mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-11-09 23:45:36 +00:00

Hadrons: contractor trajectory loop and file output

This commit is contained in:
Antonin Portelli 2018-11-19 15:45:04 +00:00
parent f592ec8baa
commit f22a27d7f9
7 changed files with 210 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -166,7 +166,13 @@ std::string Hadrons::dirname(const std::string &s)
void Hadrons::makeFileDir(const std::string filename, GridBase *g)
if (g->IsBoss())
bool doIt = true;
if (g)
doIt = g->IsBoss();
if (doIt)
std::string dir = dirname(filename);
int status = mkdir(dir);

View File

@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ typedef XmlReader ResultReader;
typedef XmlWriter ResultWriter;
#define RESULT_FILE_NAME(name) \
name + "." + std::to_string(vm().getTrajectory()) + "." + resultFileExt
#define RESULT_FILE_NAME(name, traj) \
name + "." + std::to_string(traj) + "." + resultFileExt
// recursive mkdir
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 512u
int mkdir(const std::string dirName);
std::string basename(const std::string &s);
std::string dirname(const std::string &s);
void makeFileDir(const std::string filename, GridBase *g);
void makeFileDir(const std::string filename, GridBase *g = nullptr);
// default Schur convention

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ if (env().getGrid()->IsBoss() and !ioStem.empty())\
makeFileDir(ioStem, env().getGrid());\
ResultWriter _writer(RESULT_FILE_NAME(ioStem));\
ResultWriter _writer(RESULT_FILE_NAME(ioStem, vm().getTrajectory()));\
write(_writer, name, result);\

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void TChargedProp::execute(void)
std::vector<int> siteCoor;
LOG(Message) << "Saving momentum-projected propagator to '"
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output) << "'..."
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output, vm().getTrajectory()) << "'..."
<< std::endl;
result.lattice_size = env().getGrid()->_fdimensions;

View File

@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ void TScalarVP::execute(void)
if (!par().output.empty())
LOG(Message) << "Saving momentum-projected HVP to '"
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output) << "'..."
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output, vm().getTrajectory()) << "'..."
<< std::endl;
saveResult(par().output, "HVP", outputData);

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void TVPCounterTerms::execute(void)
if (!par().output.empty())
LOG(Message) << "Saving momentum-projected correlators to '"
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output) << "'..."
<< RESULT_FILE_NAME(par().output, vm().getTrajectory()) << "'..."
<< std::endl;
saveResult(par().output, "scalar_loops", outputData);

