mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 01:05:38 +01:00

Eigenvectors created. Still need to correctly set parameters for test.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Marshall 2019-01-24 12:44:06 +00:00
parent b45586e81c
commit 00b0f75b0d
3 changed files with 262 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -90,6 +90,73 @@ inline void SliceShare( GridBase * gridLowDim, GridBase * gridHighDim, void * Bu
-Grad^2 (Peardon, 2009, pg 2, equation 3)
Field Type of field the operator will be applied to
GaugeField Gauge field the operator will smear using
TODO CANDIDATE for integration into laplacian operator
should just require adding number of dimensions to act on to constructor,
where the default=all dimensions, but we could specify 3 spatial dimensions
template<typename Field, typename GaugeField=LatticeGaugeFieldD>
class LinOpPeardonNabla : public LinearOperatorBase<Field>, public LinearFunction<Field> {
typedef typename GaugeField::vector_type vCoeff_t;
protected: // I don't really mind if _gf is messed with ... so make this public?
//GaugeField & _gf;
int nd; // number of spatial dimensions
std::vector<Lattice<iColourMatrix<vCoeff_t> > > U;
// Construct this operator given a gauge field and the number of dimensions it should act on
LinOpPeardonNabla( GaugeField& gf, int dimSpatial = Grid::QCD::Tdir ) : /*_gf(gf),*/ nd{dimSpatial} {
for( int mu = 0 ; mu < nd ; mu++ )
// Apply this operator to "in", return result in "out"
void operator()(const Field& in, Field& out) {
assert( nd <= in._grid->Nd() );
conformable( in, out );
out = ( ( Real ) ( 2 * nd ) ) * in;
Field _tmp(in._grid);
typedef typename GaugeField::vector_type vCoeff_t;
//Lattice<iColourMatrix<vCoeff_t> > U(in._grid);
for( int mu = 0 ; mu < nd ; mu++ ) {
//U = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(_gf,mu);
out -= U[mu] * Cshift( in, mu, 1);
_tmp = adj( U[mu] ) * in;
out -= Cshift(_tmp,mu,-1);
void OpDiag (const Field &in, Field &out) { assert(0); };
void OpDir (const Field &in, Field &out,int dir,int disp) { assert(0); };
void Op (const Field &in, Field &out) { assert(0); };
void AdjOp (const Field &in, Field &out) { assert(0); };
void HermOpAndNorm(const Field &in, Field &out,RealD &n1,RealD &n2) { assert(0); };
void HermOp(const Field &in, Field &out) { operator()(in,out); };
template<typename Field>
class LinOpPeardonNablaHerm : public LinearFunction<Field> {
OperatorFunction<Field> & _poly;
LinearOperatorBase<Field> &_Linop;
LinOpPeardonNablaHerm(OperatorFunction<Field> & poly,LinearOperatorBase<Field>& linop) : _poly(poly), _Linop(linop) {
void operator()(const Field& in, Field& out) {
@ -100,6 +167,9 @@ BEGIN_HADRONS_NAMESPACE
typedef Grid::Hadrons::EigenPack<LatticeColourVector> DistilEP;
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<SpinVector> > > DistilNoises;
Make a lower dimensional grid
@ -386,6 +456,41 @@ public:
Rotate eigenvectors into our phase convention
First component of first eigenvector is real and positive
inline void RotateEigen(std::vector<LatticeColourVector> & evec)
ColourVector cv0;
auto grid = evec[0]._grid;
std::vector<int> siteFirst(grid->Nd(),0);
peekSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
auto & cplx0 = cv0()()(0);
if( std::imag(cplx0) == 0 )
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : " << cplx0 << " => already meets phase convention" << std::endl;
else {
const auto cplx0_mag{std::abs(cplx0)};
const auto phase{std::conj(cplx0 / cplx0_mag)};
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : |" << cplx0 << "|=" << cplx0_mag << " => phase=" << (std::arg(phase) / 3.14159265) << " pi" << std::endl;
// TODO: Only really needed on the master slice
for( int k = 0 ; k < evec.size() ; k++ )
