mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 01:05:38 +01:00

Rationalisation of NamedTensor (Perambulator)

This commit is contained in:
Michael Marshall 2019-11-02 14:58:32 +00:00
parent 52d8d576d0
commit 1c10933db1
10 changed files with 324 additions and 334 deletions

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/Distil.hpp
Source file: Hadrons/Distil.hpp
Copyright (C) 2015-2019
Author: Felix Erben <ferben@ed.ac.uk>
Author: Michael Marshall <Michael.Marshall@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
@ -27,295 +27,132 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_
#ifndef Hadrons_Distil_hpp_
#define Hadrons_Distil_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Solver.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/A2AVectors.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/DilutedNoise.hpp>
This is an Eigen::Tensor of type Scalar_ and rank NumIndices_ (row-major order)
They can be persisted to disk in tag Name_, and IndexNames are validated on load.
TODO: WHAT TO SAVE / VALIDATE ON LOAD (Override to warn instead of assert on load)
Ensemble string
Configuration number
Noise unique string
Distillation parameters
extern const std::string NamedTensorFileExtension;
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_, const std::string &Name_, const std::array<std::string,NumIndices_> &IndexNames_>
class NamedTensor : Serializable
using Scalar = Scalar_;
static constexpr int NumIndices = NumIndices_;
using ET = Eigen::Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Eigen::RowMajor>;
using Index = typename ET::Index;
ET, tensor,
std::vector<std::string>, IndexNames );
// Get the default index names as std::vector
std::vector<std::string> DefaultIndexNames()
std::vector<std::string> names{NumIndices_};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NumIndices_; i++)
names[i] = IndexNames_[i];
return names;
// Default constructor (assumes tensor will be loaded from file)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE NamedTensor() : IndexNames{DefaultIndexNames()} {}
// Construct a named tensor explicitly specifying size of each dimension
template<typename... IndexTypes>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE NamedTensor(Eigen::Index firstDimension, IndexTypes... otherDimensions)
: tensor(firstDimension, otherDimensions...), IndexNames{DefaultIndexNames()}
assert(sizeof...(otherDimensions) + 1 == NumIndices_ && "NamedTensor: dimensions != tensor rank");
// Do my index names match the default for my type?
bool ValidateIndexNames() const
bool bSame{ IndexNames.size() == NumIndices_ };
for( std::size_t i = 0; bSame && i < NumIndices_; i++ )
bSame = IndexNames[i].size() == IndexNames_[i].size()
&& std::equal( IndexNames[i].begin(), IndexNames[i].end(), IndexNames_[i].begin(),
[](const char & c1, const char & c2){ return c1 == c2 || std::toupper(c1) == std::toupper(c2); });
return bSame;
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
using Default_Reader = Grid::Hdf5Reader;
using Default_Writer = Grid::Hdf5Writer;
using Default_Reader = Grid::BinaryReader;
using Default_Writer = Grid::BinaryWriter;
template<typename Writer> void write(Writer &w, const std::string &Tag = Name_) const
{ write(w, Tag, *this); }
inline void write(const std::string &filename, const std::string &Tag = Name_) const
std::string sFileName{filename};
sFileName.append( NamedTensorFileExtension );
LOG(Message) << "Writing " << Name_ << " to file " << sFileName << " tag " << Tag << std::endl;
Default_Writer w( sFileName );
write( w, Tag );
// Read and validate index names
template<typename Reader> void read(Reader &r, bool bValidate = true, const std::string &Tag = Name_)
// Grab index names and dimensions
std::vector<std::string> OldIndexNames{std::move(IndexNames)};
typename ET::Dimensions OldDimensions{tensor.dimensions()};
read(r, Tag, *this);
const typename ET::Dimensions & NewDimensions{tensor.dimensions()};
for (int i = 0; i < NumIndices_; i++)
assert(OldDimensions[i] == 0 || OldDimensions[i] == NewDimensions[i] && "NamedTensor::read dimension size");
if (bValidate)
assert(ValidateIndexNames() && "NamedTensor::read dimension name");
inline void read (const std::string &filename, bool bValidate = true, const std::string &Tag = Name_)
std::string sFileName{filename};
sFileName.append( NamedTensorFileExtension );
LOG(Message) << "Reading " << Name_ << " from file " << sFileName << " tag " << Tag << std::endl;
Default_Reader r(sFileName);
read(r, bValidate, Tag);
Common elements for distillation
//Eigenvectors of the Laplacian
using LapEvecs = Grid::Hadrons::EigenPack<LatticeColourVector>;
// Noise vector index order: nnoise, nt, nvec, ns
// Noise vector (index order: nnoise, nt, nvec, ns)
