mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-19 16:55:37 +01:00

Alternate implementation involving face operations

This commit is contained in:
Peter Boyle 2023-10-18 22:37:14 -04:00
parent a06f63c110
commit 80471bf762

View File

@ -45,6 +45,139 @@ struct CshiftImplGauge: public CshiftImplBase<typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField::ve
typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField Cshift(const typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField &in, int dir, int shift) const override{ return Gimpl::CshiftLink(in,dir,shift); }
template<class vobj> inline void ScatterSlice(const cshiftVector<typename vobj::scalar_object> &buf,
Lattice<vobj> &lat,
int x,
int dim,
int offset=0)
typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj;
autoView(lat_v, lat, AcceleratorRead);
GridBase *grid = lat.Grid();
Coordinate simd = grid->_simd_layout;
int Nd = grid->Nd();
int block = grid->_slice_block[dim];
int stride = grid->_slice_stride[dim];
int nblock = grid->_slice_nblock[dim];
int rd = grid->_rdimensions[dim];
int ox = x%rd;
int ix = x/rd;
int isites = 1; for(int d=0;d<Nd;d++) if( d!=dim) isites*=simd[d];
Coordinate rsimd= simd; rsimd[dim]=1; // maybe reduce Nsimd
int rNsimd = 1; for(int d=0;d<Nd;d++) rNsimd*=rsimd[d];
int face_ovol=block*nblock;
// assert(buf.size()==face_ovol*rNsimd);
/*This will work GPU ONLY unless rNsimd is put in the lexico index*/
//Let's make it work on GPU and then make a special accelerator_for that
//doesn't hide the SIMD direction and keeps explicit in the threadIdx
//for cross platform
auto buf_p = & buf[0];
accelerator_for(ss, face_ovol,rNsimd,{
// scalar layout won't coalesce
int olane=acceleratorSIMTlane(rNsimd);
sobj obj = buf_p[ss+olane*face_ovol+offset];
// osite
int b = ss%block;
int n = ss/block;
int osite= b+n*stride + ox*block;
// isite
Coordinate icoor;
int lane;
// Transfer into lattice - will coalesce
template<class vobj> inline void GatherSlice(cshiftVector<typename vobj::scalar_object> &buf,
const Lattice<vobj> &lat,
int x,
int dim,
int offset=0)
typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj;
autoView(lat_v, lat, AcceleratorRead);
GridBase *grid = lat.Grid();
Coordinate simd = grid->_simd_layout;
int Nd = grid->Nd();
int block = grid->_slice_block[dim];
int stride = grid->_slice_stride[dim];
int nblock = grid->_slice_nblock[dim];
int rd = grid->_rdimensions[dim];
int ox = x%rd;
int ix = x/rd;
int isites = 1; for(int d=0;d<Nd;d++) if( d!=dim) isites*=simd[d];
Coordinate rsimd= simd; rsimd[dim]=1; // maybe reduce Nsimd
int rNsimd = 1; for(int d=0;d<Nd;d++) rNsimd*=rsimd[d];
int face_ovol=block*nblock;
// assert(buf.size()==face_ovol*rNsimd);
/*This will work GPU ONLY unless rNsimd is put in the lexico index*/
//Let's make it work on GPU and then make a special accelerator_for that
//doesn't hide the SIMD direction and keeps explicit in the threadIdx
//for cross platform
//For CPU perhaps just run a loop over Nsimd
auto buf_p = & buf[0];
accelerator_for(ss, face_ovol,rNsimd,{
// osite
int b = ss%block;
int n = ss/block;
int osite= b+n*stride + ox*block;
// isite
Coordinate icoor;
int olane=acceleratorSIMTlane(rNsimd);
int lane;
// Take out of lattice
sobj obj = extractLane(lane,lat_v[osite]);
buf_p[ss+olane*face_ovol+offset] = obj;
class PaddedCell {
GridCartesian * unpadded_grid;
@ -82,19 +215,20 @@ public:
Coordinate processors=unpadded_grid->_processors;
Coordinate plocal =unpadded_grid->LocalDimensions();
Coordinate global(dims);
GridCartesian *old_grid = unpadded_grid;
// expand up one dim at a time
for(int d=0;d<dims;d++){
if ( processors[d] > 1 ) {
plocal[d] += 2*depth;
for(int d=0;d<dims;d++){
global[d] = plocal[d]*processors[d];
for(int d=0;d<dims;d++){
global[d] = plocal[d]*processors[d];
grids.push_back(new GridCartesian(global,simd,processors));
old_grid = new GridCartesian(global,simd,processors);
template<class vobj>
@ -125,6 +259,17 @@ public:
return tmp;
template<class vobj>
inline Lattice<vobj> ExchangeTest(const Lattice<vobj> &in, const CshiftImplBase<vobj> &cshift = CshiftImplDefault<vobj>()) const
GridBase *old_grid = in.Grid();
int dims = old_grid->Nd();
Lattice<vobj> tmp = in;
for(int d=0;d<dims;d++){
tmp = ExpandTest(d,tmp,cshift); // rvalue && assignment
return tmp;
// expand up one dim at a time
template<class vobj>
inline Lattice<vobj> Expand(int dim, const Lattice<vobj> &in, const CshiftImplBase<vobj> &cshift = CshiftImplDefault<vobj>()) const
@ -147,14 +292,23 @@ public:
if ( processors[dim] == 1 ) islocal = 1;
if ( islocal ) {
// replace with a copy and maybe grid swizzle
double t = usecond();
for(int x=0;x<local[dim];x++){
padded = in;
tins += usecond() - t;
} else {
} else {
// Replace sequence with
// ---------------------
// (i) Gather high face(s); start comms
// (ii) Gather low face(s); start comms
// (iii) Copy middle bit with localCopyRegion
// (iv) Complete high face(s), insert slice(s)
// (iv) Complete low face(s), insert slice(s)
// Middle bit
double t = usecond();
for(int x=0;x<local[dim];x++){
@ -183,12 +337,170 @@ public:
tins += usecond() - t;