evec[k] *= phase;
for( int c = 0 ; c < Nc ; c++ )
cv0()()(c) *= phase;
cplx0.imag(0); // This assumes phase convention is real, positive (so I get rid of rounding error)
//pokeSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
pokeLocalSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);

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@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class LapEvecPar: Serializable
std::string, gauge,
std::string, EigenPackName,
StoutParameters, Stout,
ChebyshevParameters, Cheby,
LanczosParameters, Lanczos,
@ -125,7 +126,6 @@ class TLapEvec: public Module<LapEvecPar>
typedef std::vector<Grid::Hadrons::EigenPack<LatticeColourVector> > DistilEP;
// constructor
@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ MODULE_REGISTER_TMP(LapEvec, TLapEvec<FIMPL>, MDistil);
TLapEvec implementation
//constexpr char szEigenPackSuffix[] = "_eigenPack";
// constructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
TLapEvec<FImpl>::TLapEvec(const std::string name) : gridLD{nullptr}, Module<LapEvecPar>(name)
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> TLapEvec<FImpl>::getInput(void)
template <typename FImpl>
std::vector<std::string> TLapEvec<FImpl>::getOutput(void)
std::vector<std::string> out = {getName()};
std::vector<std::string> out = {getName()}; // This is the higher dimensional eigenpack
return out;
@ -195,16 +197,19 @@ void TLapEvec<FImpl>::setup(void)
Environment & e{env()};
gridHD = e.getGrid();
gridLD = MakeLowerDimGrid( gridHD );
Nx = gridHD->_gdimensions[Xdir];
Ny = gridHD->_gdimensions[Ydir];
Nz = gridHD->_gdimensions[Zdir];
Nt = gridHD->_gdimensions[Tdir];
Nx = gridHD->_fdimensions[Xdir];
Ny = gridHD->_fdimensions[Ydir];
Nz = gridHD->_fdimensions[Zdir];
Nt = gridHD->_fdimensions[Tdir];
// Temporaries
envTmpLat(GaugeField, "Umu");
envTmpLat(GaugeField, "Umu_stout");
envTmpLat(GaugeField, "Umu_smear");
envTmp(LatticeGaugeField, "UmuNoTime",1,LatticeGaugeField(gridLD));
envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "src",1,LatticeColourVector(gridLD));
envTmp(std::vector<DistilEP>, "eig",1,std::vector<DistilEP>(Nt));
// Output objects
envCreate(DistilEP, getName(), 1, Nt);
envCreate(DistilEP, getName(), 1, par().Lanczos.Nvec, gridHD );
// clean up any temporaries created by setup (that aren't stored in the environment)
@ -215,14 +220,142 @@ void TLapEvec<FImpl>::Cleanup(void)
delete gridLD;
gridLD = nullptr;
gridHD = nullptr;
Calculate low-mode eigenvalues of the Laplacian
// execution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
void TLapEvec<FImpl>::execute(void)
LOG(Message) << "execute() : start" << std::endl;
LOG(Message) << "Stout.steps=" << par().Stout.steps << ", Stout.parm=" << par().Stout.parm << std::endl;
// Alii for parameters
const int &TI{par().Distil.TI};
const int &LI{par().Distil.LI};
const int &nnoise{par().Distil.Nnoise};
const int &tsrc{par().Distil.tSrc};
const LanczosParameters &LPar{par().Lanczos};
const int &nvec{LPar.Nvec};
const bool exact_distillation{TI==Nt && LI==nvec};
const bool full_tdil{TI==Nt};
const int &Nt_inv{full_tdil ? 1 : TI};
const ChebyshevParameters &ChebPar{par().Cheby};
// Assertions on the parameters we read
// Stout smearing
envGetTmp(GaugeField, Umu);
envGetTmp(GaugeField, Umu_smear);
LOG(Message) << "Initial plaquette: " << WilsonLoops<PeriodicGimplR>::avgPlaquette(Umu) << std::endl;
envGetTmp(GaugeField, Umu_stout);
const int &Steps{par().Stout.steps};
Smear_Stout<PeriodicGimplR> LS(par().Stout.parm);
for (int i = 0; i < Steps; i++) {
LS.smear(Umu_stout, Umu_smear);
Umu_smear = Umu_stout;
LOG(Message) << "Smeared plaquette: " << WilsonLoops<PeriodicGimplR>::avgPlaquette(Umu_smear) << std::endl;
// For debugging only, write logging output to a local file