using NoiseTensor = Eigen::Tensor<Complex, 4, Eigen::RowMajor>;
struct DistilParameters: Serializable {
int, nnoise,
int, tsrc,
std::string, TI,
std::string, LI,
std::string, SI )
DistilParameters() = default;
template <class ReaderClass> DistilParameters(Reader<ReaderClass>& Reader){read(Reader,"Distil",*this);}
// Numeric parameter is allowed to be empty (in which case it = Default),
// but assert during setup() if specified but not numeric
static int ParameterDefault( const std::string & s, int Default, bool bCalledFromSetup )
int i = Default;
if( s.length() > 0 ) {
std::istringstream ss( s );
ss >> i;
if( bCalledFromSetup )
assert( !ss.fail() && "Parameter should either be empty or integer" );
return i;
const int Nt{env().getDim(Tdir)}; \
const int nvec{par().nvec}; \
const int nnoise{par().Distil.nnoise}; \
const int tsrc{par().Distil.tsrc}; \
const int TI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.TI, Nt, inSetup)}; \
const int LI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.LI, nvec, inSetup)}; \
const int SI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.SI, Ns, inSetup)}; \
const bool full_tdil{ TI == Nt }; \
const bool exact_distillation{ full_tdil && LI == nvec }; \
const int Nt_inv{ full_tdil ? 1 : TI }
Default for distillation file operations. For now only used by NamedTensor
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
using Default_Reader = Grid::Hdf5Reader;
using Default_Writer = Grid::Hdf5Writer;
static const char * FileExtension = ".h5";
using Default_Reader = Grid::BinaryReader;
using Default_Writer = Grid::BinaryWriter;
static const char * FileExtension = ".dat";
NamedTensor object
This is an Eigen::Tensor of type Scalar_ and rank NumIndices_ (row-major order)
They can be persisted to disk
IndexNames contains one name for each index, and IndexNames are validated on load.
WHAT TO SAVE / VALIDATE ON LOAD (Override to warn instead of assert on load)
Ensemble string
Configuration number
Noise unique string
Distillation parameters
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
class NamedTensor : Serializable
using Scalar = Scalar_;
static constexpr int NumIndices = NumIndices_;
using ET = Eigen::Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Eigen::RowMajor>;
using Index = typename ET::Index;
, ET, tensor
, std::vector<std::string>, IndexNames
// Named tensors are intended to be a superset of Eigen tensor
inline operator ET&() { return tensor; }
template<typename... IndexTypes>
inline const Scalar_& operator()(const std::array<Eigen::Index, NumIndices_> &Indices) const
{ return tensor.operator()(Indices); }
inline Scalar_& operator()(const std::array<Eigen::Index, NumIndices_> &Indices)
{ return tensor.operator()(Indices); }
template<typename... IndexTypes>
inline const Scalar_& operator()(Eigen::Index firstDimension, IndexTypes... otherDimensions) const
// The number of indices used to access a tensor coefficient must be equal to the rank of the tensor.
assert(sizeof...(otherDimensions) + 1 == NumIndices_ && "NamedTensor: dimensions != tensor rank");
return tensor.operator()(std::array<Eigen::Index, NumIndices_>{{firstDimension, otherDimensions...}});
template<typename... IndexTypes>
inline Scalar_& operator()(Eigen::Index firstDimension, IndexTypes... otherDimensions)
// The number of indices used to access a tensor coefficient must be equal to the rank of the tensor.
assert(sizeof...(otherDimensions) + 1 == NumIndices_ && "NamedTensor: dimensions != tensor rank");
return tensor.operator()(std::array<Eigen::Index, NumIndices_>{{firstDimension, otherDimensions...}});
// Construct a named tensor explicitly specifying size of each dimension
template<typename... IndexTypes>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE NamedTensor(const std::array<std::string,NumIndices_> &IndexNames_, Eigen::Index firstDimension, IndexTypes... otherDimensions)
: tensor(firstDimension, otherDimensions...), IndexNames{NumIndices}
// The number of dimensions used to construct a tensor must be equal to the rank of the tensor.
assert(sizeof...(otherDimensions) + 1 == NumIndices_ && "NamedTensor: dimensions != tensor rank");
for( int i = 0; i < NumIndices_; i++ )
IndexNames[i] = IndexNames_[i];
// Default constructor (assumes tensor will be loaded from file)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE NamedTensor() : IndexNames{NumIndices_} {}
// Construct a named tensor without specifying size of each dimension (because it will be loaded from file)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE NamedTensor(const std::array<std::string,NumIndices_> &IndexNames_)
: IndexNames{NumIndices_}
for( int i = 0; i < NumIndices_; i++ )
IndexNames[i] = IndexNames_[i];
