mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 01:05:38 +01:00

Merge branch 'feature/dirichlet-gparity' of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid into feature/dirichlet-gparity

This commit is contained in:
Peter Boyle 2022-06-15 19:20:27 -04:00
commit 3d8146b596
30 changed files with 2143 additions and 189 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
#include <Grid/GridCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/QCD.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/spin/Spin.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/gparity/Gparity.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/utils/Utils.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/representations/Representations.h>

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ NAMESPACE_CHECK(BiCGSTAB);
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/SchurRedBlack.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradientMultiShift.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradientMixedPrec.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/BiCGSTABMixedPrec.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/BlockConjugateGradient.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradientReliableUpdate.h>

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
Integer TotalInnerIterations; //Number of inner CG iterations
Integer TotalOuterIterations; //Number of restarts
Integer TotalFinalStepIterations; //Number of CG iterations in final patch-up step
RealD TrueResidual;
//Option to speed up *inner single precision* solves using a LinearFunction that produces a guess
LinearFunction<FieldF> *guesser;
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
void operator() (const FieldD &src_d_in, FieldD &sol_d){
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient: Starting mixed precision CG with outer tolerance " << Tolerance << " and inner tolerance " << InnerTolerance << std::endl;
TotalInnerIterations = 0;
GridStopWatch TotalTimer;
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
FieldF sol_f(SinglePrecGrid);
sol_f.Checkerboard() = cb;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient: Starting initial inner CG with tolerance " << inner_tol << std::endl;
ConjugateGradient<FieldF> CG_f(inner_tol, MaxInnerIterations);
CG_f.ErrorOnNoConverge = false;
@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
(*guesser)(src_f, sol_f);
//Inner CG
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient: Outer iteration " << outer_iter << " starting inner CG with tolerance " << inner_tol << std::endl;
CG_f.Tolerance = inner_tol;
CG_f(Linop_f, src_f, sol_f);
@ -150,6 +154,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
ConjugateGradient<FieldD> CG_d(Tolerance, MaxInnerIterations);
CG_d(Linop_d, src_d_in, sol_d);
TotalFinalStepIterations = CG_d.IterationsToComplete;
TrueResidual = CG_d.TrueResidual;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient: Inner CG iterations " << TotalInnerIterations << " Restarts " << TotalOuterIterations << " Final CG iterations " << TotalFinalStepIterations << std::endl;

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
MultiShiftFunction shifts;
std::vector<RealD> TrueResidualShift;
ConjugateGradientMultiShift(Integer maxit,MultiShiftFunction &_shifts) :
ConjugateGradientMultiShift(Integer maxit, const MultiShiftFunction &_shifts) :
@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ public:
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++) {
std::cout << GridLogIterative << "ConjugateGradientMultiShift: initial rn (|src|^2) =" << rn << " qq (|MdagM src|^2) =" << qq << " d ( dot(src, [MdagM + m_0]src) ) =" << d << " c=" << c << std::endl;
// Timers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradientMultiShift.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Azusa Yamaguchi <ayamaguc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@bnl.gov>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
//CK 2020: A variant of the multi-shift conjugate gradient with the matrix multiplication in single precision.
//The residual is stored in single precision, but the search directions and solution are stored in double precision.
//Every update_freq iterations the residual is corrected in double precision.
//For safety the a final regular CG is applied to clean up if necessary
//Linop to add shift to input linop, used in cleanup CG
namespace ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrecSupport{
template<typename Field>
class ShiftedLinop: public LinearOperatorBase<Field>{
LinearOperatorBase<Field> &linop_base;
RealD shift;
ShiftedLinop(LinearOperatorBase<Field> &_linop_base, RealD _shift): linop_base(_linop_base), shift(_shift){}
void OpDiag (const Field &in, Field &out){ assert(0); }
void OpDir (const Field &in, Field &out,int dir,int disp){ assert(0); }
void OpDirAll (const Field &in, std::vector<Field> &out){ assert(0); }
void Op (const Field &in, Field &out){ assert(0); }
void AdjOp (const Field &in, Field &out){ assert(0); }
void HermOp(const Field &in, Field &out){
linop_base.HermOp(in, out);
axpy(out, shift, in, out);
void HermOpAndNorm(const Field &in, Field &out,RealD &n1,RealD &n2){
ComplexD dot = innerProduct(in,out);
template<class FieldD, class FieldF,
typename std::enable_if< getPrecision<FieldD>::value == 2, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if< getPrecision<FieldF>::value == 1, int>::type = 0>
class ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec : public OperatorMultiFunction<FieldD>,
public OperatorFunction<FieldD>
using OperatorFunction<FieldD>::operator();
RealD Tolerance;
Integer MaxIterations;
Integer IterationsToComplete; //Number of iterations the CG took to finish. Filled in upon completion
std::vector<int> IterationsToCompleteShift; // Iterations for this shift
int verbose;
MultiShiftFunction shifts;
std::vector<RealD> TrueResidualShift;
int ReliableUpdateFreq; //number of iterations between reliable updates
GridBase* SinglePrecGrid; //Grid for single-precision fields
LinearOperatorBase<FieldF> &Linop_f; //single precision
ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec(Integer maxit, const MultiShiftFunction &_shifts,
GridBase* _SinglePrecGrid, LinearOperatorBase<FieldF> &_Linop_f,
int _ReliableUpdateFreq
) :
MaxIterations(maxit), shifts(_shifts), SinglePrecGrid(_SinglePrecGrid), Linop_f(_Linop_f), ReliableUpdateFreq(_ReliableUpdateFreq)
void operator() (LinearOperatorBase<FieldD> &Linop, const FieldD &src, FieldD &psi)
GridBase *grid = src.Grid();
int nshift = shifts.order;
std::vector<FieldD> results(nshift,grid);
void operator() (LinearOperatorBase<FieldD> &Linop, const FieldD &src, std::vector<FieldD> &results, FieldD &psi)
int nshift = shifts.order;
psi = shifts.norm*src;
for(int i=0;i<nshift;i++){
psi = psi + shifts.residues[i]*results[i];
void operator() (LinearOperatorBase<FieldD> &Linop_d, const FieldD &src_d, std::vector<FieldD> &psi_d)
GridBase *DoublePrecGrid = src_d.Grid();
// Convenience references to the info stored in "MultiShiftFunction"
int nshift = shifts.order;
std::vector<RealD> &mass(shifts.poles); // Make references to array in "shifts"
std::vector<RealD> &mresidual(shifts.tolerances);
std::vector<RealD> alpha(nshift,1.0);
//Double precision search directions
FieldD p_d(DoublePrecGrid);
std::vector<FieldD> ps_d(nshift, DoublePrecGrid);// Search directions (double precision)
FieldD tmp_d(DoublePrecGrid);
FieldD r_d(DoublePrecGrid);
FieldD mmp_d(DoublePrecGrid);
// dynamic sized arrays on stack; 2d is a pain with vector
RealD bs[nshift];
RealD rsq[nshift];
RealD z[nshift][2];
int converged[nshift];
const int primary =0;
//Primary shift fields CG iteration
RealD a,b,c,d;
RealD cp,bp,qq; //prev
// Matrix mult fields
FieldF r_f(SinglePrecGrid);
FieldF p_f(SinglePrecGrid);
FieldF tmp_f(SinglePrecGrid);
FieldF mmp_f(SinglePrecGrid);
FieldF src_f(SinglePrecGrid);
precisionChange(src_f, src_d);
// Check lightest mass
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
assert( mass[s]>= mass[primary] );
// Wire guess to zero
// Residuals "r" are src
// First search direction "p" is also src
cp = norm2(src_d);
// Handle trivial case of zero src.
if( cp == 0. ){
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
psi_d[s] = Zero();
IterationsToCompleteShift[s] = 1;
TrueResidualShift[s] = 0.;
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
rsq[s] = cp * mresidual[s] * mresidual[s];
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: shift "<< s <<" target resid "<<rsq[s]<<std::endl;
ps_d[s] = src_d;
// r and p for primary
r_f=src_f; //residual maintained in single
p_d = src_d; //primary copy --- make this a reference to ps_d to save axpys
Linop_f.HermOpAndNorm(p_f,mmp_f,d,qq); // mmp = MdagM p d=real(dot(p, mmp)), qq=norm2(mmp)
RealD rn = norm2(p_f);
d += rn*mass[0];
b = -cp /d;
// Set up the various shift variables
int iz=0;
z[0][1-iz] = 1.0;
z[0][iz] = 1.0;
bs[0] = b;
for(int s=1;s<nshift;s++){
z[s][1-iz] = 1.0;
z[s][iz] = 1.0/( 1.0 - b*(mass[s]-mass[0]));
bs[s] = b*z[s][iz];
// r += b[0] A.p[0]
// c= norm(r)
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++) {
// Timers
GridStopWatch AXPYTimer, ShiftTimer, QRTimer, MatrixTimer, SolverTimer, PrecChangeTimer, CleanupTimer;
// Iteration loop
int k;
for (k=1;k<=MaxIterations;k++){
a = c /cp;
//Update double precision search direction by residual
precisionChange(r_d, r_f);
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
if ( ! converged[s] ) {
if (s==0){
} else{
RealD as =a *z[s][iz]*bs[s] /(z[s][1-iz]*b);
precisionChange(p_f, p_d); //get back single prec search direction for linop
RealD rn = norm2(p_f);
d += rn*mass[0];
// Toggle the recurrence history
bs[0] = b;
iz = 1-iz;
for(int s=1;s<nshift;s++){
RealD z0 = z[s][1-iz];
RealD z1 = z[s][iz];
z[s][iz] = z0*z1*bp
/ (b*a*(z1-z0) + z1*bp*(1- (mass[s]-mass[0])*b));
bs[s] = b*z[s][iz]/z0; // NB sign rel to Mike
//Update double precision solutions
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
int ss = s;
if( (!converged[s]) ) {
//Perform reliable update if necessary; otherwise update residual from single-prec mmp
RealD c_f = axpy_norm(r_f,b,mmp_f,r_f);
c = c_f;
if(k % ReliableUpdateFreq == 0){
//Replace r with true residual
RealD c_d = axpy_norm(r_d, -1.0, mmp_d, src_d);
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec k="<<k<< ", replaced |r|^2 = "<<c_f <<" with |r|^2 = "<<c_d<<std::endl;
precisionChange(r_f, r_d);
c = c_d;
// Convergence checks
int all_converged = 1;
for(int s=0;s<nshift;s++){
if ( (!converged[s]) ){
IterationsToCompleteShift[s] = k;
RealD css = c * z[s][iz]* z[s][iz];
if ( ! converged[s] )
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec k="<<k<<" Shift "<<s<<" has converged"<<std::endl;
} else {
if ( all_converged ){
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<< "ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: All shifts have converged iteration "<<k<<std::endl;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<< "ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: Checking solutions"<<std::endl;
// Check answers
for(int s=0; s < nshift; s++) {
RealD rn = norm2(r_d);
RealD cn = norm2(src_d);
TrueResidualShift[s] = std::sqrt(rn/cn);
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: shift["<<s<<"] true residual "<< TrueResidualShift[s] << " target " << mresidual[s] << std::endl;
//If we have not reached the desired tolerance, do a (mixed precision) CG cleanup
if(rn >= rsq[s]){
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: performing cleanup step for shift " << s << std::endl;
//Setup linear operators for final cleanup
ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrecSupport::ShiftedLinop<FieldD> Linop_shift_d(Linop_d, mass[s]);
ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrecSupport::ShiftedLinop<FieldF> Linop_shift_f(Linop_f, mass[s]);
MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient<FieldD,FieldF> cg(mresidual[s], MaxIterations, MaxIterations, SinglePrecGrid, Linop_shift_f, Linop_shift_d);
cg(src_d, psi_d[s]);
TrueResidualShift[s] = cg.TrueResidual;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec: Time Breakdown for body"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\tSolver " << SolverTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\t\tAXPY " << AXPYTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\t\tMatrix " << MatrixTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\t\tShift " << ShiftTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\t\tPrecision Change " << PrecChangeTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\tFinal Cleanup " << CleanupTimer.Elapsed() <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "\tSolver+Cleanup " << SolverTimer.Elapsed() + CleanupTimer.Elapsed() << std::endl;
IterationsToComplete = k;
// ugly hack
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"CG multi shift did not converge"<<std::endl;
// assert(0);

