mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 01:05:38 +01:00

Double length vector type for fast precision change

This commit is contained in:
Peter Boyle 2022-11-15 16:34:21 -05:00
parent 45a001e078
commit e74666a09c

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@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/simd/Grid_vector_types.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#pragma once
template <class Scalar_type, class Vector_type>
class Grid_simd2 {
typedef typename RealPart<Scalar_type>::type Real;
typedef Vector_type vector_type;
typedef Scalar_type scalar_type;
typedef union conv_t_union {
Vector_type v;
Scalar_type s[sizeof(Vector_type) / sizeof(Scalar_type)];
accelerator_inline conv_t_union(){};
} conv_t;
static constexpr int nvec=2;
Vector_type v[nvec];
static accelerator_inline constexpr int Nsimd(void) {
static_assert( (sizeof(Vector_type) / sizeof(Scalar_type) >= 1), " size mismatch " );
return nvec*sizeof(Vector_type) / sizeof(Scalar_type);
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 &operator=(const Grid_simd2 &&rhs) {
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) v[n] = rhs.v[n];
return *this;
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 &operator=(const Grid_simd2 &rhs) {
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) v[n] = rhs.v[n];
return *this;
}; // faster than not declaring it and leaving to the compiler
accelerator Grid_simd2() = default;
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2(const Grid_simd2 &rhs) { for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) v[n] = rhs.v[n]; };
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2(const Grid_simd2 &&rhs){ for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) v[n] = rhs.v[n]; };
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2(const Real a) { vsplat(*this, Scalar_type(a)); };
// Enable if complex type
template <typename S = Scalar_type> accelerator_inline
Grid_simd2(const typename std::enable_if<is_complex<S>::value, S>::type a) {
vsplat(*this, a);
// Constructors
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 & operator=(const Zero &z) {
return (*this);
// mac, mult, sub, add, adj
friend accelerator_inline void mac(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ a,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ x) {
*y = (*a) * (*x) + (*y);
friend accelerator_inline void mult(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) * (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void sub(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) - (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void add(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) + (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void mac(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ a,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ x) {
*y = (*a) * (*x) + (*y);
friend accelerator_inline void mult(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) * (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void sub(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) - (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void add(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ l,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) + (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void mac(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ a,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ x) {
*y = (*a) * (*x) + (*y);
friend accelerator_inline void mult(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) * (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void sub(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) - (*r);
friend accelerator_inline void add(Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ y,
const Grid_simd2 *__restrict__ l,
const Scalar_type *__restrict__ r) {
*y = (*l) + (*r);
// FIXME: gonna remove these load/store, get, set, prefetch
friend accelerator_inline void vset(Grid_simd2 &ret, Scalar_type *a) {
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) vset(ret.v[n],a);
// Vstore
friend accelerator_inline void vstore(const Grid_simd2 &ret, Scalar_type *a) {
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++) vstore(ret.v[n],a);
// Vprefetch
friend accelerator_inline void vprefetch(const Grid_simd2 &v) {
// Reduce
friend accelerator_inline Scalar_type Reduce(const Grid_simd2 &in) {
return Reduce(in.v[0])+ Reduce(in.v[1]);
// operator scalar * simd
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 operator*(const Scalar_type &a, Grid_simd2 b) {
Grid_simd2 va;
vsplat(va, a);
return va * b;
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 operator*(Grid_simd2 b, const Scalar_type &a) {
return a * b;
// Divides
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 operator/(const Scalar_type &a, Grid_simd2 b) {
Grid_simd2 va;
vsplat(va, a);
return va / b;
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 operator/(Grid_simd2 b, const Scalar_type &a) {
Grid_simd2 va;
vsplat(va, a);
return b / a;
// Unary negation
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 operator-(const Grid_simd2 &r) {
Grid_simd2 ret;
ret = ret - r;
return ret;
// *=,+=,-= operators
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 &operator*=(const Grid_simd2 &r) {
*this = (*this) * r;
return *this;
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 &operator+=(const Grid_simd2 &r) {
*this = *this + r;
return *this;
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 &operator-=(const Grid_simd2 &r) {
*this = *this - r;
return *this;
// Not all functions are supported
// through SIMD and must breakout to
// scalar type and back again. This
// provides support
template <class functor>
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 SimdApply(const functor &func, const Grid_simd2 &v) {