bool ValidateIndexNames( std::size_t NumNames, const std::string * MatchNames ) const;
// Read/Write in any format
template<typename Reader> inline void read (Reader &r, const char * pszTag = nullptr);
template<typename Writer> inline void write(Writer &w, const char * pszTag = nullptr) const;
// Read/Write in default format, i.e. HDF5 if present, else binary
inline void read (const char * filename, const char * pszTag = nullptr);
inline void write(const char * filename, const char * pszTag = nullptr) const;
// Is this a named tensor
template<typename T, typename V = void> struct is_named_tensor : public std::false_type {};
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_> struct is_named_tensor<NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>> : public std::true_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_named_tensor<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<NamedTensor<typename T::Scalar, T::NumIndices>, T>::value>::type> : public std::true_type {};
PerambTensor object
using PerambTensor = NamedTensor<SpinVector, 6>;
static const std::array<std::string, 6> PerambIndexNames{"nT", "nVec", "LI", "nNoise", "nT_inv", "SI"};
Write NamedTensor
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
template<typename Writer>
void NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>::write(Writer &w, const char * pszTag)const{
if( pszTag == nullptr )
pszTag = "NamedTensor";
LOG(Message) << "Writing NamedTensor to tag " << pszTag << std::endl;
write(w, pszTag, *this);
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
void NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>::write(const char * filename, const char * pszTag)const{
std::string sFileName{filename};
sFileName.append( MDistil::FileExtension );
LOG(Message) << "Writing NamedTensor to file " << sFileName << std::endl;
MDistil::Default_Writer w( sFileName );
write( w, pszTag );
Validate named tensor index names
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
bool NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>::ValidateIndexNames( std::size_t NumNames, const std::string * MatchNames ) const {
bool bSame{ NumNames == NumIndices_ && IndexNames.size() == NumIndices_ };
for( std::size_t i = 0; bSame && i < NumIndices_; i++ )
bSame = MatchNames[i].size() == IndexNames[i].size()
&& std::equal( MatchNames[i].begin(), MatchNames[i].end(), IndexNames[i].begin(),
[](const char & c1, const char & c2){ return c1 == c2 || std::toupper(c1) == std::toupper(c2); });
return bSame;
Read NamedTensor
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
template<typename Reader>
void NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>::read(Reader &r, const char * pszTag) {
if( pszTag == nullptr )
pszTag = "NamedTensor";
// Grab index names and dimensions
std::vector<std::string> OldIndexNames{std::move(IndexNames)};
typename ET::Dimensions OldDimensions{tensor.dimensions()};
LOG(Message) << "Reading NamedTensor from tag " << pszTag << std::endl;
read(r, pszTag, *this);
const typename ET::Dimensions & NewDimensions{tensor.dimensions()};
for( int i = 0; i < NumIndices_; i++ )
assert(OldDimensions[i] == 0 || OldDimensions[i] == NewDimensions[i] && "NamedTensor::load dimension size");
assert( ValidateIndexNames( OldIndexNames.size(), &OldIndexNames[0] ) && "NamedTensor::load dimension name" );
template<typename Scalar_, int NumIndices_>
void NamedTensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_>::read(const char * filename, const char * pszTag) {
std::string sFileName{filename};
sFileName.append( MDistil::FileExtension );
LOG(Message) << "Reading NamedTensor from file " << sFileName << std::endl;
MDistil::Default_Reader r( sFileName );
read( r, pszTag );
Make a lower dimensional grid in preparation for local slice operations
inline GridCartesian * MakeLowerDimGrid( GridCartesian * gridHD )
int nd{static_cast<int>(gridHD->_ndimension)};
Coordinate latt_size = gridHD->_gdimensions;
latt_size[nd-1] = 1;
Coordinate simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(nd-1, vComplex::Nsimd());
simd_layout.push_back( 1 );
Coordinate mpi_layout = gridHD->_processors;
mpi_layout[nd-1] = 1;
GridCartesian * gridLD = new GridCartesian(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout,*gridHD);
return gridLD;
Rotate eigenvectors into our phase convention
First component of first eigenvector is real and positive
inline void RotateEigen(std::vector<LatticeColourVector> & evec)
ColourVector cv0;
auto grid = evec[0].Grid();
Coordinate siteFirst(grid->Nd(),0);
peekSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
Grid::Complex cplx0 = cv0()()(0);
if( cplx0.imag() == 0 )
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : " << cplx0 << " => already meets phase convention" << std::endl;