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public:
int, MinRes); // Must restart
//This class is the input parameter class for some testing programs
struct LocalCoherenceLanczosParams : Serializable {
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ public:
{ };
//evalMaxApprox: approximation of largest eval of the fine Chebyshev operator (suitably wrapped by block projection)
int TestConvergence(int j,RealD eresid,CoarseField &B, RealD &eval,RealD evalMaxApprox)
CoarseField v(B);
@ -181,8 +183,16 @@ public:
if( (vv<eresid*eresid) ) conv = 1;
return conv;
int ReconstructEval(int j,RealD eresid,CoarseField &B, RealD &eval,RealD evalMaxApprox)
//This function is called at the end of the coarse grid Lanczos. It promotes the coarse eigenvector 'B' to the fine grid,
//applies a smoother to the result then computes the computes the *fine grid* eigenvalue (output as 'eval').
//evalMaxApprox should be the approximation of the largest eval of the fine Hermop. However when this function is called by IRL it actually passes the largest eval of the *Chebyshev* operator (as this is the max approx used for the TestConvergence above)
//As the largest eval of the Chebyshev is typically several orders of magnitude larger this makes the convergence test pass even when it should not.
//We therefore ignore evalMaxApprox here and use a value of 1.0 (note this value is already used by TestCoarse)
int ReconstructEval(int j,RealD eresid,CoarseField &B, RealD &eval,RealD evalMaxApprox)
evalMaxApprox = 1.0; //cf above
GridBase *FineGrid = _subspace[0].Grid();
int checkerboard = _subspace[0].Checkerboard();
FineField fB(FineGrid);fB.Checkerboard() =checkerboard;
@ -201,13 +211,13 @@ public:
eval = vnum/vden;
fv -= eval*fB;
RealD vv = norm2(fv) / ::pow(evalMaxApprox,2.0);
if ( j > nbasis ) eresid = eresid*_coarse_relax_tol;
std::cout<<GridLogIRL << "[" << std::setw(3)<<j<<"] "
<<"eval = "<<std::setw(25)<< eval << " (" << eval_poly << ")"
<<" |H B[i] - eval[i]B[i]|^2 / evalMaxApprox^2 " << std::setw(25) << vv
<<" |H B[i] - eval[i]B[i]|^2 / evalMaxApprox^2 " << std::setw(25) << vv << " target " << eresid*eresid
if ( j > nbasis ) eresid = eresid*_coarse_relax_tol;
if( (vv<eresid*eresid) ) return 1;
return 0;
@ -285,6 +295,10 @@ public:
//The block inner product is the inner product on the fine grid locally summed over the blocks
//to give a Lattice<Scalar> on the coarse grid. This function orthnormalizes the fine-grid subspace
//vectors under the block inner product. This step must be performed after computing the fine grid
//eigenvectors and before computing the coarse grid eigenvectors.
void Orthogonalise(void ) {
CoarseScalar InnerProd(_CoarseGrid);
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<" Gramm-Schmidt pass 1"<<std::endl;
@ -328,6 +342,8 @@ public:
//While this method serves to check the coarse eigenvectors, it also recomputes the eigenvalues from the smoothed reconstructed eigenvectors
//hence the smoother can be tuned after running the coarse Lanczos by using a different smoother here
void testCoarse(RealD resid,ChebyParams cheby_smooth,RealD relax)
assert(evals_fine.size() == nbasis);
@ -376,25 +392,31 @@ public:
//cheby_op: Parameters of the fine grid Chebyshev polynomial used for the Lanczos acceleration
//cheby_smooth: Parameters of a separate Chebyshev polynomial used after the Lanczos has completed to smooth out high frequency noise in the reconstructed fine grid eigenvectors prior to computing the eigenvalue
//relax: Reconstructed eigenvectors (post smoothing) are naturally not as precise as true eigenvectors. This factor acts as a multiplier on the stopping condition when determining whether the results satisfy the user provided stopping condition
void calcCoarse(ChebyParams cheby_op,ChebyParams cheby_smooth,RealD relax,
int Nstop, int Nk, int Nm,RealD resid,
RealD MaxIt, RealD betastp, int MinRes)
Chebyshev<FineField> Cheby(cheby_op);
ProjectedHermOp<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> Op(_FineOp,subspace);
ProjectedFunctionHermOp<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> ChebyOp (Cheby,_FineOp,subspace);
Chebyshev<FineField> Cheby(cheby_op); //Chebyshev of fine operator on fine grid
ProjectedHermOp<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> Op(_FineOp,subspace); //Fine operator on coarse grid with intermediate fine grid conversion
ProjectedFunctionHermOp<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> ChebyOp (Cheby,_FineOp,subspace); //Chebyshev of fine operator on coarse grid with intermediate fine grid conversion
// create a smoother and see if we can get a cheap convergence test and smooth inside the IRL
Chebyshev<FineField> ChebySmooth(cheby_smooth);
ImplicitlyRestartedLanczosSmoothedTester<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> ChebySmoothTester(ChebyOp,ChebySmooth,_FineOp,subspace,relax);
Chebyshev<FineField> ChebySmooth(cheby_smooth); //lower order Chebyshev of fine operator on fine grid used to smooth regenerated eigenvectors
ImplicitlyRestartedLanczosSmoothedTester<Fobj,CComplex,nbasis> ChebySmoothTester(ChebyOp,ChebySmooth,_FineOp,subspace,relax);
CoarseField src(_CoarseGrid); src=1.0;
//Note the "tester" here is also responsible for generating the fine grid eigenvalues which are output into the "evals_coarse" array
ImplicitlyRestartedLanczos<CoarseField> IRL(ChebyOp,ChebyOp,ChebySmoothTester,Nstop,Nk,Nm,resid,MaxIt,betastp,MinRes);
int Nconv=0;
@ -405,6 +427,14 @@ public:
std::cout << i << " Coarse eval = " << evals_coarse[i] << std::endl;
//Get the fine eigenvector 'i' by reconstruction
void getFineEvecEval(FineField &evec, RealD &eval, const int i) const{
eval = evals_coarse[i];

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ template<class Field> class PowerMethod
RealD vnum = real(innerProduct(src_n,tmp)); // HermOp.
RealD vden = norm2(src_n);
RealD na = vnum/vden;
std::cout << GridLogIterative << "PowerMethod: Current approximation of largest eigenvalue " << na << std::endl;
if ( (fabs(evalMaxApprox/na - 1.0) < 0.001) || (i==_MAX_ITER_EST_-1) ) {
evalMaxApprox = na;

View File

@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ void ExtractSliceLocal(Lattice<vobj> &lowDim,const Lattice<vobj> & higherDim,int
template<class vobj>
void Replicate(Lattice<vobj> &coarse,Lattice<vobj> & fine)
void Replicate(const Lattice<vobj> &coarse,Lattice<vobj> & fine)
typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj;

View File

@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ using namespace Grid;
class NerscIO : public BinaryIO {
typedef Lattice<vLorentzColourMatrixD> GaugeField;
// Enable/disable exiting if the plaquette in the header does not match the value computed (default true)
static bool & exitOnReadPlaquetteMismatch(){ static bool v=true; return v; }
static inline void truncate(std::string file){
std::ofstream fout(file,std::ios::out);
@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ public:
std::cerr << " nersc_csum " <<std::hex<< nersc_csum << " " << header.checksum<< std::dec<< std::endl;
assert(fabs(clone.plaquette -header.plaquette ) < 1.0e-5 );
if(exitOnReadPlaquetteMismatch()) assert(fabs(clone.plaquette -header.plaquette ) < 1.0e-5 );
assert(fabs(clone.link_trace-header.link_trace) < 1.0e-6 );
assert(nersc_csum == header.checksum );