View File

@ -37,10 +37,20 @@ using namespace Hadrons;
namespace Contractor
class TrajRange: Serializable
unsigned int, start,
unsigned int, end,
unsigned int, step);
class GlobalPar: Serializable
TrajRange, trajCounter,
unsigned int, nt,
std::string, diskVectorDir,
std::string, output);
@ -50,7 +60,7 @@ namespace Contractor
std::string, file,
std::string, fileStem,
std::string, dataset,
unsigned int, cacheSize,
std::string, name);
@ -62,7 +72,18 @@ namespace Contractor
std::string, terms,
std::vector<std::string>, times,
std::string, translations);
std::string, translations,
bool, translationAverage);
class CorrelatorResult: Serializable
std::vector<Contractor::A2AMatrixPar>, a2aMatrix,
ProductPar, contraction,
std::vector<unsigned int>, times,
std::vector<ComplexD>, correlator);
@ -100,6 +121,26 @@ void makeTimeSeq(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> &timeSeq,
makeTimeSeq(timeSeq, times, current, times.size());
void saveCorrelator(const Contractor::CorrelatorResult &result, const std::string dir,
const unsigned int dt, const unsigned int traj)
std::string fileStem = "", us = "_", filename;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.contraction.terms.size() - 1; i++)
fileStem += result.contraction.terms[i] + us + std::to_string(result.times[i]) + us;
fileStem += result.contraction.terms.back();
if (!result.contraction.translationAverage)
fileStem += "_dt_" + std::to_string(dt);
filename = dir + "/" + RESULT_FILE_NAME(fileStem, traj);
std::cout << "Saving correlator to '" << filename << "'" << std::endl;
ResultWriter writer(filename);
write(writer, fileStem, result);
std::set<unsigned int> parseTimeRange(const std::string str, const unsigned int nt)
@ -107,7 +148,6 @@ std::set<unsigned int> parseTimeRange(const std::string str, const unsigned int
std::smatch sm;
std::vector<std::string> rstr = strToVec<std::string>(str);
std::set<unsigned int> tSet;
for (auto &s: rstr)
@ -230,158 +270,184 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
a2aMat.emplace(p.name, EigenDiskVector<ComplexD>(dirName, par.global.nt, p.cacheSize));
// load data
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a2aMat.size(); ++i)
// trajectory loop
for (unsigned int traj = par.global.trajCounter.start;
traj < par.global.trajCounter.end; traj += par.global.trajCounter.step)
auto &p = par.a2aMatrix[i];
double t, size;
std::cout << ":::::::: Trajectory " << traj << std::endl;
std::cout << "======== Loading '" << p.file << "'" << std::endl;
A2AMatrixIo<HADRONS_A2AM_IO_TYPE> a2aIo(p.file, p.dataset, par.global.nt);
a2aIo.load(a2aMat.at(p.name), &t);
std::cout << "Read " << a2aIo.getSize() << " bytes in " << t/1.0e6
<< " sec, " << a2aIo.getSize()/t*1.0e6/1024/1024 << " MB/s" << std::endl;
// contract
EigenDiskVector<ComplexD>::Matrix buf;
for (auto &p: par.product)
std::vector<std::string> term = strToVec<std::string>(p.terms);
std::vector<std::set<unsigned int>> times;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> timeSeq;
std::set<unsigned int> translations;
std::vector<ComplexD> corr(par.global.nt);
std::vector<A2AMatrixTr<ComplexD>> lastTerm(par.global.nt);
A2AMatrix<ComplexD> prod, buf, tmp;
TimerArray tAr;
double fusec, busec, flops, bytes, tusec;
std::cout << "======== Contraction tr(";
for (unsigned int g = 0; g < term.size(); ++g)
// load data
for (auto &p: par.a2aMatrix)
std::cout << term[g] << ((g == term.size() - 1) ? ')' : '*');
std::cout << std::endl;
if (term.size() != p.times.size() + 1)
HADRONS_ERROR(Size, "number of terms (" + std::to_string(term.size())
+ ") different from number of times ("
+ std::to_string(p.times.size() + 1) + ")");
for (auto &s: p.times)
times.push_back(parseTimeRange(s, par.global.nt));
std::string filename = RESULT_FILE_NAME(p.fileStem, traj);
double t, size;
std::cout << "======== Loading '" << filename << "'" << std::endl;
A2AMatrixIo<HADRONS_A2AM_IO_TYPE> a2aIo(filename, p.dataset, par.global.nt);
a2aIo.load(a2aMat.at(p.name), &t);
std::cout << "Read " << a2aIo.getSize() << " bytes in " << t/1.0e6
<< " sec, " << a2aIo.getSize()/t*1.0e6/1024/1024 << " MB/s" << std::endl;
translations = parseTimeRange(p.translations, par.global.nt);
makeTimeSeq(timeSeq, times);
std::cout << timeSeq.size()*translations.size()*(term.size() - 2) << " A*B, "
<< timeSeq.size()*translations.size()*par.global.nt << " tr(A*B)"
<< std::endl;
// contract
EigenDiskVector<ComplexD>::Matrix buf;
std::cout << "* Caching transposed last term" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int t = 0; t < par.global.nt; ++t)
for (auto &p: par.product)
tAr.startTimer("Disk vector overhead");
const A2AMatrix<ComplexD> &ref = a2aMat.at(term.back())[t];
tAr.stopTimer("Disk vector overhead");
std::vector<std::string> term = strToVec<std::string>(p.terms);
std::vector<std::set<unsigned int>> times;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> timeSeq;
std::set<unsigned int> translations;
std::vector<A2AMatrixTr<ComplexD>> lastTerm(par.global.nt);
A2AMatrix<ComplexD> prod, buf, tmp;
TimerArray tAr;
double fusec, busec, flops, bytes, tusec;
Contractor::CorrelatorResult result;
tAr.startTimer("Transpose caching");
lastTerm[t].resize(ref.rows(), ref.cols());
parallel_for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ref.cols(); ++j)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ref.rows(); ++i)
std::cout << "======== Contraction tr(";
for (unsigned int g = 0; g < term.size(); ++g)
lastTerm[t](i, j) = ref(i, j);
std::cout << term[g] << ((g == term.size() - 1) ? ')' : '*');
tAr.stopTimer("Transpose caching");
bytes = par.global.nt*lastTerm[0].rows()*lastTerm[0].cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("Transpose caching")) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("Transpose caching")) << std::endl;
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("Disk vector overhead")) << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < timeSeq.size(); ++i)
unsigned int dti = 0;
auto &t = timeSeq[i];
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
std::cout << std::endl;
if (term.size() != p.times.size() + 1)
corr[tLast] = 0.;
HADRONS_ERROR(Size, "number of terms (" + std::to_string(term.size())
+ ") different from number of times ("
+ std::to_string(p.times.size() + 1) + ")");