else {
const Real cplx0_mag = Grid::abs(cplx0);
#ifdef GRID_NVCC
const Grid::Complex phase = thrust::conj(cplx0 / cplx0_mag);
const Real argphase = thrust::arg(phase);
const Grid::Complex phase = std::conj(cplx0 / cplx0_mag);
const Real argphase = std::arg(phase);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : |" << cplx0 << "|=" << cplx0_mag << " => phase=" << (argphase / 3.14159265) << " pi" << std::endl;
// TODO: Only really needed on the master slice
for( int k = 0 ; k < evec.size() ; k++ )
evec[k] *= phase;
for( int c = 0 ; c < Nc ; c++ )
cv0()()(c) *= phase;
cplx0.imag(0); // This assumes phase convention is real, positive (so I get rid of rounding error)
//pokeSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
pokeLocalSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
extern const std::string PerambTensorName;
extern const std::array<std::string, 6> PerambIndexNames;
using PerambTensor = NamedTensor<SpinVector, 6, PerambTensorName, PerambIndexNames>;
#endif // Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_
#endif // Hadrons_Distil_hpp_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp
Copyright (C) 2015-2019
Author: Felix Erben <ferben@ed.ac.uk>
Author: Michael Marshall <Michael.Marshall@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_DistilCommon_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_DistilCommon_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Solver.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/A2AVectors.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/DilutedNoise.hpp>
Common elements for distillation
struct DistilParameters: Serializable {
int, nnoise,
int, tsrc,
std::string, TI,
std::string, LI,
std::string, SI )
DistilParameters() = default;
template <class ReaderClass> DistilParameters(Reader<ReaderClass>& Reader){read(Reader,"Distil",*this);}
// Numeric parameter is allowed to be empty (in which case it = Default),
// but assert during setup() if specified but not numeric
static int ParameterDefault( const std::string & s, int Default, bool bCalledFromSetup )
int i = Default;
if( s.length() > 0 ) {
std::istringstream ss( s );
ss >> i;
if( bCalledFromSetup )
assert( !ss.fail() && "Parameter should either be empty or integer" );
return i;
const int Nt{env().getDim(Tdir)}; \
const int nvec{par().nvec}; \
const int nnoise{par().Distil.nnoise}; \
const int tsrc{par().Distil.tsrc}; \
const int TI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.TI, Nt, inSetup)}; \
const int LI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.LI, nvec, inSetup)}; \
const int SI{Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault(par().Distil.SI, Ns, inSetup)}; \
const bool full_tdil{ TI == Nt }; \
const bool exact_distillation{ full_tdil && LI == nvec }; \
const int Nt_inv{ full_tdil ? 1 : TI }
Make a lower dimensional grid in preparation for local slice operations
inline GridCartesian * MakeLowerDimGrid( GridCartesian * gridHD )
int nd{static_cast<int>(gridHD->_ndimension)};
Coordinate latt_size = gridHD->_gdimensions;
latt_size[nd-1] = 1;
Coordinate simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(nd-1, vComplex::Nsimd());
simd_layout.push_back( 1 );
Coordinate mpi_layout = gridHD->_processors;
mpi_layout[nd-1] = 1;
GridCartesian * gridLD = new GridCartesian(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout,*gridHD);
return gridLD;
Rotate eigenvectors into our phase convention
First component of first eigenvector is real and positive
inline void RotateEigen(std::vector<LatticeColourVector> & evec)
ColourVector cv0;
auto grid = evec[0].Grid();
Coordinate siteFirst(grid->Nd(),0);
peekSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
Grid::Complex cplx0 = cv0()()(0);
if( cplx0.imag() == 0 )
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : " << cplx0 << " => already meets phase convention" << std::endl;
else {
const Real cplx0_mag = Grid::abs(cplx0);
#ifdef GRID_NVCC
const Grid::Complex phase = thrust::conj(cplx0 / cplx0_mag);
const Real argphase = thrust::arg(phase);
const Grid::Complex phase = std::conj(cplx0 / cplx0_mag);
const Real argphase = std::arg(phase);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "RotateEigen() : Site 0 : |" << cplx0 << "|=" << cplx0_mag << " => phase=" << (argphase / 3.14159265) << " pi" << std::endl;
// TODO: Only really needed on the master slice
for( int k = 0 ; k < evec.size() ; k++ )
evec[k] *= phase;
for( int c = 0 ; c < Nc ; c++ )
cv0()()(c) *= phase;
cplx0.imag(0); // This assumes phase convention is real, positive (so I get rid of rounding error)
//pokeSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
pokeLocalSite(cv0, evec[0], siteFirst);
#endif // Hadrons_MDistil_DistilCommon_hpp_