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ static constexpr int Ngp=2; // gparity index range
#define ColourIndex (2)
#define SpinIndex (1)
#define LorentzIndex (0)
#define GparityFlavourIndex (0)
// Also should make these a named enum type
static constexpr int DaggerNo=0;
@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ template<typename T> struct isCoarsened {
template <typename T> using IfCoarsened = Invoke<std::enable_if< isCoarsened<T>::value,int> > ;
template <typename T> using IfNotCoarsened = Invoke<std::enable_if<!isCoarsened<T>::value,int> > ;
const int GparityFlavourTensorIndex = 3; //TensorLevel counts from the bottom!
// ChrisK very keen to add extra space for Gparity doubling.
// Also add domain wall index, in a way where Wilson operator
@ -110,8 +113,10 @@ template<typename vtype> using iHalfSpinColourVector = iScalar<iVector<iVec
template<typename vtype> using iSpinColourSpinColourMatrix = iScalar<iMatrix<iMatrix<iMatrix<iMatrix<vtype, Nc>, Ns>, Nc>, Ns> >;
template<typename vtype> using iGparityFlavourVector = iVector<iScalar<iScalar<vtype> >, Ngp>;
template<typename vtype> using iGparitySpinColourVector = iVector<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Ns>, Ngp >;
template<typename vtype> using iGparityHalfSpinColourVector = iVector<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Nhs>, Ngp >;
template<typename vtype> using iGparityFlavourMatrix = iMatrix<iScalar<iScalar<vtype> >, Ngp>;
// Spin matrix
typedef iSpinMatrix<Complex > SpinMatrix;
@ -176,6 +181,16 @@ typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplex > vDoubleStoredColourMatrix;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplexF> vDoubleStoredColourMatrixF;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplexD> vDoubleStoredColourMatrixD;
//G-parity flavour matrix
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<Complex> GparityFlavourMatrix;
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<ComplexF> GparityFlavourMatrixF;
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<ComplexD> GparityFlavourMatrixD;
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<vComplex> vGparityFlavourMatrix;
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<vComplexF> vGparityFlavourMatrixF;
typedef iGparityFlavourMatrix<vComplexD> vGparityFlavourMatrixD;
// Spin vector
typedef iSpinVector<Complex > SpinVector;
typedef iSpinVector<ComplexF> SpinVectorF;
@ -220,6 +235,16 @@ typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<ComplexD> HalfSpinColourVectorD;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplex > vHalfSpinColourVector;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplexF> vHalfSpinColourVectorF;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplexD> vHalfSpinColourVectorD;
//G-parity flavour vector
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<Complex > GparityFlavourVector;
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<ComplexF> GparityFlavourVectorF;
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<ComplexD> GparityFlavourVectorD;
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<vComplex > vGparityFlavourVector;
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<vComplexF> vGparityFlavourVectorF;
typedef iGparityFlavourVector<vComplexD> vGparityFlavourVectorD;
// singlets
typedef iSinglet<Complex > TComplex; // FIXME This is painful. Tensor singlet complex type.

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@ -30,6 +30,18 @@ directory
Policy implementation for G-parity boundary conditions
Rather than treating the gauge field as a flavored field, the Grid implementation of G-parity treats the gauge field as a regular
field with complex conjugate boundary conditions. In order to ensure the second flavor interacts with the conjugate links and the first
with the regular links we overload the functionality of doubleStore, whose purpose is to store the gauge field and the barrel-shifted gauge field
to avoid communicating links when applying the Dirac operator, such that the double-stored field contains also a flavor index which maps to
either the link or the conjugate link. This flavored field is then used by multLink to apply the correct link to a spinor.
Here the first Nd-1 directions are treated as "spatial", and a twist value of 1 indicates G-parity BCs in that direction.
mu=Nd-1 is assumed to be the time direction and a twist value of 1 indicates antiperiodic BCs
template <class S, class Representation = FundamentalRepresentation, class Options=CoeffReal>
class GparityWilsonImpl : public ConjugateGaugeImpl<GaugeImplTypes<S, Representation::Dimension> > {
@ -113,7 +125,7 @@ public:
|| ((distance== 1)&&(icoor[direction]==1))
|| ((distance==-1)&&(icoor[direction]==0));
permute_lane = permute_lane && SE->_around_the_world && St.parameters.twists[mmu]; //only if we are going around the world
permute_lane = permute_lane && SE->_around_the_world && St.parameters.twists[mmu] && mmu < Nd-1; //only if we are going around the world in a spatial direction
//Apply the links
int f_upper = permute_lane ? 1 : 0;
@ -139,10 +151,10 @@ public:
assert((distance == 1) || (distance == -1)); // nearest neighbour stencil hard code
assert((sl == 1) || (sl == 2));
if ( SE->_around_the_world && St.parameters.twists[mmu] ) {
//If this site is an global boundary site, perform the G-parity flavor twist
if ( mmu < Nd-1 && SE->_around_the_world && St.parameters.twists[mmu] ) {
if ( sl == 2 ) {
//Only do the twist for lanes on the edge of the physical node
ExtractBuffer<sobj> vals(Nsimd);
@ -197,6 +209,19 @@ public:
reg = memory;
//Poke 'poke_f0' onto flavor 0 and 'poke_f1' onto flavor 1 in direction mu of the doubled gauge field Uds
inline void pokeGparityDoubledGaugeField(DoubledGaugeField &Uds, const GaugeLinkField &poke_f0, const GaugeLinkField &poke_f1, const int mu){
autoView(poke_f0_v, poke_f0, CpuRead);
autoView(poke_f1_v, poke_f1, CpuRead);
autoView(Uds_v, Uds, CpuWrite);
Uds_v[ss](0)(mu) = poke_f0_v[ss]();
Uds_v[ss](1)(mu) = poke_f1_v[ss]();
inline void DoubleStore(GridBase *GaugeGrid,DoubledGaugeField &Uds,const GaugeField &Umu)
@ -207,14 +232,19 @@ public:
GaugeLinkField Uconj(GaugeGrid);
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger> > coor(GaugeGrid);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
//Here the first Nd-1 directions are treated as "spatial", and a twist value of 1 indicates G-parity BCs in that direction.
//mu=Nd-1 is assumed to be the time direction and a twist value of 1 indicates antiperiodic BCs
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd-1;mu++){
if( Params.twists[mu] ){
U = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu,mu);
Uconj = conjugate(U);
// Implement the isospin rotation sign on the boundary between f=1 and f=0
// This phase could come from a simple bc 1,1,-1,1 ..
int neglink = GaugeGrid->GlobalDimensions()[mu]-1;
if ( Params.twists[mu] ) {
@ -229,7 +259,7 @@ public:
Uds_v[ss](0)(mu) = U_v[ss]();
Uds_v[ss](1)(mu) = Uconj_v[ss]();
U = adj(Cshift(U ,mu,-1)); // correct except for spanning the boundary
@ -260,6 +290,38 @@ public:
{ //periodic / antiperiodic temporal BCs
int mu = Nd-1;
int L = GaugeGrid->GlobalDimensions()[mu];
int Lmu = L - 1;
LatticeCoordinate(coor, mu);
U = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu, mu); //Get t-directed links
GaugeLinkField *Upoke = &U;
if(Params.twists[mu]){ //antiperiodic
Utmp = where(coor == Lmu, -U, U);
Upoke = &Utmp;
Uconj = conjugate(*Upoke); //second flavor interacts with conjugate links
pokeGparityDoubledGaugeField(Uds, *Upoke, Uconj, mu);
//Get the barrel-shifted field
Utmp = adj(Cshift(U, mu, -1)); //is a forward shift!
Upoke = &Utmp;
U = where(coor == 0, -Utmp, Utmp); //boundary phase
Upoke = &U;
Uconj = conjugate(*Upoke);
pokeGparityDoubledGaugeField(Uds, *Upoke, Uconj, mu + 4);
inline void InsertForce4D(GaugeField &mat, FermionField &Btilde, FermionField &A, int mu) {
@ -298,28 +360,48 @@ public:
inline void extractLinkField(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &mat, DoubledGaugeField &Uds){
inline void InsertForce5D(GaugeField &mat, FermionField &Btilde, FermionField &Atilde, int mu) {
int Ls = Btilde.Grid()->_fdimensions[0];
GaugeLinkField tmp(mat.Grid());
tmp = Zero();
int Ls=Btilde.Grid()->_fdimensions[0];
autoView( tmp_v , tmp, CpuWrite);
autoView( Atilde_v , Atilde, CpuRead);
autoView( Btilde_v , Btilde, CpuRead);
for (int s = 0; s < Ls; s++) {
int sF = s + Ls * ss;
auto ttmp = traceIndex<SpinIndex>(outerProduct(Btilde_v[sF], Atilde_v[sF]));
tmp_v[ss]() = tmp_v[ss]() + ttmp(0, 0) + conjugate(ttmp(1, 1));
GridBase *GaugeGrid = mat.Grid();
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger> > coor(GaugeGrid);
if( Params.twists[mu] ){
autoView( mat_v , mat, AcceleratorWrite);
autoView( Btilde_v , Btilde, AcceleratorRead);
autoView( Atilde_v , Atilde, AcceleratorRead);
accelerator_for(sss,mat.Grid()->oSites(), FermionField::vector_type::Nsimd(),{
int sU=sss;
typedef decltype(coalescedRead(mat_v[sU](mu)() )) ColorMatrixType;
ColorMatrixType sum;
for(int s=0;s<Ls;s++){
int sF = s+Ls*sU;
for(int spn=0;spn<Ns;spn++){ //sum over spin
//Flavor 0
auto bb = coalescedRead(Btilde_v[sF](0)(spn) ); //color vector
auto aa = coalescedRead(Atilde_v[sF](0)(spn) );
sum = sum + outerProduct(bb,aa);
//Flavor 1
bb = coalescedRead(Btilde_v[sF](1)(spn) );
aa = coalescedRead(Atilde_v[sF](1)(spn) );
sum = sum + conjugate(outerProduct(bb,aa));
coalescedWrite(mat_v[sU](mu)(), sum);
PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(mat, tmp, mu);

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
template<typename MomentaField>
struct MomentumFilterBase{
virtual void applyFilter(MomentaField &P) const;
virtual void applyFilter(MomentaField &P) const = 0;
//Do nothing