Grid_simd2 ret;
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++){
return ret;
template <class functor>
friend accelerator_inline Grid_simd2 SimdApplyBinop(const functor &func,
const Grid_simd2 &x,
const Grid_simd2 &y) {
Grid_simd2 ret;
for(int n=0;n<nvec;n++){
return ret;
// Exchange
// Al Ah , Bl Bh -> Al Bl Ah,Bh
friend accelerator_inline void exchange0(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2){
out1.v[0] = in1.v[0];
out1.v[1] = in2.v[0];
out2.v[0] = in1.v[1];
out2.v[1] = in2.v[1];
friend accelerator_inline void exchange1(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2){
friend accelerator_inline void exchange2(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2){
friend accelerator_inline void exchange3(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2){
friend accelerator_inline void exchange4(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2){
friend accelerator_inline void exchange(Grid_simd2 &out1,Grid_simd2 &out2,Grid_simd2 in1,Grid_simd2 in2,int n)
if (n==3) {
} else if(n==2) {
} else if(n==1) {
} else if(n==0) {
// General permute; assumes vector length is same across
// all subtypes; may not be a good assumption, but could
// add the vector width as a template param for BG/Q for example
friend accelerator_inline void permute0(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b) {
friend accelerator_inline void permute1(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b) {
friend accelerator_inline void permute2(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b) {
friend accelerator_inline void permute3(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b) {
friend accelerator_inline void permute4(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b) {
friend accelerator_inline void permute(Grid_simd2 &y, Grid_simd2 b, int perm) {
if(perm==3) permute3(y, b);
else if(perm==2) permute2(y, b);
else if(perm==1) permute1(y, b);
else if(perm==0) permute0(y, b);
// Getting single lanes
accelerator_inline Scalar_type getlane(int lane) const {
if(lane < vector_type::Nsimd() ) return v[0].getlane(lane);
else return v[1].getlane(lane%vector_type::Nsimd());
accelerator_inline void putlane(const Scalar_type &S, int lane){
if(lane < vector_type::Nsimd() ) v[0].putlane(S,lane);
else v[1].putlane(S,lane%vector_type::Nsimd());
}; // end of Grid_simd2 class definition
// Define available types
typedef Grid_simd2<complex<double> , vComplexD> vComplexD2;
typedef Grid_simd2<double , vRealD> vRealD2;
// Some traits to recognise the types
template <typename T>
struct is_simd : public std::false_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vRealF> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vRealD> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vRealH> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vComplexF> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vComplexD> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vComplexH> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vInteger> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vRealD2> : public std::true_type {};
template <> struct is_simd<vComplexD2> : public std::true_type {};
template <typename T> using IfSimd = Invoke<std::enable_if<is_simd<T>::value, int> >;
template <typename T> using IfNotSimd = Invoke<std::enable_if<!is_simd<T>::value, unsigned> >;
// insert / extract with complex support
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline S getlane(const Grid_simd<S, V> &in,int lane) {
return in.getlane(lane);
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void putlane(Grid_simd<S, V> &vec,const S &_S, int lane){
template <class S,IfNotSimd<S> = 0 >
accelerator_inline S getlane(const S &in,int lane) {
return in;
template <class S,IfNotSimd<S> = 0 >
accelerator_inline void putlane(S &vec,const S &_S, int lane){
vec = _S;
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline S getlane(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in,int lane) {
return in.getlane(lane);
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void putlane(Grid_simd2<S, V> &vec,const S &_S, int lane){
// General rotate
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void vbroadcast(Grid_simd2<S,V> &ret,const Grid_simd2<S,V> &src,int lane){
S* typepun =(S*) &src;
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> =0>
accelerator_inline void rbroadcast(Grid_simd2<S,V> &ret,const Grid_simd2<S,V> &src,int lane){
typedef typename V::vector_type vector_type;
S* typepun =(S*) &src;
ret.v[0].v = unary<vector_type>(real(typepun[lane]), VsplatSIMD());
ret.v[1].v = unary<vector_type>(real(typepun[lane]), VsplatSIMD());
// Splat
// this is only for the complex version
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0, class ABtype>
accelerator_inline void vsplat(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, ABtype a, ABtype b) {
// overload if complex
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void vsplat(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, EnableIf<is_complex<S>, S> c) {
vsplat(ret, real(c), imag(c));
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void rsplat(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, EnableIf<is_complex<S>, S> c) {
vsplat(ret, real(c), real(c));
// if real fill with a, if complex fill with a in the real part (first function
// above)
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void vsplat(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, NotEnableIf<is_complex<S>, S> a)
// Initialise to 1,0,i for the correct types
// For complex types
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vone(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(1.0, 0.0));
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vzero(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(0.0, 0.0));
} // use xor?
