mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 09:15:38 +01:00

Small cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Guido Cossu 2016-10-21 17:20:54 +01:00
parent e6acffdfc2
commit cccd14b09e
3 changed files with 3 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ namespace QCD {
typedef WilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplR> WilsonGaugeActionR;
typedef WilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplF> WilsonGaugeActionF;
typedef WilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplD> WilsonGaugeActionD;
typedef VariableWilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplR> VariableWilsonGaugeActionR;
typedef VariableWilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplF> VariableWilsonGaugeActionF;
typedef VariableWilsonGaugeAction<PeriodicGimplD> VariableWilsonGaugeActionD;
typedef PlaqPlusRectangleAction<PeriodicGimplR> PlaqPlusRectangleActionR;
typedef PlaqPlusRectangleAction<PeriodicGimplF> PlaqPlusRectangleActionF;

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@ -82,193 +82,7 @@ class WilsonGaugeAction : public Action<typename Gimpl::GaugeField> {
template <class Gimpl>
class VariableWilsonGaugeAction : public Action<typename Gimpl::GaugeField> {
std::vector<RealD> b_bulk; // bulk couplings
std::vector<RealD> b_xdim; // extra dimension couplings
GridBase *grid;
LatticeComplex beta_xdim;
LatticeComplex beta_xdim_shifted;
LatticeComplex beta_bulk;
int bulk_volume;
VariableWilsonGaugeAction(std::vector<RealD> bulk, std::vector<RealD> xdim,
GridBase *_grid)
: b_bulk(bulk),
beta_bulk(grid) {
// check that the grid is ok
// todo
int Ndim = Nd; // change later
std::vector<int> FullDim = grid->GlobalDimensions();
bulk_volume = 1;
for (int s = 0; s < Ndim - 1; s++) bulk_volume *= FullDim[s];
LatticeComplex temp(grid);
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger> > coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(coor, Ndim - 1);
int Nex = FullDim[Ndim - 1];
assert(b_bulk.size() == Nex);
assert(b_xdim.size() == Nex);
beta_xdim = zero;
for (int tau = 0; tau < Nex - 1; tau++) {
temp = b_xdim[tau];
beta_xdim = where(coor == tau, temp, beta_xdim);
beta_xdim_shifted = Cshift(beta_xdim, Ndim - 1, -1);
beta_bulk = zero;
for (int tau = 0; tau < Nex; tau++) {
temp = b_bulk[tau];
beta_bulk = where(coor == tau, temp, beta_bulk);
virtual void refresh(const GaugeField &U,
GridParallelRNG &pRNG){}; // noop as no pseudoferms
virtual RealD S(const GaugeField &Umu) {
int Ndim = Nd; // change later for generality
conformable(grid, Umu._grid);
std::vector<GaugeLinkField> U(Ndim, grid);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Ndim; mu++) {
U[mu] = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu, mu);
LatticeComplex dirPlaq(grid);
LatticeComplex Plaq(grid);
LatticeComplex SumdirPlaq(grid);
RealD OneOnNc = 1.0 / Real(Nc);
// Lower dim plaquettes
Plaq = zero;
SumdirPlaq = zero;
for (int mu = 1; mu < Ndim - 1; mu++) {
for (int nu = 0; nu < mu; nu++) {
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::traceDirPlaquette(dirPlaq, U, mu, nu);
SumdirPlaq += dirPlaq;
Plaq = Plaq + (1.0 - dirPlaq * OneOnNc) * beta_bulk;
double faces = (1.0 * (Nd - 1) * (Nd - 2)) / 2.0;
SumdirPlaq *= OneOnNc / (RealD(bulk_volume) * faces);
// print slices in the extra dimension
int Nex = grid->_fdimensions[Ndim - 1];
std::vector<TComplex> plaq_ex(Nex);
sliceSum(SumdirPlaq, plaq_ex, Ndim - 1);
for (int ex = 0; ex < Nex; ex++)
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Bulk plaq[" << ex
<< "] = " << TensorRemove(plaq_ex[ex]).real() << std::endl;
// Extra dimension
int mu = Ndim - 1;
for (int nu = 0; nu < mu; nu++) {
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::traceDirPlaquette(dirPlaq, U, mu, nu);
Plaq = Plaq + (1.0 - dirPlaq * OneOnNc) * beta_xdim;
TComplex Tp = sum(Plaq);
Complex p = TensorRemove(Tp);
RealD action = p.real();
return action;
virtual void deriv(const GaugeField &U, GaugeField &dSdU) {
// not optimal implementation FIXME
// extend Ta to include Lorentz indexes
// for the higher dimension plaquettes take the upper plaq of the
// 4d slice and multiply by beta[s] and the lower and multiply by beta[s-1]
// derivative of links mu = 0, ... Nd-1 inside plaq (mu,5)
// for these I need upper and lower staples separated
// each multiplied with their own beta
// derivative of links mu = 5
// living on the same slice, share the same beta
conformable(grid, U._grid);
int Ndim = Nd; // change later
RealD factor = 0.5 / RealD(Nc);
GaugeLinkField Umu(grid);
GaugeLinkField dSdU_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField staple(grid);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Ndim; mu++) {
Umu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(U, mu);
dSdU_mu = zero;
for (int nu = 0; nu < Ndim; nu++) {
if (nu != mu) {
if ((mu < (Ndim - 1)) && (nu < (Ndim - 1))) {
// Spacelike case apply beta space
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::Staple(staple, U, mu, nu);
staple = staple * beta_bulk;
dSdU_mu += staple;
} else if (mu == (Ndim - 1)) {
// nu space; mu time link
assert(nu < (Ndim - 1));
assert(mu == (Ndim - 1));
// mu==tau dir link deriv, nu spatial
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::Staple(staple, U, mu, nu);
staple = staple * beta_xdim;
dSdU_mu += staple;
} else {
assert(mu < (Ndim - 1));
assert(nu == (Ndim - 1));
// nu time; mu space link
// staple forwards in tau
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::StapleUpper(staple, U, mu, nu);
staple = staple * beta_xdim;
dSdU_mu += staple;
// staple backwards in tau
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::StapleLower(staple, U, mu, nu);
staple = staple * beta_xdim_shifted;
dSdU_mu += staple;
dSdU_mu = Ta(Umu * dSdU_mu) * factor;
PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(dSdU, dSdU_mu, mu);

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@ -62,27 +62,15 @@ class HmcRunner : public BinaryHmcRunner {
void BuildTheAction(int argc, char **argv)
int Ndim=5;
typedef WilsonImplR ImplPolicy;
typedef WilsonFermionR FermionAction;
typedef typename FermionAction::FermionField FermionField;
std::vector<int> simd = GridDefaultSimd(Ndim-1,vComplex::Nsimd());
//UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), simd, GridDefaultMpi());
UGrid = new GridCartesian(GridDefaultLatt(),simd,GridDefaultMpi());
UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplex::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
// Gauge action
int Ls = UGrid->_fdimensions[Nd - 1];
std::vector<RealD> betat(Ls,6.0);
std::vector<RealD> betas(Ls,5.6);
betat[Ls-1]= 0.0;
std:cout << GridLogMessage << "Betas: " << betas << std::endl;
VariableWilsonGaugeActionR Waction(betas, betat, UGrid);
//WilsonGaugeActionR Waction(5.6);
WilsonGaugeActionR Waction(5.6);
// Collect actions
ActionLevel<Field> Level1(1);