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@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ public:
return PeriodicBC::ShiftStaple(Link,mu);
//Same as Cshift for periodic BCs
static inline GaugeLinkField CshiftLink(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu, int shift){
return PeriodicBC::CshiftLink(Link,mu,shift);
static inline bool isPeriodicGaugeField(void) { return true; }
@ -110,6 +115,11 @@ public:
return PeriodicBC::CovShiftBackward(Link, mu, field);
//If mu is a conjugate BC direction
//Out(x) = U^dag_\mu(x-mu) | x_\mu != 0
// = U^T_\mu(L-1) | x_\mu == 0
//Out(x) = U^dag_\mu(x-mu mod L)
static inline GaugeLinkField
CovShiftIdentityBackward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu)
@ -129,6 +139,13 @@ public:
return PeriodicBC::CovShiftIdentityForward(Link,mu);
//If mu is a conjugate BC direction
//Out(x) = S_\mu(x+mu) | x_\mu != L-1
// = S*_\mu(x+mu) | x_\mu == L-1
//Out(x) = S_\mu(x+mu mod L)
//Note: While this is used for Staples it is also applicable for shifting gauge links or gauge transformation matrices
static inline GaugeLinkField ShiftStaple(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu)
assert(_conjDirs.size() == Nd);
@ -138,6 +155,27 @@ public:
return PeriodicBC::ShiftStaple(Link,mu);
//Boundary-aware C-shift of gauge links / gauge transformation matrices
//For conjugate BC direction
//shift = 1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x+\hat\mu) | x_\mu != L-1
// = U*_\mu(0) | x_\mu == L-1
//shift = -1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x-mu) | x_\mu != 0
// = U*_\mu(L-1) | x_\mu == 0
//shift = 1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x+\hat\mu mod L)
//shift = -1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x-\hat\mu mod L)
static inline GaugeLinkField CshiftLink(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu, int shift){
assert(_conjDirs.size() == Nd);
return ConjugateBC::CshiftLink(Link,mu,shift);
return PeriodicBC::CshiftLink(Link,mu,shift);
static inline void setDirections(std::vector<int> &conjDirs) { _conjDirs=conjDirs; }
static inline std::vector<int> getDirections(void) { return _conjDirs; }
static inline bool isPeriodicGaugeField(void) { return false; }

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
const std::array<const GparityFlavour, 3> GparityFlavour::sigma_mu = {{
const std::array<const GparityFlavour, 6> GparityFlavour::sigma_all = {{
const std::array<const char *, GparityFlavour::nSigma> GparityFlavour::name = {{

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@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
//Support for flavour-matrix operations acting on the G-parity flavour index
#include <array>
class GparityFlavour {
SigmaX, 0,
MinusSigmaX, 1,
SigmaY, 2,
MinusSigmaY, 3,
SigmaZ, 4,
MinusSigmaZ, 5,
Identity, 6,
MinusIdentity, 7,
ProjPlus, 8,
MinusProjPlus, 9,
ProjMinus, 10,
MinusProjMinus, 11
static constexpr unsigned int nSigma = 12;
static const std::array<const char *, nSigma> name;
static const std::array<const GparityFlavour, 3> sigma_mu;
static const std::array<const GparityFlavour, 6> sigma_all;
Algebra g;
accelerator GparityFlavour(Algebra initg): g(initg) {}
// 0 1 x vector
// 1 0
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourSigmaX(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = rhs(1);
ret(1) = rhs(0);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourSigmaX(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(1,0);
ret(0,1) = rhs(1,1);
ret(1,0) = rhs(0,0);
ret(1,1) = rhs(0,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourSigmaX(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(0,1);
ret(0,1) = rhs(0,0);
ret(1,0) = rhs(1,1);
ret(1,1) = rhs(1,0);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusSigmaX(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = -rhs(1);
ret(1) = -rhs(0);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusSigmaX(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(1,0);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(1,1);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(0,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusSigmaX(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(0,1);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(1,1);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(1,0);
// 0 -i x vector
// i 0
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourSigmaY(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = timesMinusI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = timesI(rhs(0));
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourSigmaY(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = timesMinusI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = timesI(rhs(0,0));
ret(1,1) = timesI(rhs(0,1));
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourSigmaY(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = timesI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = timesMinusI(rhs(0,0));
ret(1,0) = timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = timesMinusI(rhs(1,0));
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusSigmaY(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = timesI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = timesMinusI(rhs(0));
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusSigmaY(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = timesI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = timesMinusI(rhs(0,0));
ret(1,1) = timesMinusI(rhs(0,1));
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusSigmaY(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = timesMinusI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = timesI(rhs(0,0));
ret(1,0) = timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = timesI(rhs(1,0));
// 1 0 x vector
// 0 -1
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourSigmaZ(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = rhs(0);
ret(1) = -rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourSigmaZ(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourSigmaZ(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusSigmaZ(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = -rhs(0);
ret(1) = rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusSigmaZ(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusSigmaZ(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourIdentity(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = rhs(0);
ret(1) = rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourIdentity(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourIdentity(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusIdentity(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = -rhs(0);
ret(1) = -rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusIdentity(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusIdentity(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -rhs(0,0);
ret(0,1) = -rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = -rhs(1,1);
//G-parity flavour projection 1/2(1+\sigma_2)
//1 -i
//i 1
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourProjPlus(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = 0.5*rhs(0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0)) + 0.5*rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourProjPlus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = 0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*rhs(0,1) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,0)) + 0.5*rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,1)) + 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourProjPlus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = 0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,0)) + 0.5*rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = 0.5*rhs(1,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,0)) + 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusProjPlus(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = -0.5*rhs(0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0)) - 0.5*rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusProjPlus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = -0.5*rhs(0,1) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,0)) - 0.5*rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,1)) - 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusProjPlus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,0)) - 0.5*rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -0.5*rhs(1,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,0)) - 0.5*rhs(1,1);
//G-parity flavour projection 1/2(1-\sigma_2)
//1 i
//-i 1
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourProjMinus(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = 0.5*rhs(0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0)) + 0.5*rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourProjMinus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = 0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*rhs(0,1) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,0)) + 0.5*rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,1)) + 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourProjMinus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = 0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,0)) + 0.5*rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = 0.5*rhs(1,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,0)) + 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void multFlavourMinusProjMinus(iVector<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0) = -0.5*rhs(0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1));
ret(1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0)) - 0.5*rhs(1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void lmultFlavourMinusProjMinus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,0));
ret(0,1) = -0.5*rhs(0,1) + 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,0) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,0)) - 0.5*rhs(1,0);
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,1)) - 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline void rmultFlavourMinusProjMinus(iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &ret, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &rhs)
ret(0,0) = -0.5*rhs(0,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(0,1));
ret(0,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(0,0)) - 0.5*rhs(0,1);
ret(1,0) = -0.5*rhs(1,0) + 0.5*timesI(rhs(1,1));
ret(1,1) = 0.5*timesMinusI(rhs(1,0)) - 0.5*rhs(1,1);
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline auto operator*(const GparityFlavour &G, const iVector<vtype, Ngp> &arg)
->typename std::enable_if<matchGridTensorIndex<iVector<vtype, Ngp>, GparityFlavourTensorIndex>::value, iVector<vtype, Ngp>>::type
iVector<vtype, Ngp> ret;
switch (G.g)
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaX:
multFlavourSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaX:
multFlavourMinusSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaY:
multFlavourSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaY:
multFlavourMinusSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaZ:
multFlavourSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaZ:
multFlavourMinusSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::Identity:
multFlavourIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusIdentity:
multFlavourMinusIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjPlus:
multFlavourProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjPlus:
multFlavourMinusProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjMinus:
multFlavourProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjMinus:
multFlavourMinusProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
default: assert(0);
return ret;
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline auto operator*(const GparityFlavour &G, const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &arg)
->typename std::enable_if<matchGridTensorIndex<iMatrix<vtype, Ngp>, GparityFlavourTensorIndex>::value, iMatrix<vtype, Ngp>>::type
iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> ret;
switch (G.g)
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaX:
lmultFlavourSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaX:
lmultFlavourMinusSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaY:
lmultFlavourSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaY:
lmultFlavourMinusSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaZ:
lmultFlavourSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaZ:
lmultFlavourMinusSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::Identity:
lmultFlavourIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusIdentity:
lmultFlavourMinusIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjPlus:
lmultFlavourProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjPlus:
lmultFlavourMinusProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjMinus:
lmultFlavourProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjMinus:
lmultFlavourMinusProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
default: assert(0);
return ret;
template<class vtype>
accelerator_inline auto operator*(const iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> &arg, const GparityFlavour &G)
->typename std::enable_if<matchGridTensorIndex<iMatrix<vtype, Ngp>, GparityFlavourTensorIndex>::value, iMatrix<vtype, Ngp>>::type
iMatrix<vtype, Ngp> ret;
switch (G.g)
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaX:
rmultFlavourSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaX:
rmultFlavourMinusSigmaX(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaY:
rmultFlavourSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaY:
rmultFlavourMinusSigmaY(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::SigmaZ:
rmultFlavourSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusSigmaZ:
rmultFlavourMinusSigmaZ(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::Identity:
rmultFlavourIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusIdentity:
rmultFlavourMinusIdentity(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjPlus:
rmultFlavourProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjPlus:
rmultFlavourMinusProjPlus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::ProjMinus:
rmultFlavourProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
case GparityFlavour::Algebra::MinusProjMinus:
rmultFlavourMinusProjMinus(ret, arg); break;
default: assert(0);
return ret;
#endif // include guard

View File

@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ namespace PeriodicBC {
return CovShiftBackward(Link,mu,arg);
//Boundary-aware C-shift of gauge links / gauge transformation matrices
template<class gauge> Lattice<gauge>
CshiftLink(const Lattice<gauge> &Link, int mu, int shift)
return Cshift(Link, mu, shift);
@ -158,6 +164,9 @@ namespace ConjugateBC {
// std::cout<<"Gparity::CovCshiftBackward mu="<<mu<<std::endl;
return Cshift(tmp,mu,-1);// moves towards positive mu
//Out(x) = U^dag_\mu(x-mu) | x_\mu != 0
// = U^T_\mu(L-1) | x_\mu == 0
template<class gauge> Lattice<gauge>
CovShiftIdentityBackward(const Lattice<gauge> &Link, int mu) {
GridBase *grid = Link.Grid();
@ -176,6 +185,9 @@ namespace ConjugateBC {
return Link;
//Out(x) = S_\mu(x+\hat\mu) | x_\mu != L-1
// = S*_\mu(0) | x_\mu == L-1
//Note: While this is used for Staples it is also applicable for shifting gauge links or gauge transformation matrices
template<class gauge> Lattice<gauge>
ShiftStaple(const Lattice<gauge> &Link, int mu)
@ -208,6 +220,35 @@ namespace ConjugateBC {
return CovShiftBackward(Link,mu,arg);
//Boundary-aware C-shift of gauge links / gauge transformation matrices
//shift = 1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x+\hat\mu) | x_\mu != L-1
// = U*_\mu(0) | x_\mu == L-1
//shift = -1
//Out(x) = U_\mu(x-mu) | x_\mu != 0
// = U*_\mu(L-1) | x_\mu == 0
template<class gauge> Lattice<gauge>
CshiftLink(const Lattice<gauge> &Link, int mu, int shift)
GridBase *grid = Link.Grid();
int Lmu = grid->GlobalDimensions()[mu] - 1;
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger>> coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(coor, mu);
Lattice<gauge> tmp(grid);
if(shift == 1){
tmp = Cshift(Link, mu, 1);
tmp = where(coor == Lmu, conjugate(tmp), tmp);
return tmp;
}else if(shift == -1){
tmp = Link;
tmp = where(coor == Lmu, conjugate(tmp), tmp);
return Cshift(tmp, mu, -1);
}else assert(0 && "Invalid shift value");
return tmp; //shuts up the compiler fussing about the return type

