mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 17:25:37 +01:00
neo ece86f717b checked performance of new vector libaries.
Added check for c++11 support on the configure.ac
2015-05-26 12:02:54 +09:00

319 lines
14 KiB

#ifndef GRID_SIMD_H
#define GRID_SIMD_H
// Define scalar and vector floating point types
// Scalar: RealF, RealD, ComplexF, ComplexD
// Vector: vRealF, vRealD, vComplexF, vComplexD
// Vector types are arch dependent
typedef uint32_t Integer;
#ifdef SSE4
#include <pmmintrin.h>
#if defined(AVX1) || defined (AVX2)
#include <immintrin.h>
// _mm256_set_m128i(hi,lo); // not defined in all versions of immintrin.h
#ifndef _mm256_set_m128i
#define _mm256_set_m128i(hi,lo) _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(lo),(hi),1)
#ifdef AVX512
#include <immintrin.h>
#define _mm512_storenrngo_ps _mm512_store_ps // not present in AVX512
#define _mm512_storenrngo_pd _mm512_store_pd // not present in AVX512
namespace Grid {
typedef float RealF;
typedef double RealD;
typedef RealD Real;
typedef RealF Real;
typedef std::complex<RealF> ComplexF;
typedef std::complex<RealD> ComplexD;
typedef std::complex<Real> Complex;
inline RealF adj(const RealF & r){ return r; }
inline RealF conjugate(const RealF & r){ return r; }
inline RealF real(const RealF & r){ return r; }
inline RealD adj(const RealD & r){ return r; }
inline RealD conjugate(const RealD & r){ return r; }
inline RealD real(const RealD & r){ return r; }
inline ComplexD conjugate(const ComplexD& r){ return(conj(r)); }
inline ComplexD adj(const ComplexD& r){ return(conjugate(r)); }
inline ComplexF conjugate(const ComplexF& r ){ return(conj(r)); }
inline ComplexF adj(const ComplexF& r ){ return(conjugate(r)); }
inline ComplexD innerProduct(const ComplexD & l, const ComplexD & r) { return conjugate(l)*r; }
inline ComplexF innerProduct(const ComplexF & l, const ComplexF & r) { return conjugate(l)*r; }
inline RealD innerProduct(const RealD & l, const RealD & r) { return l*r; }
inline RealF innerProduct(const RealF & l, const RealF & r) { return l*r; }
//Provide support functions for basic real and complex data types required by Grid
//Single and double precision versions. Should be able to template this once only.
inline void mac (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ a,const ComplexD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r);}
inline void sub (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r);}
inline void add (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r);}
// conjugate already supported for complex
inline void mac (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ a,const ComplexF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); }
inline void mult(ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
//conjugate already supported for complex
inline ComplexF timesI(const ComplexF &r) { return(r*ComplexF(0.0,1.0));}
inline ComplexD timesI(const ComplexD &r) { return(r*ComplexD(0.0,1.0));}
inline ComplexF timesMinusI(const ComplexF &r){ return(r*ComplexF(0.0,-1.0));}
inline ComplexD timesMinusI(const ComplexD &r){ return(r*ComplexD(0.0,-1.0));}
inline void timesI(ComplexF &ret,const ComplexF &r) { ret = timesI(r);}
inline void timesI(ComplexD &ret,const ComplexD &r) { ret = timesI(r);}
inline void timesMinusI(ComplexF &ret,const ComplexF &r){ ret = timesMinusI(r);}
inline void timesMinusI(ComplexD &ret,const ComplexD &r){ ret = timesMinusI(r);}
inline void mac (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ a,const RealD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y);}
inline void mult(RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r);}
inline void sub (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r);}
inline void add (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r);}
inline void mac (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ a,const RealF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); }
inline void mult(RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void vstream(ComplexF &l, const ComplexF &r){ l=r;}
inline void vstream(ComplexD &l, const ComplexD &r){ l=r;}
inline void vstream(RealF &l, const RealF &r){ l=r;}
inline void vstream(RealD &l, const RealD &r){ l=r;}
class Zero{};
static Zero zero;
template<class itype> inline void zeroit(itype &arg){ arg=zero;};
template<> inline void zeroit(ComplexF &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void zeroit(ComplexD &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void zeroit(RealF &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void zeroit(RealD &arg){ arg=0; };
#if defined (SSE4)
typedef __m128 fvec;
typedef __m128d dvec;
typedef __m128 cvec;
typedef __m128d zvec;
typedef __m128i ivec;
#if defined (AVX1) || defined (AVX2)
typedef __m256 fvec;
typedef __m256d dvec;
typedef __m256 cvec;
typedef __m256d zvec;
typedef __m256i ivec;
#if defined (AVX512)
typedef __m512 fvec;
typedef __m512d dvec;
typedef __m512 cvec;
typedef __m512d zvec;
typedef __m512i ivec;
#if defined (QPX)
typedef float fvec __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))); // QPX has same SIMD width irrespective of precision
typedef float cvec __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
typedef vector4double dvec;
typedef vector4double zvec;
#if defined (AVX1) || defined (AVX2) || defined (AVX512)
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){
for(int i=0;i<size;i+=64){ // Define L1 linesize above// What about SSE?