View File

@ -30,24 +30,15 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_DistilVectors_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_DistilVectors_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Solver.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/A2AVectors.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/DilutedNoise.hpp>
// These are members of Distillation
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>
* DistilVectors *
* (Create rho and/or phi vectors) *
class DistilVectorsPar: Serializable
@ -166,7 +157,7 @@ void TDistilVectors<FImpl>::setup(void)
auto &perambulator = envGet(PerambTensor, PerambulatorName);
// We expect the perambulator to have been created with these indices
assert( perambulator.ValidateIndexNames( PerambIndexNames.size(), &PerambIndexNames[0] ) && "Perambulator index names bad" );
assert( perambulator.ValidateIndexNames() && "Perambulator index names bad" );
const int Nt{ env().getDim(Tdir) };
assert( Nt == static_cast<int>( perambulator.tensor.dimension(0) ) && "PerambTensor time dimensionality bad" );
@ -287,7 +278,7 @@ void TDistilVectors<FImpl>::execute(void)
for (int ivec = 0; ivec < nvec; ivec++) {
sink_tslice += evec3d * perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds);
sink_tslice += evec3d * perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds);

View File

@ -30,16 +30,9 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_LapEvec_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_LapEvec_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
// These are members of Distillation
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>

View File

@ -30,23 +30,14 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_Noises_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_Noises_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Solver.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/A2AVectors.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/DilutedNoise.hpp>
// These are members of Distillation
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>
* Noises *
class NoisesPar: Serializable

View File

@ -30,23 +30,14 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_PerambFromSolve_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_PerambFromSolve_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Solver.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/A2AVectors.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/DilutedNoise.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>
// These are members of Distillation
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
* PerambFromSolve *
class PerambFromSolvePar: Serializable
@ -126,7 +117,7 @@ void TPerambFromSolve<FImpl>::setup(void)
const int LI_reduced{ Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault( par().LI_reduced, LI, true) };
grid4d = env().getGrid();
grid3d = MakeLowerDimGrid(grid4d);
envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, PerambIndexNames,Nt,nvec_reduced,LI_reduced,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, Nt,nvec_reduced,LI_reduced,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
envCreate(NoiseTensor, getName() + "_noise", 1, nnoise, Nt, nvec, Ns );
envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "result_3d",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d));
envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "evec3d",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d));
@ -171,8 +162,8 @@ void TPerambFromSolve<FImpl>::execute(void)
for (int ivec = 0; ivec < nvec_reduced; ivec++) {
pokeSpin(perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast<Complex>(innerProduct(evec3d, result_3d)),is);
LOG(Message) << "perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)(is) = (" << t << "," << ivec << "," << dk << "," << inoise << "," << dt << "," << ds << ")(" << is << ") = " << perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)()(is)() << std::endl;
pokeSpin(perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast<Complex>(innerProduct(evec3d, result_3d)),is);
LOG(Message) << "perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)(is) = (" << t << "," << ivec << "," << dk << "," << inoise << "," << dt << "," << ds << ")(" << is << ") = " << perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)()(is)() << std::endl;

View File

@ -34,3 +34,14 @@ using namespace Hadrons;
using namespace MDistil;
template class Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::TPerambulator<FIMPL>;
// Global constants for distillation
const std::string Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensorName{ "Perambulator" };
const std::array<std::string, 6> Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambIndexNames{"nT", "nVec", "LI", "nNoise", "nT_inv", "SI"};
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
extern const std::string Grid::Hadrons::NamedTensorFileExtension{".h5"};
extern const std::string Grid::Hadrons::NamedTensorFileExtension{".dat"};