View File

@ -40,27 +40,46 @@ public:
typedef typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField GaugeMat;
typedef typename Gimpl::GaugeField GaugeLorentz;
static void GaugeLinkToLieAlgebraField(const std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,std::vector<GaugeMat> &A) {
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
Complex cmi(0.0,-1.0);
A[mu] = Ta(U[mu]) * cmi;
//A_\mu(x) = -i Ta(U_\mu(x) ) where Ta(U) = 1/2( U - U^dag ) - 1/2N tr(U - U^dag) is the traceless antihermitian part. This is an O(A^3) approximation to the logarithm of U
static void GaugeLinkToLieAlgebraField(const GaugeMat &U, GaugeMat &A) {
Complex cmi(0.0,-1.0);
A = Ta(U) * cmi;
static void DmuAmu(const std::vector<GaugeMat> &A,GaugeMat &dmuAmu,int orthog) {
//The derivative of the Lie algebra field
static void DmuAmu(const std::vector<GaugeMat> &U, GaugeMat &dmuAmu,int orthog) {
GridBase* grid = U[0].Grid();
GaugeMat Ax(grid);
GaugeMat Axm1(grid);
GaugeMat Utmp(grid);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
if ( mu != orthog ) {
dmuAmu = dmuAmu + A[mu] - Cshift(A[mu],mu,-1);
//Rather than define functionality to work out how the BCs apply to A_\mu we simply use the BC-aware Cshift to the gauge links and compute A_\mu(x) and A_\mu(x-1) separately
//Ax = A_\mu(x)
GaugeLinkToLieAlgebraField(U[mu], Ax);
//Axm1 = A_\mu(x_\mu-1)
Utmp = Gimpl::CshiftLink(U[mu], mu, -1);
GaugeLinkToLieAlgebraField(Utmp, Axm1);
dmuAmu = dmuAmu + Ax - Axm1;
static void SteepestDescentGaugeFix(GaugeLorentz &Umu,Real & alpha,int maxiter,Real Omega_tol, Real Phi_tol,bool Fourier=false,int orthog=-1) {
//Fix the gauge field Umu
//0 < alpha < 1 is related to the step size, cf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.5812.pdf
static void SteepestDescentGaugeFix(GaugeLorentz &Umu, Real alpha,int maxiter,Real Omega_tol, Real Phi_tol,bool Fourier=false,int orthog=-1) {
GridBase *grid = Umu.Grid();
GaugeMat xform(grid);
static void SteepestDescentGaugeFix(GaugeLorentz &Umu,GaugeMat &xform,Real & alpha,int maxiter,Real Omega_tol, Real Phi_tol,bool Fourier=false,int orthog=-1) {
//Fix the gauge field Umu and also return the gauge transformation from the original gauge field, xform
static void SteepestDescentGaugeFix(GaugeLorentz &Umu,GaugeMat &xform, Real alpha,int maxiter,Real Omega_tol, Real Phi_tol,bool Fourier=false,int orthog=-1) {
GridBase *grid = Umu.Grid();
@ -122,27 +141,24 @@ public:
assert(0 && "Gauge fixing did not converge within the specified number of iterations");
static Real SteepestDescentStep(std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,GaugeMat &xform,Real & alpha, GaugeMat & dmuAmu,int orthog) {
static Real SteepestDescentStep(std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,GaugeMat &xform, Real alpha, GaugeMat & dmuAmu,int orthog) {
GridBase *grid = U[0].Grid();
std::vector<GaugeMat> A(Nd,grid);
GaugeMat g(grid);
Real vol = grid->gSites();
Real trG = TensorRemove(sum(trace(g))).real()/vol/Nc;
xform = g*xform ;
return trG;
static Real FourierAccelSteepestDescentStep(std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,GaugeMat &xform,Real & alpha, GaugeMat & dmuAmu,int orthog) {
static Real FourierAccelSteepestDescentStep(std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,GaugeMat &xform, Real alpha, GaugeMat & dmuAmu,int orthog) {
GridBase *grid = U[0].Grid();
@ -157,11 +173,7 @@ public:
GaugeMat g(grid);
GaugeMat dmuAmu_p(grid);
std::vector<GaugeMat> A(Nd,grid);
std::vector<int> mask(Nd,1);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++) if (mu==orthog) mask[mu]=0;
@ -205,16 +217,16 @@ public:
Real trG = TensorRemove(sum(trace(g))).real()/vol/Nc;
xform = g*xform ;
return trG;
static void ExpiAlphaDmuAmu(const std::vector<GaugeMat> &A,GaugeMat &g,Real & alpha, GaugeMat &dmuAmu,int orthog) {
static void ExpiAlphaDmuAmu(const std::vector<GaugeMat> &U,GaugeMat &g, Real alpha, GaugeMat &dmuAmu,int orthog) {
GridBase *grid = g.Grid();
Complex cialpha(0.0,-alpha);
GaugeMat ciadmam(grid);
ciadmam = dmuAmu*cialpha;

View File

@ -694,32 +694,32 @@ public:
* Adjoint rep gauge xform
template<typename GaugeField,typename GaugeMat>
static void GaugeTransform( GaugeField &Umu, GaugeMat &g){
template<typename Gimpl>
static void GaugeTransform(typename Gimpl::GaugeField &Umu, typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField &g){
GridBase *grid = Umu.Grid();
GaugeMat U(grid);
GaugeMat ag(grid); ag = adj(g);
typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField U(grid);
typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField ag(grid); ag = adj(g);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
U= PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu,mu);
U = g*U*Cshift(ag, mu, 1);
U = g*U*Gimpl::CshiftLink(ag, mu, 1); //BC-aware
template<typename GaugeMat>
static void GaugeTransform( std::vector<GaugeMat> &U, GaugeMat &g){
template<typename Gimpl>
static void GaugeTransform( std::vector<typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField> &U, typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField &g){
GridBase *grid = g.Grid();
GaugeMat ag(grid); ag = adj(g);
typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField ag(grid); ag = adj(g);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
U[mu] = g*U[mu]*Cshift(ag, mu, 1);
U[mu] = g*U[mu]*Gimpl::CshiftLink(ag, mu, 1); //BC-aware
template<typename GaugeField,typename GaugeMat>
static void RandomGaugeTransform(GridParallelRNG &pRNG, GaugeField &Umu, GaugeMat &g){
template<typename Gimpl>
static void RandomGaugeTransform(GridParallelRNG &pRNG, typename Gimpl::GaugeField &Umu, typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField &g){
// Projects the algebra components a lattice matrix (of dimension ncol*ncol -1 )

