Mixed prec CG algorithm has been modified to precompute precision change workspaces
As the original Test_dwf_mixedcg_prec has been coopted to do a performance stability and reproducibility test, requiring the single-prec CG to be run 200 times, I have created a new version of Test_dwf_mixedcg_prec in the solver subdirectory that just does the mixed vs double CG test
Added a new, much faster implementation of precision change that uses (optionally) a precomputed workspace containing pointer offsets that is device resident, such that all lattice copying occurs only on the device and no host<->device transfer is required, other than the pointer table. It also avoids the need to unpack and repack the fields using explicit lane copying. When this new precisionChange is called without a workspace, one will be computed on-the-fly; however it is still considerably faster than the original implementation.
In the special case of using double2 and when the Grids are the same, calls to the new precisionChange will automatically use precisionChangeFast, such that there is a single API call for all precision changes.
Reliable update and mixed-prec multishift have been modified to precompute precision change workspaces
Renamed the original precisionChange as precisionChangeOrig
Fixed incorrect pointer offset bug in copyLane
Added a test and a benchmark for precisionChange
Added a test for reliable update CG
Modified the Wilson flow adaptive smearing step size update to implement the original Ramos definition of the distance, where previously it used the norm of a difference which scales with the volume and so would choose too coarse or too fine steps depending on the volume. This is based on Chulwoo's code.
Added a test comparing adaptive (with tuneable tolerance) to iterative Wilson flow smearing on a random gauge configuration.
(The above required exposing the gauge implementation to the HMC class through the Integrator class)
Made the random shift optional (default on) through a parameter in HMCparameters
Modified ConjugateBC::CshiftLink such that it supports any shift in -L < shift < L rather than just +-1
Added a tester for the BC-respecting Cshift
Fixed a missing system header include in SSE4 intrinsics wrapper
Fixed sumD_cpu for single-prec types performing an incorrect conversion to a single-prec data type at the end, that fails to compile on some systems