// std::cout << GridLogMessage << "dimension " <<dim<<std::endl;
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Old_exchange from"),in,dim);
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Old_exchange to "),padded,dim);
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "PaddedCell::Expand timings: cshift:" << tshift/1000 << "ms, insert-slice:" << tins/1000 << "ms" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand timings: cshift:" << tshift/1000 << "ms, insert-slice:" << tins/1000 << "ms" << std::endl;
return padded;
template<class vobj>
inline Lattice<vobj> ExpandTest(int dim, const Lattice<vobj> &in, const CshiftImplBase<vobj> &cshift = CshiftImplDefault<vobj>()) const
Coordinate processors=unpadded_grid->_processors;
GridBase *old_grid = in.Grid();
GridCartesian *new_grid = grids[dim];//These are new grids
Lattice<vobj> padded(new_grid);
Lattice<vobj> shifted(old_grid);
Coordinate local =old_grid->LocalDimensions();
Coordinate plocal =new_grid->LocalDimensions();
if(dim==0) conformable(old_grid,unpadded_grid);
else conformable(old_grid,grids[dim-1]);
// std::cout << " dim "<<dim<<" local "<<local << " padding to "<<plocal<<std::endl;
double tins=0, tshift=0;
int islocal = 0 ;
if ( processors[dim] == 1 ) islocal = 1;
if ( islocal ) {
// replace with a copy and maybe grid swizzle
double t = usecond();
padded = in;
tins += usecond() - t;
} else {
// Replace sequence with
// ---------------------
// (i) Gather high face(s); start comms
// (ii) Gather low face(s); start comms
// (iii) Copy middle bit with localCopyRegion
// (iv) Complete high face(s), insert slice(s)
// (iv) Complete low face(s), insert slice(s)
return padded;
template<class vobj>
void Face_exchange(const Lattice<vobj> &from,
Lattice<vobj> &to,
int dimension,int depth) const
typedef typename vobj::vector_type vector_type;
typedef typename vobj::scalar_type scalar_type;
typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj;
RealD t_gather=0.0;
RealD t_scatter=0.0;
RealD t_comms=0.0;
RealD t_copy=0.0;
// std::cout << GridLogMessage << "dimension " <<dimension<<std::endl;
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Face_exchange from"),from,dimension);
GridBase *grid=from.Grid();
GridBase *new_grid=to.Grid();
Coordinate lds = from.Grid()->_ldimensions;
Coordinate nlds= to.Grid()->_ldimensions;
Coordinate simd= from.Grid()->_simd_layout;
int ld = lds[dimension];
int nld = to.Grid()->_ldimensions[dimension];
assert(depth<=lds[dimension]); // A must be on neighbouring node
assert(depth>0); // A caller bug if zero
// Face size and byte calculations
int buffer_size = 1;
for(int d=0;d<lds.size();d++){
if ( d!= dimension) buffer_size=buffer_size*lds[d];
int rNsimd = vobj::Nsimd() / simd[dimension];
assert( buffer_size == from.Grid()->_slice_nblock[dimension]*from.Grid()->_slice_block[dimension] *rNsimd);
static cshiftVector<sobj> send_buf;
static cshiftVector<sobj> recv_buf;
int words = buffer_size;
int bytes = words * sizeof(sobj);
// Gather all surface terms up to depth "d"
RealD t=usecond();
int plane=0;
for ( int d=0;d < depth ; d ++ ) {
GatherSlice(send_buf,from,d,dimension,plane*buffer_size); plane++;
for ( int d=0;d < depth ; d ++ ) {
GatherSlice(send_buf,from,ld-depth+d,dimension,plane*buffer_size); plane++;
t_gather= usecond() - t;
// Communicate
int comm_proc = 1;
int xmit_to_rank;
int recv_from_rank;
for(int d = 0; d<depth;d++){
grid->SendToRecvFrom((void *)&send_buf[d*buffer_size], xmit_to_rank,
(void *)&recv_buf[(d+depth)*buffer_size], recv_from_rank, bytes);
grid->SendToRecvFrom((void *)&send_buf[(d+depth)*buffer_size], recv_from_rank,
(void *)&recv_buf[d*buffer_size], xmit_to_rank, bytes);
t_comms= usecond() - t;
// Copy interior -- overlap this with comms
int Nd = new_grid->Nd();
Coordinate LL(Nd,0);
Coordinate sz = grid->_ldimensions;
Coordinate toLL(Nd,0);
t_copy= usecond() - t;
// Scatter all faces
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Face_exchange to before scatter"),to,dimension);
for ( int d=0;d < depth ; d ++ ) {
ScatterSlice(recv_buf,to,d,dimension,plane*buffer_size); plane++;
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Face_exchange to scatter 1st "),to,dimension);
for ( int d=0;d < depth ; d ++ ) {
ScatterSlice(recv_buf,to,nld-depth+d,dimension,plane*buffer_size); plane++;
t_scatter= usecond() - t;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: gather :" << t_gather/1000 << "ms"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: scatter:" << t_scatter/1000 << "ms"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: gather :" << 2.0*bytes/t_gather << "MB/s"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: scatter:" << 2.0*bytes/t_scatter<< "MB/s"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: copy :" << t_copy/1000 << "ms"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: comms :" << t_comms/1000 << "ms"<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogPerformance << "PaddedCell::Expand new timings: comms :" << (RealD)4.0*bytes/t_comms << "MB/s"<<std::endl;
// DumpSliceNorm(std::string("Face_exchange to done"),to,dimension);