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namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
// This is the 4d red black case appropriate to support
// parity = (x+y+z+t)|2;
// generalised five dim fermions like mobius, zolotarev etc..
// i.e. even even contains fifth dim hopping term.
// [DIFFERS from original CPS red black implementation parity = (x+y+z+t+s)|2 ]
class WilsonFermion5DStatic {
// S-direction is INNERMOST and takes no part in the parity.
static int HandOptDslash; // these are a temporary hack
static const std::vector<int> directions;
static const std::vector<int> displacements;
const int npoint = 8;
template<class Impl>
class WilsonFermion5D : public FermionOperator<Impl>, public WilsonFermion5DStatic
#include <qcd/action/fermion/FermionImplTypedefs.h>
// Implement the abstract base
GridBase *GaugeGrid(void) { return _FourDimGrid ;}
GridBase *GaugeRedBlackGrid(void) { return _FourDimRedBlackGrid ;}
GridBase *FermionGrid(void) { return _FiveDimGrid;}
GridBase *FermionRedBlackGrid(void) { return _FiveDimRedBlackGrid;}
// full checkerboard operations; leave unimplemented as abstract for now
virtual RealD M (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0); return 0.0;};
virtual RealD Mdag (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0); return 0.0;};
// half checkerboard operations; leave unimplemented as abstract for now
virtual void Meooe (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
virtual void Mooee (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
virtual void MooeeInv (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
virtual void MeooeDag (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
virtual void MooeeDag (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
virtual void MooeeInvDag (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out){assert(0);};
// These can be overridden by fancy 5d chiral action
virtual void DhopDeriv (GaugeField &mat,const FermionField &U,const FermionField &V,int dag);
virtual void DhopDerivEO(GaugeField &mat,const FermionField &U,const FermionField &V,int dag);
virtual void DhopDerivOE(GaugeField &mat,const FermionField &U,const FermionField &V,int dag);
// Implement hopping term non-hermitian hopping term; half cb or both
// Implement s-diagonal DW
void DW (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out,int dag);
void Dhop (const FermionField &in, FermionField &out,int dag);
void DhopOE(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out,int dag);
void DhopEO(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out,int dag);
// add a DhopComm
// -- suboptimal interface will presently trigger multiple comms.
void DhopDir(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out,int dir,int disp);
// New methods added
void DerivInternal(CartesianStencil & st,
DoubledGaugeField & U,
GaugeField &mat,
const FermionField &A,
const FermionField &B,
int dag);
void DhopInternal(CartesianStencil & st,
LebesgueOrder &lo,
DoubledGaugeField &U,
const FermionField &in,
FermionField &out,
int dag);
// Constructors
WilsonFermion5D(GaugeField &_Umu,
GridCartesian &FiveDimGrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian &FiveDimRedBlackGrid,
GridCartesian &FourDimGrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian &FourDimRedBlackGrid,
double _M5);
// DoubleStore
void ImportGauge(const GaugeField &_Umu);
// Data members require to support the functionality
// Add these to the support from Wilson
GridBase *_FourDimGrid;
GridBase *_FourDimRedBlackGrid;
GridBase *_FiveDimGrid;
GridBase *_FiveDimRedBlackGrid;
double M5;
int Ls;
//Defines the stencils for even and odd
CartesianStencil Stencil;
CartesianStencil StencilEven;
CartesianStencil StencilOdd;
// Copy of the gauge field , with even and odd subsets
DoubledGaugeField Umu;
DoubledGaugeField UmuEven;
DoubledGaugeField UmuOdd;
LebesgueOrder Lebesgue;
LebesgueOrder LebesgueEvenOdd;
// Comms buffer
std::vector<SiteHalfSpinor,alignedAllocator<SiteHalfSpinor> > comm_buf;