View File

@ -125,6 +125,56 @@ public:
return sumplaq / vol / faces / Nc; // Nd , Nc dependent... FIXME
// sum over all spatial planes of plaquette
static void siteSpatialPlaquette(ComplexField &Plaq,
const std::vector<GaugeMat> &U) {
ComplexField sitePlaq(U[0].Grid());
Plaq = Zero();
for (int mu = 1; mu < Nd-1; mu++) {
for (int nu = 0; nu < mu; nu++) {
traceDirPlaquette(sitePlaq, U, mu, nu);
Plaq = Plaq + sitePlaq;
// sum over all x,y,z and over all spatial planes of plaquette
static std::vector<RealD> timesliceSumSpatialPlaquette(const GaugeLorentz &Umu) {
std::vector<GaugeMat> U(Nd, Umu.Grid());
// inefficient here
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
U[mu] = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu, mu);
ComplexField Plaq(Umu.Grid());
siteSpatialPlaquette(Plaq, U);
typedef typename ComplexField::scalar_object sobj;
std::vector<sobj> Tq;
sliceSum(Plaq, Tq, Nd-1);
std::vector<Real> out(Tq.size());
for(int t=0;t<Tq.size();t++) out[t] = TensorRemove(Tq[t]).real();
return out;
// average over all x,y,z and over all spatial planes of plaquette
static std::vector<RealD> timesliceAvgSpatialPlaquette(const GaugeLorentz &Umu) {
std::vector<RealD> sumplaq = timesliceSumSpatialPlaquette(Umu);
int Lt = Umu.Grid()->FullDimensions()[Nd-1];
assert(sumplaq.size() == Lt);
double vol = Umu.Grid()->gSites() / Lt;
double faces = (1.0 * (Nd - 1)* (Nd - 2)) / 2.0;
for(int t=0;t<Lt;t++)
sumplaq[t] = sumplaq[t] / vol / faces / Nc; // Nd , Nc dependent... FIXME
return sumplaq;
// average over all x,y,z the temporal loop
@ -363,11 +413,11 @@ public:
GaugeMat u = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu, mu); // some redundant copies
GaugeMat vu = v*u;
//FS = 0.25*Ta(u*v + Cshift(vu, mu, -1));
FS = (u*v + Cshift(vu, mu, -1));
FS = (u*v + Gimpl::CshiftLink(vu, mu, -1));
FS = 0.125*(FS - adj(FS));
static Real TopologicalCharge(GaugeLorentz &U){
static Real TopologicalCharge(const GaugeLorentz &U){
// 4d topological charge
// Bx = -iF(y,z), By = -iF(z,y), Bz = -iF(x,y)
@ -390,6 +440,203 @@ public:
//Clover-leaf Wilson loop combination for arbitrary mu-extent M and nu extent N, mu >= nu
//cf https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-lat/9701012.pdf Eq 7 for 1x2 Wilson loop
//Clockwise ordering
static void CloverleafMxN(GaugeMat &FS, const GaugeMat &Umu, const GaugeMat &Unu, int mu, int nu, int M, int N){
#define Fmu(A) Gimpl::CovShiftForward(Umu, mu, A)
#define Bmu(A) Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(Umu, mu, A)
#define Fnu(A) Gimpl::CovShiftForward(Unu, nu, A)
#define Bnu(A) Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(Unu, nu, A)
#define FmuI Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityForward(Umu, mu)
#define BmuI Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityBackward(Umu, mu)
#define FnuI Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityForward(Unu, nu)
#define BnuI Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityBackward(Unu, nu)
//Upper right loop
GaugeMat tmp = BmuI;
for(int i=1;i<M;i++)
tmp = Bmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Bnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Fmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Fnu(tmp);
FS = tmp;
//Upper left loop
tmp = BnuI;
for(int j=1;j<N;j++)
tmp = Bnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Fmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Fnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Bmu(tmp);
FS = FS + tmp;
//Lower right loop
tmp = FnuI;
for(int j=1;j<N;j++)
tmp = Fnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Bmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Bnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Fmu(tmp);
FS = FS + tmp;
//Lower left loop
tmp = FmuI;
for(int i=1;i<M;i++)
tmp = Fmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Fnu(tmp);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
tmp = Bmu(tmp);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
tmp = Bnu(tmp);
FS = FS + tmp;
#undef Fmu
#undef Bmu
#undef Fnu
#undef Bnu
#undef FmuI
#undef BmuI
#undef FnuI
#undef BnuI
//Field strength from MxN Wilson loop
//Note F_numu = - F_munu
static void FieldStrengthMxN(GaugeMat &FS, const GaugeLorentz &U, int mu, int nu, int M, int N){
GaugeMat Umu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(U, mu);
GaugeMat Unu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(U, nu);
if(M == N){
GaugeMat F(Umu.Grid());
CloverleafMxN(F, Umu, Unu, mu, nu, M, N);
FS = 0.125 * ( F - adj(F) );
//Average over both orientations
GaugeMat horizontal(Umu.Grid()), vertical(Umu.Grid());
CloverleafMxN(horizontal, Umu, Unu, mu, nu, M, N);
CloverleafMxN(vertical, Umu, Unu, mu, nu, N, M);
FS = 0.0625 * ( horizontal - adj(horizontal) + vertical - adj(vertical) );
//Topological charge contribution from MxN Wilson loops
//cf https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-lat/9701012.pdf Eq 6
//output is the charge by timeslice: sum over timeslices to obtain the total
static std::vector<Real> TimesliceTopologicalChargeMxN(const GaugeLorentz &U, int M, int N){
assert(Nd == 4);
std::vector<std::vector<GaugeMat*> > F(Nd,std::vector<GaugeMat*>(Nd,nullptr));
//Note F_numu = - F_munu
//hence we only need to loop over mu,nu,rho,sigma that aren't related by permuting mu,nu or rho,sigma
//Use nu > mu
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd-1;mu++){
for(int nu=mu+1; nu<Nd; nu++){
F[mu][nu] = new GaugeMat(U.Grid());
FieldStrengthMxN(*F[mu][nu], U, mu, nu, M, N);
Real coeff = -1./(32 * M_PI*M_PI * M*M * N*N); //overall sign to match CPS and Grid conventions, possibly related to time direction = 3 vs 0
static const int combs[3][4] = { {0,1,2,3}, {0,2,1,3}, {0,3,1,2} };
static const int signs[3] = { 1, -1, 1 }; //epsilon_{mu nu rho sigma}
ComplexField fsum(U.Grid());
fsum = Zero();
for(int c=0;c<3;c++){
int mu = combs[c][0], nu = combs[c][1], rho = combs[c][2], sigma = combs[c][3];
int eps = signs[c];
fsum = fsum + (8. * coeff * eps) * trace( (*F[mu][nu]) * (*F[rho][sigma]) );
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd-1;mu++)
for(int nu=mu+1; nu<Nd; nu++)
delete F[mu][nu];
typedef typename ComplexField::scalar_object sobj;
std::vector<sobj> Tq;
sliceSum(fsum, Tq, Nd-1);
std::vector<Real> out(Tq.size());
for(int t=0;t<Tq.size();t++) out[t] = TensorRemove(Tq[t]).real();
return out;
static Real TopologicalChargeMxN(const GaugeLorentz &U, int M, int N){
std::vector<Real> Tq = TimesliceTopologicalChargeMxN(U,M,N);
Real out(0);
for(int t=0;t<Tq.size();t++) out += Tq[t];
return out;
//Generate the contributions to the 5Li topological charge from Wilson loops of the following sizes
//Use coefficients from hep-lat/9701012
//1x1 : c1=(19.-55.*c5)/9.
//2x2 : c2=(1-64.*c5)/9.
//1x2 : c3=(-64.+640.*c5)/45.
//1x3 : c4=1./5.-2.*c5
//3x3 : c5=1./20.
//Output array outer index contains the loops in the above order
//Inner index is the time coordinate
static std::vector<std::vector<Real> > TimesliceTopologicalCharge5LiContributions(const GaugeLorentz &U){
static const int exts[5][2] = { {1,1}, {2,2}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {3,3} };
std::vector<std::vector<Real> > out(5);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
out[i] = TimesliceTopologicalChargeMxN(U,exts[i][0],exts[i][1]);
return out;
static std::vector<Real> TopologicalCharge5LiContributions(const GaugeLorentz &U){
static const int exts[5][2] = { {1,1}, {2,2}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {3,3} };
std::vector<Real> out(5);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Computing topological charge" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
out[i] = TopologicalChargeMxN(U,exts[i][0],exts[i][1]);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << exts[i][0] << "x" << exts[i][1] << " Wilson loop contribution " << out[i] << std::endl;
return out;
//Compute the 5Li topological charge
static std::vector<Real> TimesliceTopologicalCharge5Li(const GaugeLorentz &U){
std::vector<std::vector<Real> > loops = TimesliceTopologicalCharge5LiContributions(U);
double c5=1./20.;
double c4=1./5.-2.*c5;
double c3=(-64.+640.*c5)/45.;
double c2=(1-64.*c5)/9.;
double c1=(19.-55.*c5)/9.;
int Lt = loops[0].size();
std::vector<Real> out(Lt,0.);
for(int t=0;t<Lt;t++)
out[t] += c1*loops[0][t] + c2*loops[1][t] + c3*loops[2][t] + c4*loops[3][t] + c5*loops[4][t];
return out;
static Real TopologicalCharge5Li(const GaugeLorentz &U){
std::vector<Real> Qt = TimesliceTopologicalCharge5Li(U);
Real Q = 0.;
for(int t=0;t<Qt.size();t++) Q += Qt[t];
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "5Li Topological charge: " << Q << std::endl;
return Q;
// Similar to above for rectangle is required

View File

@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
U_GT = U;
// Make a random xform to teh gauge field
SU<Nc>::RandomGaugeTransform(RNG,U_GT,g); // Unit gauge
SU<Nc>::RandomGaugeTransform<PeriodicGimplR>(RNG,U_GT,g); // Unit gauge
Field in_GT(&Grid);
Field out_GT(&Grid);

View File

@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace Grid;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
template<typename Gimpl>
void run(double alpha, bool do_fft_gfix){
std::vector<int> seeds({1,2,3,4});
int threads = GridThread::GetThreads();
Coordinate latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
@ -55,10 +51,7 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
std::cout<<GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use "<<threads<<" threads"<<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing we can gauge fix steep descent a RGT of Unit gauge *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage << "Using alpha=" << alpha << std::endl;
// int coulomb_dir = -1;
int coulomb_dir = Nd-1;
@ -72,81 +65,167 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
LatticeColourMatrix xform1(&GRID); // Gauge xform
LatticeColourMatrix xform2(&GRID); // Gauge xform
LatticeColourMatrix xform3(&GRID); // Gauge xform
std::cout<< "*********************************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing steepest descent fixing to Landau gauge with randomly transformed unit gauge configuration *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*********************************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
SU<Nc>::ColdConfiguration(pRNG,Umu); // Unit gauge
Real init_plaq=WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(Umu);
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<< init_plaq << std::endl;
//Apply a random gauge transformation to the unit gauge config
SU<Nc>::RandomGaugeTransform(pRNG,Urnd,g); // Unit gauge
Real plaq=WilsonLoops<PeriodicGimplR>::avgPlaquette(Umu);
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
Real alpha=0.1;
//Gauge fix the randomly transformed field
Umu = Urnd;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<PeriodicGimplR>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform1,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,false);
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform1,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,false);
// Check the gauge xform matrices
Utmp = Utmp - Umu;
std::cout << " Norm Difference of xformed gauge "<< norm2(Utmp) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Check the output gauge transformation matrices applied to the original field produce the xformed field "<< norm2(Utmp) << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
Real plaq=WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(Umu);
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
Uorg = Uorg - Umu;
std::cout << " Norm Difference "<< norm2(Uorg) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Norm "<< norm2(Umu) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Norm difference between a unit gauge configuration and the gauge fixed configuration "<< norm2(Uorg) << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Norm of gauge fixed configuration "<< norm2(Umu) << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing Fourier accelerated fixing to Landau gauge with unit gauge configuration *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform2,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true);
Utmp = Utmp - Umu;
std::cout << " Check the output gauge transformation matrices applied to the original field produce the xformed field "<< norm2(Utmp) << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing Fourier accelerated fixing *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<PeriodicGimplR>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform2,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true);
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
Utmp = Utmp - Umu;
std::cout << " Norm Difference of xformed gauge "<< norm2(Utmp) << std::endl;
std::cout<< "******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing steepest descent fixing to Landau gauge with random configuration **" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<< init_plaq << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing non-unit configuration *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,false);
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG,Umu); // Unit gauge
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
std::cout<< "******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing Fourier accelerated fixing to Landau gauge with random configuration **" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<PeriodicGimplR>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true);
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<< init_plaq << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing Fourier accelerated fixing to coulomb gauge *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*****************************************************************" <<std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true);
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing steepest descent fixing to coulomb gauge with random configuration *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG,Umu); // Unit gauge
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<< init_plaq << std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<PeriodicGimplR>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform3,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true,coulomb_dir);
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform3,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,false,coulomb_dir);
std::cout << Umu<<std::endl;
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << std::endl;
std::cout<< "*******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "* Testing Fourier accelerated fixing to coulomb gauge with random configuration *" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "*******************************************************************************************" <<std::endl;
std::cout << " Initial plaquette "<< init_plaq << std::endl;
FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer<Gimpl>::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Umu,xform3,alpha,10000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,true,coulomb_dir);
std::cout << " Final plaquette "<<plaq << " diff " << plaq - init_plaq << " (expect 0)" << std::endl;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
double alpha=0.1; //step size
std::string gimpl = "periodic";
bool do_fft_gfix = true; //test fourier transformed gfix as well as steepest descent
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
std::string sarg(argv[i]);
if(sarg == "--gimpl"){
assert(i<argc-1 && "--gimpl option requires an argument");
gimpl = argv[i+1];
if(gimpl != "periodic" && gimpl != "conjugate")
assert(0 && "Invalid gimpl");
if(gimpl == "conjugate")
alpha = 0.025; //default alpha too large for CCBC
}else if(sarg == "--no-fft-gfix"){
std::cout << "Not doing the Fourier accelerated gauge fixing tests" << std::endl;
do_fft_gfix = false;
}else if(sarg == "--alpha"){
assert(i<argc-1 && "--alpha option requires an argument");
std::istringstream ss(argv[i+1]); ss >> alpha;
if(gimpl == "periodic"){
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Using periodic boundary condition" << std::endl;
run<PeriodicGimplR>(alpha, do_fft_gfix);
std::vector<int> conjdirs = {1,1,0,0}; //test with 2 conjugate dirs and 2 not
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Using complex conjugate boundary conditions in dimensions ";
for(int i=0;i<Nd;i++)
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
run<ConjugateGimplR>(alpha, do_fft_gfix);