std::ofstream * ll = nullptr;
const int rank{gridHD->ThisRank()};
if((0)) { // debug to a local log file
std::string filename{"Local_"};
ll = new std::ofstream(filename);
// Invert Peardon Nabla operator separately on each time-slice
std::string sEigenPackName(par().EigenPackName);
bool bReturnValue = true;
auto & eig4d = envGet(DistilEP, getName() );
envGetTmp(std::vector<DistilEP>, eig); // Eigenpack for each timeslice
envGetTmp(LatticeGaugeField, UmuNoTime); // Gauge field without time dimension
envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, src);
const int Ntlocal{gridHD->LocalDimensions()[Tdir]};
const int Ntfirst{gridHD->LocalStarts()[Tdir]};
for(int t=Ntfirst;bReturnValue && t<Ntfirst+Ntlocal;t++){
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << " Compute eigenpack, Timeslice = " << t << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
LOG(Message) << "eig.size()=" << eig.size() << std::endl;
LOG(Message) << "After eig[t].resize" << std::endl;
// Construct smearing operator
ExtractSliceLocal(UmuNoTime,Umu_smear,0,t-Ntfirst,Grid::QCD::Tdir); // switch to 3d/4d objects
LinOpPeardonNabla<LatticeColourVector> PeardonNabla(UmuNoTime);
std::cout << "Chebyshev preconditioning to order " << ChebPar.PolyOrder
<< " with parameters (alpha,beta) = (" << ChebPar.alpha << "," << ChebPar.beta << ")" << std::endl;
Chebyshev<LatticeColourVector> Cheb(ChebPar.alpha,ChebPar.beta,ChebPar.PolyOrder);
//from Test_Cheby.cc
if ( ((0)) && Ntfirst == 0 && t==0) {
std::ofstream of("cheby_" + std::to_string(ChebPar.alpha) + "_" + std::to_string(ChebPar.beta) + "_" + std::to_string(ChebPar.PolyOrder));
// Construct source vector according to Test_dwf_compressed_lanczos.cc
RealD nn = norm2(src);
nn = Grid::sqrt(nn);
src = src * (1.0/nn);
LinOpPeardonNablaHerm<LatticeColourVector> PeardonNablaCheby(Cheb,PeardonNabla);
ImplicitlyRestartedLanczos<LatticeColourVector> IRL(PeardonNablaCheby,PeardonNabla,LPar.Nvec,LPar.Nk,LPar.Nk+LPar.Np,LPar.resid,LPar.MaxIt);
int Nconv = 0;
if(ll) *ll << t << " : Before IRL.calc()" << std::endl;
if(ll) *ll << t << " : After IRL.calc()" << std::endl;
if( Nconv < LPar.Nvec ) {
bReturnValue = false;
if(ll) *ll << t << " : Convergence error : Only " << Nconv << " converged!" << std::endl;
} else {
if( Nconv > LPar.Nvec )
eig[t].resize( LPar.Nvec, gridLD );
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Timeslice " << t << " has " << eig[t].eval.size() << " eigenvalues and " << eig[t].evec.size() << " eigenvectors." << std::endl;
// Now rotate the eigenvectors into our phase convention
RotateEigen( eig[t].evec );
// Write the eigenvectors and eigenvalues to disk
//std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Writing eigenvalues/vectors to " << pszEigenPack << std::endl;
//std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Written eigenvectors" << std::endl;
for (int i=0;i<LPar.Nvec;i++){
std::cout << "Inserting Timeslice " << t << " into vector " << i << std::endl;
// Close the local debugging log file
if( ll ) {
*ll << " Returning " << bReturnValue << std::endl;
delete ll;
LOG(Message) << "execute() : end" << std::endl;

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@ -235,11 +235,22 @@ void test_LapEvec(Application &application)
// gauge field
// Now make an instance of the LapEvec object
MDistil::LapEvecPar par;
par.Stout.steps = 173;
par.Stout.parm = -9.87654321;
par.gauge = szGaugeName;
MDistil::LapEvecPar p;
p.gauge = szGaugeName;
p.EigenPackName = "ePack";
p.Distil.TI = 8;
p.Distil.LI = 3;
p.Distil.Nnoise = 2;
p.Distil.tSrc = 0;
p.Stout.steps = 3;
p.Stout.parm = 0.2;
p.Cheby.PolyOrder = 11;
p.Cheby.alpha = 0.3;
p.Cheby.beta = 12.5;
p.Lanczos.Nvec = 5;
p.Lanczos.Nk = 6;
p.Lanczos.Np = 2;