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2015-04-14 22:40:40 +01:00
* FIXME audit
2015-04-14 22:40:40 +01:00
* const audit
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
* Replace vset with a call to merge.;
2015-04-14 20:25:51 +01:00
* care in Gmerge,Gextract over vset .
* extract / merge extra implementation removal
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
2015-04-16 14:48:21 +01:00
* Test infrastructure
* subdirs lib, tests ??
2015-04-14 22:40:40 +01:00
2015-04-16 14:48:21 +01:00
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
* Conditional execution, where etc... -----DONE, simple test
* Integer relational support -----DONE
* Coordinate information, integers etc... -----DONE
* Integer type padding/union to vector. -----DONE
2015-04-14 20:25:51 +01:00
* LatticeCoordinate[mu] -----DONE
* Stencil operator support -----Initial thoughts, trial implementation DONE.
-----some simple tests that Stencil matches Cshift.
2015-04-14 22:40:40 +01:00
-----do all permute in comms phase, so that copy permute
-----cases move into a buffer.
* CovariantShift support -----Use a class to store gauge field? (parallel transport?)
2015-04-16 14:48:21 +01:00
POST-SFW call:
* TraceColor, TraceSpin.
* How to define simple matrix operations, such as flavour matrices?
* Subset support, slice sums etc... -----Only need slice sum?
-----Generic cartesian subslicing?
-----Array ranges / boost extents?
2015-04-14 20:25:51 +01:00
-----Multigrid grid transferral?
-----Suggests generalised cartesian subblocking
2015-04-14 20:25:51 +01:00
sums, returning modified grid?
-----What should interface be?
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
i) Two classes of subset; red black parity subsetting (pick checkerboard).
cartesian sub-block subsetting
ii) Need to be able to project one Grid to another Grid.
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
Interface: (?)
Lattice<vobj> coarse_data SubBlockSum (GridBase *CoarseGrid, Lattice<vobj> &fine_data)
Operation ensure either:
rd[dim] divide rd[dim] fine_data
This will give a distributed array over mpi ranks in a given dim IF coarse gd != 1 and _processors[d]>1
Dimension can be *replicated* on all ranks in dimension. Need a "replicated" option on GridCartesian etc..
This will give "slice" summation and fourier projection assistance.
Generic concept is to subdivide (based on RD so applies to red/black or full).
Return a type on SUB-grid from CellSum TOP-grid
SUB-grid need not distribute but be replicated in some dims if that is how the
cartesian communicator works.
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
Instead of subsetting
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
iii) No general permutation map.
* Consider switch std::vector to boost arrays.
boost::multi_array<type, 3> A()... to replace multi1d, multi2d etc..
*? Cell definition <-> sliceSum.
? Replicated arrays.
* Check for missing functionality - partially audited against QDP++ layout
* Optimise the extract/merge SIMD routines; Azusa??
2015-04-10 04:24:01 +01:00
- I have collated into single location at least.
- Need to use _mm_*insert/extract routines.
* Conformable test in Cshift routines.
* Gamma/Dirac structures
* Fourspin, two spin project
* Broadcast, reduction tests. innerProduct, localInnerProduct
* QDP++ regression suite and comparative benchmark
* NERSC Lattice loading, plaquette test
* I/O support
- BinaryWriter, TextWriter etc...
- protocol buffers?
2015-04-14 20:25:51 +01:00
// Cartesian grid inheritance
// Grid::GridBase
// |
// __________|___________
// | |
// Grid::GridCartesian Grid::GridCartesianRedBlack
// TODO: document the following as an API guaranteed public interface
* Rough map of functionality against QDP++ Layout
* Param | Grid | QDP++
* -----------------------------------------
* | |
* void | oSites, iSites, lSites | sitesOnNode
* void | gSites | vol
* | |
* gcoor | oIndex, iIndex | linearSiteIndex // no virtual node in QDP
* lcoor | |
* void | CheckerBoarded | - // No checkerboarded in QDP
* void | FullDimensions | lattSize
* void | GlobalDimensions | lattSize // No checkerboarded in QDP
* void | LocalDimensions | subgridLattSize
* void | VirtualLocalDimensions | subgridLattSize // no virtual node in QDP
* | |
* int x 3 | oiSiteRankToGlobal | siteCoords
* | ProcessorCoorLocalCoorToGlobalCoor |
* | |
* vector<int> | GlobalCoorToRankIndex | nodeNumber(coord)
* vector<int> | GlobalCoorToProcessorCoorLocalCoor| nodeCoord(coord)
* | |
* void | Processors | logicalSize // returns cart array shape
* void | ThisRank | nodeNumber(); // returns this node rank
* void | ThisProcessorCoor | // returns this node coor
* void | isBoss(void) | primaryNode();
* | |
* | RankFromProcessorCoor | getLogicalCoorFrom(node)
* | ProcessorCoorFromRank | getNodeNumberFrom(logical_coord)
// Work out whether to permute
// ABCDEFGH -> AE BF CG DH permute wrap num
// Shift 0 AE BF CG DH 0 0 0 0 ABCDEFGH 0 0
// Shift 1 BF CG DH AE 0 0 0 1 BCDEFGHA 0 1
// Shift 2 CG DH AE BF 0 0 1 1 CDEFGHAB 0 2
// Shift 3 DH AE BF CG 0 1 1 1 DEFGHABC 0 3
// Shift 4 AE BF CG DH 1 1 1 1 EFGHABCD 1 0
// Shift 5 BF CG DH AE 1 1 1 0 FGHACBDE 1 1
// Shift 6 CG DH AE BF 1 1 0 0 GHABCDEF 1 2
// Shift 7 DH AE BF CG 1 0 0 0 HABCDEFG 1 3
// Suppose 4way simd in one dim.
// ABCDEFGH -> AECG BFDH permute wrap num
// Shift 0 AECG BFDH 0,00 0,00 ABCDEFGH 0 0
// Shift 1 BFDH CGEA 0,00 1,01 BCDEFGHA 0 1
// Shift 2 CGEA DHFB 1,01 1,01 CDEFGHAB 1 0
// Shift 3 DHFB EAGC 1,01 1,11 DEFGHABC 1 1
// Shift 4 EAGC FBHD 1,11 1,11 EFGHABCD 2 0
// Shift 5 FBHD GCAE 1,11 1,10 FGHABCDE 2 1
// Shift 6 GCAE HDBF 1,10 1,10 GHABCDEF 3 0
// Shift 7 HDBF AECG 1,10 0,00 HABCDEFG 3 1
// Generalisation to 8 way simd, 16 way simd required.
// Need log2 Nway masks. consisting of
// 1 bit 256 bit granule
// 2 bit 128 bit granule
// 4 bits 64 bit granule
// 8 bits 32 bit granules
// 15 bits....
// Base class to share common code between vRealF, VComplexF etc...
// lattice Broad cast assignment
// where() support
// implement with masks, and/or? Type of the mask & boolean support?
// Unary functions
// cos,sin, tan, acos, asin, cosh, acosh, tanh, sinh, // Scalar<vReal> only arg
// exp, log, sqrt, fabs
// transposeColor, transposeSpin,
// adjColor, adjSpin,
// traceColor, traceSpin.
// peekColor, peekSpin + pokeColor PokeSpin
// copyMask.
// localMaxAbs
// norm2,
// sumMulti equivalent.
// Fourier transform equivalent.