View File

@ -228,6 +228,59 @@ void checkGammaL(const Gamma::Algebra a, GridSerialRNG &rng)
std::cout << std::endl;
void checkChargeConjMatrix(){
//Check the properties of the charge conjugation matrix
//In the Grid basis C = -\gamma^2 \gamma^4
SpinMatrix C = testAlgebra[Gamma::Algebra::MinusGammaY] * testAlgebra[Gamma::Algebra::GammaT];
SpinMatrix mC = -C;
SpinMatrix one = testAlgebra[Gamma::Algebra::Identity];
std::cout << "Testing properties of charge conjugation matrix C = -\\gamma^2 \\gamma^4 (in Grid's basis)" << std::endl;
//C^T = -C
SpinMatrix Ct = transpose(C);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C^T=-C ";
test(Ct, mC);
std::cout << std::endl;
//C^\dagger = -C
SpinMatrix Cdag = adj(C);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C^dag=-C ";
test(Cdag, mC);
std::cout << std::endl;
//C^* = C
SpinMatrix Cstar = conjugate(C);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C^*=C ";
test(Cstar, C);
std::cout << std::endl;
//C^{-1} = -C
SpinMatrix CinvC = mC * C;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C^{-1}=-C ";
test(CinvC, one);
std::cout << std::endl;
// C^{-1} \gamma^\mu C = -[\gamma^\mu]^T
Gamma::Algebra gmu_a[4] = { Gamma::Algebra::GammaX, Gamma::Algebra::GammaY, Gamma::Algebra::GammaZ, Gamma::Algebra::GammaT };
for(int mu=0;mu<4;mu++){
SpinMatrix gmu = testAlgebra[gmu_a[mu]];
SpinMatrix Cinv_gmu_C = mC * gmu * C;
SpinMatrix mgmu_T = -transpose(gmu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C^{-1} \\gamma^" << mu << " C = -[\\gamma^" << mu << "]^T ";
test(Cinv_gmu_C, mgmu_T);
std::cout << std::endl;
//[C, \gamma^5] = 0
SpinMatrix Cg5 = C * testAlgebra[Gamma::Algebra::Gamma5];
SpinMatrix g5C = testAlgebra[Gamma::Algebra::Gamma5] * C;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "C \\gamma^5 = \\gamma^5 C";
test(Cg5, g5C);
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -270,6 +323,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
checkGammaL(i, sRNG);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "======== Charge conjugation matrix check" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << std::endl;

View File

@ -55,13 +55,17 @@ static_assert(same_vComplex == 1, "Dirac Operators must have same underlying SIM
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
int nu = 0;
int tbc_aprd = 0; //use antiperiodic BCs in the time direction?
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
if(std::string(argv[i]) == "--Gparity-dir"){
std::stringstream ss; ss << argv[i+1]; ss >> nu;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set Gparity direction to " << nu << std::endl;
}else if(std::string(argv[i]) == "--Tbc-APRD"){
tbc_aprd = 1;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Using antiperiodic BCs in the time direction" << std::endl;
@ -155,13 +159,18 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
//Coordinate grid for reference
LatticeInteger xcoor_1f5(FGrid_1f);
LatticeCoordinate(xcoor_1f5,1+nu); //note '1+nu'! This is because for 5D fields the s-direction is direction 0
src_1f = where( xcoor_1f5 >= Integer(L), 2.0*src_1f,src_1f );
RealD mass=0.0;
RealD M5=1.8;
StandardDiracOp Ddwf(Umu_1f,*FGrid_1f,*FrbGrid_1f,*UGrid_1f,*UrbGrid_1f,mass,M5 DOP_PARAMS);
//Standard Dirac op
AcceleratorVector<Complex,4> bc_std(Nd, 1.0);
if(tbc_aprd) bc_std[Nd-1] = -1.; //antiperiodic time BC
StandardDiracOp::ImplParams std_params(bc_std);
StandardDiracOp Ddwf(Umu_1f,*FGrid_1f,*FrbGrid_1f,*UGrid_1f,*UrbGrid_1f,mass,M5 DOP_PARAMS, std_params);
StandardFermionField src_o_1f(FrbGrid_1f);
StandardFermionField result_o_1f(FrbGrid_1f);
@ -172,9 +181,11 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
ConjugateGradient<StandardFermionField> CG(1.0e-8,10000);
// const int nu = 3;
//Gparity Dirac op
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0);
twists[nu] = 1;
if(tbc_aprd) twists[Nd-1] = 1;
GparityDiracOp::ImplParams params;
params.twists = twists;
GparityDiracOp GPDdwf(Umu_2f,*FGrid_2f,*FrbGrid_2f,*UGrid_2f,*UrbGrid_2f,mass,M5 DOP_PARAMS,params);
@ -271,8 +282,11 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
std::cout << "2f cb "<<result_o_2f.Checkerboard()<<std::endl;
std::cout << "1f cb "<<result_o_1f.Checkerboard()<<std::endl;
std::cout << " result norms " <<norm2(result_o_2f)<<" " <<norm2(result_o_1f)<<std::endl;
//Compare norms
std::cout << " result norms 2f: " <<norm2(result_o_2f)<<" 1f: " <<norm2(result_o_1f)<<std::endl;
//Take the 2f solution and convert into the corresponding 1f solution (odd cb only)
StandardFermionField res0o (FrbGrid_2f);
StandardFermionField res1o (FrbGrid_2f);
StandardFermionField res0 (FGrid_2f);
@ -281,14 +295,15 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
res0o = PeekIndex<0>(result_o_2f,0);
res1o = PeekIndex<0>(result_o_2f,1);
res0o = PeekIndex<0>(result_o_2f,0); //flavor 0, odd cb
res1o = PeekIndex<0>(result_o_2f,1); //flavor 1, odd cb
std::cout << "res cb "<<res0o.Checkerboard()<<std::endl;
std::cout << "res cb "<<res1o.Checkerboard()<<std::endl;
//poke odd onto non-cb field
StandardFermionField replica (FGrid_1f);
StandardFermionField replica0(FGrid_1f);
@ -296,12 +311,13 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
//2nd half of doubled lattice has f=1
replica = where( xcoor_1f5 >= Integer(L), replica1,replica0 );
replica0 = Zero();
std::cout << "Norm2 solutions is " <<norm2(replica)<<" "<< norm2(replica0)<<std::endl;
std::cout << "Norm2 solutions 1f reconstructed from 2f: " <<norm2(replica)<<" Actual 1f: "<< norm2(replica0)<<std::endl;
replica = replica - replica0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/Test_gparity_flavour.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2017
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@bnl.gov>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace Grid;
static constexpr double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
static std::array<GparityFlavourMatrix, GparityFlavour::nSigma> testAlgebra;
void print(const GparityFlavourMatrix &g)
for(int i = 0; i < Ngp; i++)
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "(";
for(int j=0;j<Ngp;j++){
if ( abs( g(i,j)()() ) == 0 ) {
std::cout<< " 0";
} else if ( abs(g(i,j)()() - Complex(0,1)) == 0){
std::cout<< " i";
} else if ( abs(g(i,j)()() + Complex(0,1)) == 0){
std::cout<< "-i";
} else if ( abs(g(i,j)()() - Complex(1,0)) == 0){
std::cout<< " 1";
} else if ( abs(g(i,j)()() + Complex(1,0)) == 0){
std::cout<< "-1";
std::cout<<((j == Ngp-1) ? ")" : "," );
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << std::endl;
void createTestAlgebra(void)
std::array<GparityFlavourMatrix, 3> testg;
const Complex I(0., 1.), mI(0., -1.);
// 0 1
// 1 0
testg[0] = Zero();
testg[0](0, 1)()() = 1.;
testg[0](1, 0)()() = 1.;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "test SigmaX= " << std::endl;
// 0 -i
// i 0
testg[1] = Zero();
testg[1](0, 1)()() = mI;
testg[1](1, 0)()() = I;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "test SigmaY= " << std::endl;
// 1 0
// 0 -1
testg[2] = Zero();
testg[2](0, 0)()() = 1.0;
testg[2](1, 1)()() = -1.0;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "test SigmaZ= " << std::endl;
#define DEFINE_TEST_G(g, exp)\
testAlgebra[GparityFlavour::Algebra::g] = exp; \
testAlgebra[GparityFlavour::Algebra::Minus##g] = -exp;
DEFINE_TEST_G(SigmaX , testg[0]);
DEFINE_TEST_G(SigmaY , testg[1]);
DEFINE_TEST_G(SigmaZ , testg[2]);
DEFINE_TEST_G(Identity , 1.);
GparityFlavourMatrix pplus;
pplus = 1.0;
pplus = pplus + testg[1];
pplus = pplus * 0.5;
DEFINE_TEST_G(ProjPlus , pplus);
GparityFlavourMatrix pminus;
pminus = 1.0;
pminus = pminus - testg[1];
pminus = pminus * 0.5;
DEFINE_TEST_G(ProjMinus , pminus);
template <typename Expr>
void test(const Expr &a, const Expr &b)
if (norm2(a - b) < tolerance)
std::cout << "[OK] ";
std::cout << "[fail]" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogError << "a= " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogError << "is different (tolerance= " << tolerance << ") from " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogError << "b= " << b << std::endl;
void checkSigma(const GparityFlavour::Algebra a, GridSerialRNG &rng)
GparityFlavourVector v;
GparityFlavourMatrix m, &testg = testAlgebra[a];
GparityFlavour g(a);
random(rng, v);
random(rng, m);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Checking " << GparityFlavour::name[a] << ": ";
std::cout << "vecmul ";
test(g*v, testg*v);
std::cout << "matlmul ";
test(g*m, testg*m);
std::cout << "matrmul ";
test(m*g, m*testg);
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Coordinate latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
Coordinate simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(4,vComplex::Nsimd());
Coordinate mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
GridCartesian Grid(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout);
GridSerialRNG sRNG;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "======== Test algebra" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "======== Multiplication operators check" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GparityFlavour::nSigma; ++i)
checkSigma(i, sRNG);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << std::endl;