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){};
// Permute
// Permute 0 every ABCDEFGH -> BA DC FE HG
// Permute 1 every ABCDEFGH -> CD AB GH EF
// Permute 2 every ABCDEFGH -> EFGH ABCD
// Permute 3 possible on longer iVector lengths (512bit = 8 double = 16 single)
// Permute 4 possible on half precision @512bit vectors.
template<class vsimd>
inline void Gpermute(vsimd &y,const vsimd &b,int perm){
union {
fvec f;
decltype(vsimd::v) v;
} conv;
conv.v = b.v;
switch (perm){
#if defined(AVX1)||defined(AVX2)
// 8x32 bits=>3 permutes
case 2:
conv.f = _mm256_shuffle_ps(conv.f,conv.f,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
case 1: conv.f = _mm256_shuffle_ps(conv.f,conv.f,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2)); break;
case 0: conv.f = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(conv.f,conv.f,0x01); break;
#ifdef SSE4
case 1: conv.f = _mm_shuffle_ps(conv.f,conv.f,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); break;
case 0: conv.f = _mm_shuffle_ps(conv.f,conv.f,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2));break;
#ifdef AVX512
// 16 floats=> permutes
// Permute 0 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> badc fehg jilk nmpo
// Permute 1 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> cdab ghef jkij opmn
// Permute 2 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> efgh abcd mnop ijkl
// Permute 3 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> ijkl mnop abcd efgh
case 3: conv.f = _mm512_swizzle_ps(conv.f,_MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); break;
case 2: conv.f = _mm512_swizzle_ps(conv.f,_MM_SWIZ_REG_BADC); break;
case 1: conv.f = _mm512_permute4f128_ps(conv.f,(_MM_PERM_ENUM)_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); break;
case 0: conv.f = _mm512_permute4f128_ps(conv.f,(_MM_PERM_ENUM)_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2)); break;
#ifdef QPX
#error not implemented
default: assert(0); break;
#include <simd/Grid_vector_types.h>
namespace Grid {
// NB: Template the following on "type Complex" and then implement *,+,- for
// ComplexF, ComplexD, RealF, RealD above to
// get full generality of binops with scalars.
inline void mac (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const ComplexF *__restrict__ a,const vComplexF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const ComplexF *__restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const ComplexF *__restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const ComplexF *__restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const vComplexF *__restrict__ a,const ComplexF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const vComplexF *__restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const vComplexF *__restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vComplexF *__restrict__ y,const vComplexF *__restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const ComplexD *__restrict__ a,const vComplexD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const ComplexD *__restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const ComplexD *__restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const ComplexD *__restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const vComplexD *__restrict__ a,const ComplexD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const vComplexD *__restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const vComplexD *__restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vComplexD *__restrict__ y,const vComplexD *__restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const RealF *__restrict__ a,const vRealF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vRealF *__restrict__ y,const RealF *__restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const RealF *__restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const RealF *__restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const vRealF *__restrict__ a,const RealF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vRealF *__restrict__ y,const vRealF *__restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const vRealF *__restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vRealF *__restrict__ y,const vRealF *__restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const RealD *__restrict__ a,const vRealD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vRealD *__restrict__ y,const RealD *__restrict__ l,const vRealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const RealD *__restrict__ l,const vRealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const RealD *__restrict__ l,const vRealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline void mac (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const vRealD *__restrict__ a,const RealD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(vRealD *__restrict__ y,const vRealD *__restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const vRealD *__restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (vRealD *__restrict__ y,const vRealD *__restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
// Default precision
typedef vRealD vReal;
typedef vComplexD vComplex;
typedef vRealF vReal;
typedef vComplexF vComplex;
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const vComplexF &o){
int nn=vComplexF::Nsimd();
std::vector<ComplexF,alignedAllocator<ComplexF> > buf(nn);
for(int i=0;i<nn;i++){
if(i<nn-1) stream<<",";
return stream;
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const vComplexD &o){
int nn=vComplexD::Nsimd();
std::vector<ComplexD,alignedAllocator<ComplexD> > buf(nn);
for(int i=0;i<nn;i++){
if(i<nn-1) stream<<",";
return stream;
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const vRealF &o){
int nn=vRealF::Nsimd();
std::vector<RealF,alignedAllocator<RealF> > buf(nn);
for(int i=0;i<nn;i++){
if(i<nn-1) stream<<",";
return stream;
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const vRealD &o){
int nn=vRealD::Nsimd();
std::vector<RealD,alignedAllocator<RealD> > buf(nn);
for(int i=0;i<nn;i++){
if(i<nn-1) stream<<",";
return stream;