L", "time (usec)", "Gflop/s/rank");
for (int L : {8, 12, 16, 24, 32})
auto U = make_gauge_field(L);
auto src = make_source(L);
// create (Wilson) dirac operator
DiracParam param;
param.kappa = 0.10;
param.dagger = QUDA_DAG_NO;
param.matpcType = QUDA_MATPC_EVEN_EVEN;
auto dirac = DiracWilson(param);
// insert gauge field into the dirac operator
// (the additional nullptr's are for smeared links and fancy preconditioners and such.
// Not used for simple Wilson fermions)
dirac.updateFields(&U, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
auto tmp = ColorSpinorField(ColorSpinorParam(src));
// couple iterations without timing to warm up
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter_warmup; ++iter)
dirac.M(tmp, src);
// actual benchmark with timings
dirac.Flops(); // reset flops counter
device_timer_t device_timer;
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; ++iter)
dirac.M(tmp, src);
double secs = device_timer.last() / niter;
double flops = 1.0 * dirac.Flops() / niter;
printfQuda("%5d %15.2f %15.2f\n", L, secs * 1e6, flops / secs * 1e-9);
void benchmark_axpy()
// number of iterations for warmup / measurement
// (feel free to change for noise/time tradeoff)
constexpr int niter_warmup = 10;
constexpr int niter = 20;
printfQuda("==================== axpy / memory ====================\n");
ColorSpinorParam param;
param.nDim = 4; // 4-dimensional lattice
param.x[4] = 1; // no fifth dimension
param.nColor = 3; // supported values for nSpin/nColor are configured when compiling
// QUDA. "3*4" will probably always be enabled, so we stick with this
param.nSpin = 4;
param.nVec = 1; // just a single vector
param.siteSubset = QUDA_FULL_SITE_SUBSET; // full lattice = no odd/even
param.pad = 0; // no padding
param.create = QUDA_NULL_FIELD_CREATE; // do not (zero-) initilize the field
param.location = QUDA_CUDA_FIELD_LOCATION; // field should reside on GPU
// the following dont matter for an axpy benchmark, but need to choose something
param.pc_type = QUDA_4D_PC;
param.siteOrder = QUDA_EVEN_ODD_SITE_ORDER;
printfQuda("%5s %15s %15s %15s %15s\n", "L", "size (MiB/rank)", "time (usec)",
"GiB/s/rank", "Gflop/s/rank");
std::vector L_list = {8, 12, 16, 24, 32};
for (int L : L_list)
// IMPORTANT: all of `param.x`, `field_elements`, `field.Bytes()`
// are LOCAL, i.e. per rank / per GPU
param.x[0] = L;
param.x[1] = L;
param.x[2] = L;
param.x[3] = L;
// number of (real) elements in one (local) field
size_t field_elements = 2 * param.x[0] * param.x[1] * param.x[2] * param.x[3] *
param.nColor * param.nSpin;
// create the field(s)
auto fieldA = ColorSpinorField(param);
auto fieldB = ColorSpinorField(param);
assert(fieldA.Bytes() == sizeof(double) * field_elements); // sanity check
assert(fieldB.Bytes() == sizeof(double) * field_elements); // sanity check
// fill fields with random values
quda::RNG rng(fieldA, 1234);
spinorNoise(fieldA, rng, QUDA_NOISE_GAUSS);
spinorNoise(fieldB, rng, QUDA_NOISE_GAUSS);
// number of operations / bytes per iteration
// axpy is one addition, one multiplication, two read, one write
double flops = 2 * field_elements;
double memory = 3 * sizeof(double) * field_elements;
// do some iterations to to let QUDA do its internal tuning and also stabilize cache
// behaviour and such
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter_warmup; ++iter)
blas::axpy(1.234, fieldA, fieldB);
// running the actual benchmark
device_timer_t device_timer;
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; ++iter)
blas::axpy(1.234, fieldA, fieldB);
double secs = device_timer.last() / niter; // seconds per iteration
printfQuda("%5d %15.2f %15.2f %15.2f %15.2f\n", L, memory / 1024. / 1024., secs * 1e6,
memory / secs / 1024. / 1024. / 1024., flops / secs * 1e-9);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
initComms(argc, argv);
initQuda(-1); // -1 for multi-gpu. otherwise this selects the device to be used
// verbosity options are:
printfQuda("MPI layout = %d %d %d %d\n", mpi_grid[0], mpi_grid[1], mpi_grid[2],
printfQuda("==================== done with all benchmarks ====================\n");