View File

@ -71,26 +71,14 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
RealD mass=0.2; //kills the diagonal term
RealD M5=1.8;
// const int nu = 3;
// std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0); // twists[nu] = 1;
// GparityDomainWallFermionR::ImplParams params; params.twists = twists;
// GparityDomainWallFermionR Ddwf(U,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,params);
// DomainWallFermionR Dw (U, Grid,RBGrid,mass,M5);
const int nu = 3;
const int nu = 0; //gparity direction
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0);
twists[nu] = 1;
twists[Nd-1] = 1; //antiperiodic in time
GparityDomainWallFermionR::ImplParams params;
params.twists = twists;
params.boundary_phases[0] = 1.0;
params.boundary_phases[1] = 1.0;
params.boundary_phases[2] = 1.0;
params.boundary_phases[3] =- 1.0;
GparityDomainWallFermionR Dw(U,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,params);
Dw.M (phi,Mphi);

View File

@ -71,8 +71,10 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
RealD mass=0.01;
RealD M5=1.8;
const int nu = 3;
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0); twists[nu] = 1;
const int nu = 1;
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0);
twists[nu] = 1;
twists[3] = 1;
GparityDomainWallFermionR::ImplParams params; params.twists = twists;
GparityDomainWallFermionR Ddwf(U,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,params);
Ddwf.M (phi,Mphi);

View File

@ -64,8 +64,12 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
RealD mass=0.01;
const int nu = 3;
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0); twists[nu] = 1;
const int nu = 1;
const int Lnu=latt_size[nu];
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0);
twists[nu] = 1;
GparityWilsonFermionR::ImplParams params; params.twists = twists;
GparityWilsonFermionR Wil(U,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,params);
Wil.M (phi,Mphi);

View File

@ -31,14 +31,38 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace Grid;
typedef typename GparityDomainWallFermionR::FermionField FermionField;
template<typename Action>
struct Setup{};
RealD AllZero(RealD x){ return 0.;}
struct Setup<GparityMobiusFermionR>{
static GparityMobiusFermionR* getAction(LatticeGaugeField &Umu,
GridCartesian* FGrid, GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid, GridCartesian* UGrid, GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid){
RealD mass=0.01;
RealD M5=1.8;
RealD mob_b=1.5;
GparityMobiusFermionD ::ImplParams params;
std::vector<int> twists({1,1,1,0});
params.twists = twists;
return new GparityMobiusFermionR(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,mob_b,mob_b-1.,params);
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
struct Setup<DomainWallFermionR>{
static DomainWallFermionR* getAction(LatticeGaugeField &Umu,
GridCartesian* FGrid, GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid, GridCartesian* UGrid, GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid){
RealD mass=0.01;
RealD M5=1.8;
return new DomainWallFermionR(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5);
template<typename Action>
void run(){
typedef typename Action::FermionField FermionField;
const int Ls=8;
GridCartesian * UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd()),GridDefaultMpi());
@ -56,24 +80,10 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
LatticeGaugeField Umu(UGrid);
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(RNG4, Umu);
std::vector<LatticeColourMatrix> U(4,UGrid);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
U[mu] = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu,mu);
RealD mass=0.01;
RealD M5=1.8;
RealD mob_b=1.5;
// DomainWallFermionR Ddwf(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5);
GparityMobiusFermionD ::ImplParams params;
std::vector<int> twists({1,1,1,0});
params.twists = twists;
GparityMobiusFermionR Ddwf(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,mob_b,mob_b-1.,params);
// MdagMLinearOperator<DomainWallFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Ddwf);
// SchurDiagTwoOperator<DomainWallFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Ddwf);
SchurDiagTwoOperator<GparityMobiusFermionR,FermionField> HermOp(Ddwf);
// SchurDiagMooeeOperator<DomainWallFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Ddwf);
Action *action = Setup<Action>::getAction(Umu,FGrid,FrbGrid,UGrid,UrbGrid);
//MdagMLinearOperator<Action,FermionField> HermOp(Ddwf);
SchurDiagTwoOperator<Action,FermionField> HermOp(*action);
const int Nstop = 30;
const int Nk = 40;
@ -90,8 +100,7 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
PlainHermOp<FermionField> Op (HermOp);
ImplicitlyRestartedLanczos<FermionField> IRL(OpCheby,Op,Nstop,Nk,Nm,resid,MaxIt);
std::vector<RealD> eval(Nm);
FermionField src(FrbGrid);
@ -103,6 +112,28 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
int Nconv;
delete action;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
std::string action = "GparityMobius";
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
if(std::string(argv[i]) == "-action"){
action = argv[i+1];
if(action == "GparityMobius"){
}else if(action == "DWF"){
std::cout << "Unknown action" << std::endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/Test_dwf_multishift_mixedprec.cc
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@bnl.gov>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace Grid;
template<typename SpeciesD, typename SpeciesF, typename GaugeStatisticsType>
void run_test(int argc, char ** argv, const typename SpeciesD::ImplParams &params){
const int Ls = 16;
GridCartesian* UGrid_d = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplexD::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid_d = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid_d);
GridCartesian* FGrid_d = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls, UGrid_d);
GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid_d = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls, UGrid_d);
GridCartesian* UGrid_f = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplexF::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid_f = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid_f);
GridCartesian* FGrid_f = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls, UGrid_f);
GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid_f = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls, UGrid_f);
typedef typename SpeciesD::FermionField FermionFieldD;
typedef typename SpeciesF::FermionField FermionFieldF;
std::vector<int> seeds4({1, 2, 3, 4});
std::vector<int> seeds5({5, 6, 7, 8});
GridParallelRNG RNG5(FGrid_d);
GridParallelRNG RNG4(UGrid_d);
FermionFieldD src_d(FGrid_d);
random(RNG5, src_d);
LatticeGaugeFieldD Umu_d(UGrid_d);
//CPS-created G-parity ensembles have a factor of 2 error in the plaquette that causes the read to fail unless we workaround it
bool gparity_plaquette_fix = false;
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
if(std::string(argv[i]) == "--gparity_plaquette_fix"){
bool cfg_loaded=false;
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
if(std::string(argv[i]) == "--load_config"){
assert(i != argc-1);
std::string file = argv[i+1];
NerscIO io;
FieldMetaData metadata;
if(gparity_plaquette_fix) NerscIO::exitOnReadPlaquetteMismatch() = false;
io.readConfiguration<GaugeStatisticsType>(Umu_d, metadata, file);
metadata.plaquette *= 2.; //correct header value
//Get the true plaquette
FieldMetaData tmp;
GaugeStatisticsType gs; gs(Umu_d, tmp);
std::cout << "After correction: plaqs " << tmp.plaquette << " " << metadata.plaquette << std::endl;
assert(fabs(tmp.plaquette -metadata.plaquette ) < 1.0e-5 );
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(RNG4, Umu_d);
LatticeGaugeFieldF Umu_f(UGrid_f);
precisionChange(Umu_f, Umu_d);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Lattice dimensions: " << GridDefaultLatt() << " Ls: " << Ls << std::endl;
RealD mass = 0.01;
RealD M5 = 1.8;
SpeciesD Ddwf_d(Umu_d, *FGrid_d, *FrbGrid_d, *UGrid_d, *UrbGrid_d, mass, M5, params);
SpeciesF Ddwf_f(Umu_f, *FGrid_f, *FrbGrid_f, *UGrid_f, *UrbGrid_f, mass, M5, params);
FermionFieldD src_o_d(FrbGrid_d);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, src_o_d, src_d);
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<SpeciesD, FermionFieldD> HermOpEO_d(Ddwf_d);
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<SpeciesF, FermionFieldF> HermOpEO_f(Ddwf_f);
AlgRemez remez(1e-4, 64, 50);
int order = 15;
remez.generateApprox(order, 1, 2); //sqrt
MultiShiftFunction shifts(remez, 1e-10, false);
int relup_freq = 50;
double t1=usecond();
ConjugateGradientMultiShiftMixedPrec<FermionFieldD,FermionFieldF> mcg(10000, shifts, FrbGrid_f, HermOpEO_f, relup_freq);
std::vector<FermionFieldD> results_o_d(order, FrbGrid_d);
mcg(HermOpEO_d, src_o_d, results_o_d);
double t2=usecond();
//Crosscheck double and mixed prec results
ConjugateGradientMultiShift<FermionFieldD> dmcg(10000, shifts);
std::vector<FermionFieldD> results_o_d_2(order, FrbGrid_d);
dmcg(HermOpEO_d, src_o_d, results_o_d_2);
double t3=usecond();
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Comparison of mixed prec results to double prec results |mixed - double|^2 :" << std::endl;
FermionFieldD tmp(FrbGrid_d);
for(int i=0;i<order;i++){
RealD ndiff = axpy_norm(tmp, -1., results_o_d[i], results_o_d_2[i]);
std::cout << i << " " << ndiff << std::endl;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage << "Mixed precision algorithm: Total usec = "<< (t2-t1)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage << "Double precision algorithm: Total usec = "<< (t3-t2)<<std::endl;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
bool gparity = false;
int gpdir;
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
std::string arg(argv[i]);
if(arg == "--Gparity"){
gpdir = std::stoi(argv[i+1]);
assert(gpdir >= 0 && gpdir <= 2); //spatial!
gparity = true;
std::cout << "Running test with G-parity BCs in " << gpdir << " direction" << std::endl;
GparityWilsonImplParams params;
params.twists[gpdir] = 1;
std::vector<int> conj_dirs(Nd,0);
conj_dirs[gpdir] = 1;
run_test<GparityDomainWallFermionD, GparityDomainWallFermionF, ConjugateGaugeStatistics>(argc,argv,params);
std::cout << "Running test with periodic BCs" << std::endl;
WilsonImplParams params;
run_test<DomainWallFermionD, DomainWallFermionF, PeriodicGaugeStatistics>(argc,argv,params);