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vcomplex_i(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(0.0, 1.0));
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void visign(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(1.0, -1.0));
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vrsign(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(-1.0, 1.0));
// if not complex overload here
template <class S, class V, IfReal<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vone(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(1.0));
template <class S, class V, IfReal<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vzero(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, S(0.0));
// For integral types
template <class S, class V, IfInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vone(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, 1);
template <class S, class V, IfInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vzero(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, 0);
template <class S, class V, IfInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vtrue(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, 0xFFFFFFFF);
template <class S, class V, IfInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vfalse(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret) {
vsplat(ret, 0);
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void zeroit(Grid_simd2<S, V> &z) {
// Vstream
template <class S, class V, IfReal<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vstream(Grid_simd2<S, V> &out, const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vstream(Grid_simd2<S, V> &out, const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
template <class S, class V, IfInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline void vstream(Grid_simd2<S, V> &out, const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
// Arithmetic operator overloads +,-,*
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> operator+(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] = a.v[0]+b.v[0];
ret.v[1] = a.v[1]+b.v[1];
return ret;
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> operator-(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] = a.v[0]-b.v[0];
ret.v[1] = a.v[1]-b.v[1];
return ret;
// Distinguish between complex types and others
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> real_mult(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] =real_mult(a.v[0],b.v[0]);
ret.v[1] =real_mult(a.v[1],b.v[1]);
return ret;
template <class S, class V, IfComplex<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> real_madd(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b, Grid_simd2<S,V> c) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] =real_madd(a.v[0],b.v[0],c.v[0]);
ret.v[1] =real_madd(a.v[1],b.v[1],c.v[1]);
return ret;
// Distinguish between complex types and others
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> operator*(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] = a.v[0]*b.v[0];
ret.v[1] = a.v[1]*b.v[1];
return ret;
// Distinguish between complex types and others
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> operator/(Grid_simd2<S, V> a, Grid_simd2<S, V> b) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] = a.v[0]/b.v[0];
ret.v[1] = a.v[1]/b.v[1];
return ret;
// Conjugate
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> conjugate(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
ret.v[0] = conjugate(in.v[0]);
ret.v[1] = conjugate(in.v[1]);
return ret;
template <class S, class V, IfNotInteger<S> = 0>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> adj(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
return conjugate(in);
// timesMinusI
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void timesMinusI(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> timesMinusI(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
return ret;
// timesI
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline void timesI(Grid_simd2<S, V> &ret, const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> timesI(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &in) {
Grid_simd2<S, V> ret;
return ret;
// Inner, outer
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> innerProduct(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &l,const Grid_simd2<S, V> &r) {
return conjugate(l) * r;
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> outerProduct(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &l,const Grid_simd2<S, V> &r) {
return l * conjugate(r);
template <class S, class V>
accelerator_inline Grid_simd2<S, V> trace(const Grid_simd2<S, V> &arg) {
return arg;
// copy/splat complex real parts into real;
// insert real into complex and zero imag;
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vComplexD2 &out,const vComplexF &in){
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vComplexF &out,const vComplexD2 &in){
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vComplexD2 *out,const vComplexF *in,int nvec){
for(int m=0;m<nvec;m++){ precisionChange(out[m],in[m]); }
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vComplexF *out,const vComplexD2 *in,int nvec){
for(int m=0;m<nvec;m++){ precisionChange(out[m],in[m]); }
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vRealD2 &out,const vRealF &in){
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vRealF &out,const vRealD2 &in){
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vRealD2 *out,const vRealF *in,int nvec){
for(int m=0;m<nvec;m++){ precisionChange(out[m],in[m]); }
accelerator_inline void precisionChange(vRealF *out,const vRealD2 *in,int nvec){
for(int m=0;m<nvec;m++){ precisionChange(out[m],in[m]); }