for (auto &dt: translations)
for (auto &s: p.times)
std::cout << "* Step " << i*translations.size() + dti + 1
<< "/" << timeSeq.size()*translations.size()
<< " -- positions= " << t << ", dt= " << dt << std::endl;
if (term.size() > 2)
times.push_back(parseTimeRange(s, par.global.nt));
for (auto &m: par.a2aMatrix)
if (std::find(result.a2aMatrix.begin(), result.a2aMatrix.end(), m) == result.a2aMatrix.end())
std::cout << std::setw(8) << "products";
flops = 0.;
bytes = 0.;
fusec = tAr.getDTimer("A*B algebra");
busec = tAr.getDTimer("A*B total");
tAr.startTimer("Linear algebra");
result.contraction = p;
result.correlator.resize(par.global.nt, 0.);
translations = parseTimeRange(p.translations, par.global.nt);
makeTimeSeq(timeSeq, times);
std::cout << timeSeq.size()*translations.size()*(term.size() - 2) << " A*B, "
<< timeSeq.size()*translations.size()*par.global.nt << " tr(A*B)"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "* Caching transposed last term" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int t = 0; t < par.global.nt; ++t)
tAr.startTimer("Disk vector overhead");
prod = a2aMat.at(term[0])[TIME_MOD(t[0] + dt)];
const A2AMatrix<ComplexD> &ref = a2aMat.at(term.back())[t];
tAr.stopTimer("Disk vector overhead");
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < term.size() - 1; ++j)
tAr.startTimer("Transpose caching");
lastTerm[t].resize(ref.rows(), ref.cols());
parallel_for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ref.cols(); ++j)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ref.rows(); ++i)
tAr.startTimer("Disk vector overhead");
const A2AMatrix<ComplexD> &ref = a2aMat.at(term[j])[TIME_MOD(t[j] + dt)];
tAr.stopTimer("Disk vector overhead");
tAr.startTimer("A*B total");
tAr.startTimer("A*B algebra");
A2AContraction::mul(tmp, prod, ref);
tAr.stopTimer("A*B algebra");
flops += A2AContraction::mulFlops(prod, ref);
prod = tmp;
tAr.stopTimer("A*B total");
bytes += 3.*tmp.rows()*tmp.cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
lastTerm[t](i, j) = ref(i, j);
if (term.size() > 2)
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("A*B total") - busec) << " "
<< Flops(flops, tAr.getDTimer("A*B algebra") - fusec) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("A*B total") - busec) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(8) << "traces";
flops = 0.;
bytes = 0.;
fusec = tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)");
busec = tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)");
tAr.stopTimer("Transpose caching");
bytes = par.global.nt*lastTerm[0].rows()*lastTerm[0].cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("Transpose caching")) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("Transpose caching")) << std::endl;
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("Disk vector overhead")) << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < timeSeq.size(); ++i)
unsigned int dti = 0;
auto &t = timeSeq[i];
result.times = t;
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
A2AContraction::accTrMul(corr[TIME_MOD(tLast - dt)], prod, lastTerm[tLast]);
flops += A2AContraction::accTrMulFlops(prod, lastTerm[tLast]);
bytes += 2.*prod.rows()*prod.cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
result.correlator[tLast] = 0.;
for (auto &dt: translations)
std::cout << "* Step " << i*translations.size() + dti + 1
<< "/" << timeSeq.size()*translations.size()
<< " -- positions= " << t << ", dt= " << dt << std::endl;
if (term.size() > 2)
std::cout << std::setw(8) << "products";
flops = 0.;
bytes = 0.;
fusec = tAr.getDTimer("A*B algebra");
busec = tAr.getDTimer("A*B total");
tAr.startTimer("Linear algebra");
tAr.startTimer("Disk vector overhead");
prod = a2aMat.at(term[0])[TIME_MOD(t[0] + dt)];
tAr.stopTimer("Disk vector overhead");
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < term.size() - 1; ++j)
tAr.startTimer("Disk vector overhead");
const A2AMatrix<ComplexD> &ref = a2aMat.at(term[j])[TIME_MOD(t[j] + dt)];
tAr.stopTimer("Disk vector overhead");
tAr.startTimer("A*B total");
tAr.startTimer("A*B algebra");
A2AContraction::mul(tmp, prod, ref);
tAr.stopTimer("A*B algebra");
flops += A2AContraction::mulFlops(prod, ref);
prod = tmp;
tAr.stopTimer("A*B total");
bytes += 3.*tmp.rows()*tmp.cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
if (term.size() > 2)
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("A*B total") - busec) << " "
<< Flops(flops, tAr.getDTimer("A*B algebra") - fusec) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("A*B total") - busec) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(8) << "traces";
flops = 0.;
bytes = 0.;
fusec = tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)");
busec = tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)");
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
A2AContraction::accTrMul(result.correlator[TIME_MOD(tLast - dt)], prod, lastTerm[tLast]);
flops += A2AContraction::accTrMulFlops(prod, lastTerm[tLast]);
bytes += 2.*prod.rows()*prod.cols()*sizeof(ComplexD);
tAr.stopTimer("Linear algebra");
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - busec) << " "
<< Flops(flops, tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - fusec) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - busec) << std::endl;
if (!p.translationAverage)
saveCorrelator(result, par.global.output, dt, traj);
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
result.correlator[tLast] = 0.;
if (p.translationAverage)
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
result.correlator[tLast] /= translations.size();
saveCorrelator(result, par.global.output, 0, traj);
tAr.stopTimer("Linear algebra");
std::cout << Sec(tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - busec) << " "
<< Flops(flops, tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - fusec) << " "
<< Bytes(bytes, tAr.getDTimer("tr(A*B)") - busec) << std::endl;
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
corr[tLast] /= translations.size();
for (unsigned int tLast = 0; tLast < par.global.nt; ++tLast)
std::cout << tLast << " " << corr[tLast] << std::endl;
printTimeProfile(tAr.getTimings(), tAr.getTimer("Total"));
printTimeProfile(tAr.getTimings(), tAr.getTimer("Total"));