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_Perambulator_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_Perambulator_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void TPerambulator<FImpl>::setup(void)
if( !UnsmearedSinkFileName.empty() )
bool bMulti = ( Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault( par().UnsmearedSinkMultiFile, 1, true ) != 0 );
envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, PerambIndexNames,Nt,nvec,LI,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, Nt,nvec,LI,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
envCreate(std::vector<FermionField>, getName() + "_unsmeared_sink", 1,
nnoise*LI*Ns*Nt_inv, envGetGrid(FermionField));
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void TPerambulator<FImpl>::execute(void)
for (int ivec = 0; ivec < nvec; ivec++)
pokeSpin(perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast<Complex>(innerProduct(evec3d, result_3d)),is);
pokeSpin(perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast<Complex>(innerProduct(evec3d, result_3d)),is);

View File

@ -30,18 +30,14 @@
#ifndef Hadrons_MIO_LoadPerambulator_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MIO_LoadPerambulator_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/EigenPack.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/DistilCommon.hpp>
* LoadPerambulator *
class LoadPerambulatorPar: Serializable
@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ void TLoadPerambulator<FImpl>::setup(void)
//std::array<std::string,6> sIndexNames{"Nt", "nvec", "LI", "nnoise", "Nt_inv", "SI"};
envCreate(MDistil::PerambTensor, getName(), 1, MDistil::PerambIndexNames,Nt,nvec,LI,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
envCreate(MDistil::PerambTensor, getName(), 1, Nt,nvec,LI,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI);
// execution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Author: Michael Marshall <michael.marshall@ed.ac.uk>
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <Hadrons/Distil.hpp>
using namespace Grid;
@ -252,6 +253,14 @@ void tensorConvTestFn(GridSerialRNG &rng, const std::string label)
#define tensorConvTest(rng, type) tensorConvTestFn<type>(rng, #type)
static const std::string TheyCallMeLurve{"That's not my name"};
static const std::string Coco{"Coco the dancing seal"};
static const std::array<std::string,2> GreatestShowOnEarth{ "Burnum", "Burnum" };
using MyPerambTensor = Grid::Hadrons::NamedTensor<SpinVector, 6, Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensorName, Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambIndexNames>;
static const std::string MPTName{ "Perambulator" };
static const std::array<std::string, 6> MPTIndexNames{"nT", "nVec", "LI", "nNoise", "nT_inv", "SI"};
using MyPerambTensor2 = Grid::Hadrons::NamedTensor<SpinVector, 6, MPTName, MPTIndexNames>;
int main(int argc,char **argv)
@ -383,5 +392,33 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
XmlWriter HMCwr("HMCparameters.xml");
using Tst1=Hadrons::NamedTensor<double,2,Coco,GreatestShowOnEarth>;
using Tst2=Hadrons::NamedTensor<double,2,TheyCallMeLurve,GreatestShowOnEarth>;
using Tst3=Hadrons::NamedTensor<double,2,TheyCallMeLurve,GreatestShowOnEarth>;
std::cout << "typeid(Tst1)=" << typeid(Tst1).name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "typeid(Tst2)=" << typeid(Tst2).name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "typeid(Tst3)=" << typeid(Tst3).name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Tst1 is " << ( typeid(Tst1) == typeid(Tst2) ? "" : "not " )
<< "the same as Tst2" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Tst3 is " << ( typeid(Tst3) == typeid(Tst2) ? "" : "not " )
<< "the same as Tst2" << std::endl;
std::cout << "typeid(PerambTensor)=" << typeid(Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensor).name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "typeid(MyPerambTensor)=" << typeid(MyPerambTensor).name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensor is "
<< ( typeid(Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensor) == typeid(MyPerambTensor) ? "" : "not " )
<< "the same as MyPerambTensor" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensor is "
<< ( typeid(Grid::Hadrons::MDistil::PerambTensor) == typeid(MyPerambTensor2) ? "" : "not " )
<< "the same as MyPerambTensor2" << std::endl;
const std::string FileOriginal{"Peramb.3000"};
const std::string FileCopy{"Peramb_deleteme.3000"};
MyPerambTensor p;
//p.IndexNames[3] = "Lemons " + p.IndexNames[3];